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Posts posted by JamesHawkins

  1. Does it really need to be this complicated? I use hola.org It's free and you can switch countries to "browse" from by clicking on them in the list. No attached gadgets-no extra costs. I use this to (geo-location) unblock Netflix and Hulu plus with which I have subscriptions-- which are paid for through my Bangkok Bank Debit card. I use It with 3bb 10mbs service and have no problems streaming video. Addons for Chrome and Firefox work very well and are installed with just a couple of clicks. Give it a try if all you need is to connect to internet tv. i.e. BBC ~ you would "browse" from UK and then click on the BBC icon. Take a look.

    Since I don't know what else you may be using a vpn for. maybe all the extras are necessary--guess it depends on what you are doing.

    EDIT: using the cheap 3bb supplied modem with a basic TP Link wireless router

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  2. I use Hola available as an 'add-on' for Chrome or Firefox available from hola.org as a FREE download, then you can sign up and pay a subscription to those that require it. i.e. Netflix or Hulu plus. (I use my Bangkok Bank atm/visa 'Be 1st' account) Others are free such as BBC or basic Hulu. Works quite well with standard 10mb 3bb account. Be sure to NOT try to use a bit torrent downloader at the same time (running in the background-exit the bit torrent completely while using Hola for error free operation)

  3. You need to use a vpn (virtual private network) which provides you with a ip address from whatever country you want (i.e. U.S. for Hulu and Netflix, U.K. for BBC) if you want to subscribe Netflix/Hulu here in Thailand. I use http://hola.org It's free and has an extension for both Chrome and Firefox. I have subscriptions to Netflix and Hulu. ...Pay with my Bangkok Bank "Be 1st" Electronic Visa Atm/Debit card. Also if you like NBA basketball you can subscribe to http://watch.nba.com/nba/ directly without vpn/Hola.

  4. Jonathan Head just looked upset on BBC that his Red Shirt buddies are finished. 55555555

    a wonderful reporter whose ethics are unapproachable - to ban CNN and BBC is a foolish mistake

    Best try another adjective.

    Not friendly, sociable, or warm in manner: aloof, chill, chilly, cool, distant, offish, remote, reserved, reticent, solitary, standoffish, uncommunicative, undemonstrative, withdrawn. See attitude/good attitude/bad attitude/neutral attitude, hot/cold/lukewarm.

    Unable to be reached: inaccessible, inapproachable, unattainable, unavailable, unreachable. Idioms: beyond reach, out of the way. See reach/unreachable.

    Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/unapproachable#ixzz32Vwqcaz5

  5. In the last full election 14 million voted for PTP. 16 million voted for other parties .. that's the truth of it!

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Were "the other parties" that had 16 million votes, the same party? No, they weren't, therefore the party with the most votes gets the opportunity to form a government. I don't know why you find that so hard to understand, it's not rocket science.

    Let's go back, way back, to the time when the Democrat Party formed a government because they actually contested and won the most seats, not by other means.

    That's right, 1996. The dems got just over 18 million votes. 38.8 million people voted for other parties. (16.5 million votes went to the second highest party wrt votes)

    The dems formed a government.

    In reality, that's the truth of it!

    You had better get back into your "way back" machine. The NAP won that election in 1996 just before the financial crash of '97. I wonder how many Ministers (including Thaksin) got very rich with foreknowledge of the devaluing of the baht after General C declared that it wouldn't happen.


    To CDP Home To BU Home

    To ERA Home

    Thailand 1996 Legislative Election

    Chamber House of Representatives

    Date of Election: November 17, 1996

    Type of Electoral System: Majority

    Number of Seats Available:393

    Length of Legislative Term

    4 years

    Number of Seats

    Percentage of Votes

    New Aspiration Party (NAP)



    Democrat Party (DP)



    National Development Party (NDP)



    Thai Nation (Chart Thai)



    Social Action Party (SAP)



    Thai Citizens (Prachakorn Thai)



    Solidarity (Ekkaparb)



    Liberal Democratic Party (Seri Tham)



    Mass Party (Muan Chon)



    Righteous Force (Palang Dharma)



    Thai Party (Thai)



    Source: Political Handbook of the World 1999, Binghamton, NY: CSA Publications, 1999.

    Population Size

    60 652 000

    Registered Voters

    38 564 836

    Total Votes

    24 060 744

    Vote/Registered Voter


    Spoilt Ballots


    Source: Voter Turnout: Thailand. [internet]. International IDEA. 15 April 2002.

    Sorry about formatting: follow link for better view.

  6. Now this could be very interesting to watch. If someone defamed me like that, I would just sue.

    Why wouldn't he sue, only threaten to?

    That's is the question that is most interesting.

    My speculation is that he wants the paper(s) to cut down on the hype and stop making the situation worse than it is. If he sues he would probably win and maybe put the paper out of business - if his interest was personal and financial that would be the best action. However that would take time and I suspect that he is interested in the here and now. By threatening he maybe be able to influence the paper to comply with his wish (reduce the hype) and do so now while it is most useful.

    He is a solider and understands that while the bullet is unfired it continues to be useful - but that you can only fire a bullet once.

    Oh come on, he's notoriously thin skinned. In January last year he had army soldiers demonstrating outside of the ASTV offices when they accused him of being like a woman with a period over his handling of the border skirmishes with Cambodia over Preah Vihear. The PAD were upset he hadn't started a war with Cambodia apparently

    This past weekend, around 40-50 military officers gathered in front of the building of ASTV-Manager protesting the newspaper’s harsh criticism of the army and the ‘slandering’ of their armed forces chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha. The soldiers from the 1st army regionassembled on Friday afternoon after the newspaper compared Prayuth’s most recent outburst to a “woman in her periods”.

    A second protest was staged on Saturday morning at the same spot and they threatened to repeat it again every day until the paper apologizes.

    The show of force by the officers in green came after a public tit-for-tat between General Prayuth and the newspaper, the latter attacking the armed forces for their handling of the border conflict with neighboring Cambodia over the ancient Hindu temple Preah Vihear.


    Here they are. If you look closely you'll see the Starbung coffee vendor was there in the background, top right (before Starbucks got all unnecessary, obviously)


    He called them off eventually and then denied he ordered them to do it whistling.gif He does a lot of denying, does Prayuth.

    Not nearly as much as you.

  7. "He said the savings account now amounts to almost Bt10 billion and is expected to reach Bt20 billion by the end of May."


    He is talking about 3 separate funds that the NACC (not the Govt) set up to help the farmers.

    One is for donations, the other is a non interest bearing term deposit and the third is an interest bearing term deposit with, from memory, 0 .63% interest.

    All of these are subscribed to by the PUBLIC and are nothing to do with the Govt raising money to pay the farmers.

    If he is correct in saying the 3 funds are now up to almost 10 billion and could reach 20 billion it is only because the people of this country, from the goodness of their hearts, are helping the farmers.

    I did read an article that gave the numbers but don't remember where.

    I wonder how many of the PT pollies have contributed, donated ?

    BAAC Launches Fund to Help Rice Farmers

    Published on March 4, 2014 by TFP · No Comments

    BANGKOK, 3 March 2014 (NNT) â A short-term Rice Farmerâs Fund has been established in order to pay farmers while they wait to be fully funded by the government. This fund has been made possible by donations and contributions based on the generosity of Thai people, said Suwimol Aonin, manager of the Ubol Ratchathani branch of the Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC).

    The fundâs value of 20 billion baht merely covers 20 percent of the total debt that the government owes the farmers. The fund can be divided into two types: with 0.63% interest, and another type without interest. In addition, there is a fund open for people to donate to the farmers directly, she said.

    BAAC will manage the fund while waiting for money allocation to farmers. This is a way to help farmers and also triggers domestic consumption during the economic slowdown.

    The bond matures in 8 months and is backed by government debt (i.e. a secure shortterm place to stick cash with the option of earning interest if you want to).

    Added: Most of you are Farang I think. You're on a visa, which requires a deposit of 800,000 baht in a bank account doing nothing. I wonder if this bond counts as a deposit for that visa. It would be a nice gesture to support democracy if that money could be stuck in the BAAC account. Something the EC couldn't block, that would help democracy and help stimulate the economy AV/ST have messed up.

    The EC is ensuring the govt follows the law, an essential aspect of democracy. The economy has been messed up by an incompetent govt with no grasp of economics if the rice scheme is anything is to go by. Suthep's lunacy has not helped I grant but he has only added to the situation PT's misrule created. I would not deposit a large amount of money in a bank that could use it to pay off the govts rice scheme debts. I might never see it again.

    What I'm wondering is how much those "defenders of Democracy"; Thaksin, his children, Yingluck, Surapong and the rest of the clan have contributed to these "funds". Maybe, Blue Nose, if you would offer to match their contributions with one baht of yours for every 100,000 baht by them you would still have some of your savings left. ...check that, you'd still have it all! ...Plus, though I think you could donate (of course that you could do in anybody's name...Thaksin's perhaps). I doubt that they would allow a foreigner to open an interest bearing account. ...and of course the point that Bluespunk makes is certainly in play. ...but hey, you go ahead...isn't the saying... "put your money where your mouth is" ?

  8. fab4, on 26 Apr 2014 - 10:41, said:

    Oh good grief, have you no shame? You don''t even acknowledge you have been wrong all this time. Pointless talking to you.

    "Oh, Good Grief, have you no shame?" One minute you vehemently complain of the prejudicial nature of Nation articles and the next you try to use a short 75 word news item as proof of the "truth". Where are the "rogue soldiers" ? Have they been arrested? Is there anything further on this? Have the "insiders" been tried, convicted and incarcerated? You constantly demonize the military but try to use this allegation by Anupong as some sort of proof that Red shirts are not involved in violence or that it is not possible they have these war weapons. Yesterday you complained about someone dragging something up from four years ago to prove a point then you were sandbagged when recent information and events buttressed their point. You now are trying to use a four year old allegation of rogue soldiers with no follow-up. You were pathetic yesterday and you're pathetic today. You and your 'boiler-room' buddies need to give up.

    "You don''t even acknowledge you have been wrong all this time. Pointless talking to you."

  9. Anyone who implies or claims that Suthep and his thugs are any less corrupt than the Shinawatras and the reds is plainly misinformed and intellectually myopic. Perhaps they are mentally challenged or suffering from inbred tendencies? I don't know.

    The total cash in the rice scheme failure is less than ten percent of the subsidy, the subsidy being paid to private schools to fund private education. Every year. Every government since forever won't touch that slam dunk corruption, since it pays both sides.

    You want to get sick? Read between the lines. The tax payers pay for middle and upper income bracket kids to go to private school at a seventy percent subsidy for as base rate of 14.5K -- the overage is parent abuse and icing on the feces cake. The fee totals are more than a yearly Chula education, and that's for primary school...primary school.

    When you can wrap your punter driven rugby rules political commentating little minds around that, drop me a letter. Until then, go flush yourselves down the toilet, termagants.

    Have a bad day.

    You can prove all of this of course.

    Even if you could, since the majority of people in this country who do actually pay income tax are middle income earners why shouldn't a large part of it benefit them and their family.

    You're aware of VAT I take it? That's not an income specific tax is it? Where do you think that goes?

    I already explained this off-topic rant about private school subsidies in another thread. Basically the amount of subsidy for private schools is roughly equivalent to the subsidy for every student in public schools with the parents responsible for the balance whatever it may be. ,,, And yes everyone pays VAT but would you not agree that middle income families consume more of and more expensive items than a low income family? ...Plus a middle income family is likely to pay more income tax than a low income family, correct? So with everything else being equal why shouldn't the gov't subsidize at the same Rate? They would have to if those students went to public schools plus more schools/classrooms would have to be built since public schools are over crowded with many schools getting many times as many applicants as there is room for them.

    Now let's look at his math. He claims that these subsidies {which are not the amounts he believes, see above!} are 10 times the amount of rice scheme losses. "The total cash in the rice scheme failure is less than ten percent of the subsidy, the subsidy being paid to private schools to fund private education." So depending on what is the loss: 700 billion or 200 billion- Anything lower that 200 billion is being in denial. So his claim is that 2 to 7 trillion baht is paid out per year in subsidies to private schools. The entire education budget is only 500 billion. Busted and since one definition of "termagant" is "a scolding bully" maybe you should look to yourself when spewing out lines of insults.

  10. Stress.

    Welcome to the real world, PM.

    Ask the farmers about the stress of not having been paid for months on how to deal with stress.

    Hopefully though, you won't follow the path of many of them who used suicide as a coping mechanism.

    blood is on Suthep and his followers hands who raided the funding bank with withdrawals, blocked funding via their proxy the EC and other dirty tricks, actually it backfired, the farmers know it was a dirty politics and they know the groups who are responsible for blocking their payments. best of a bad bunch on this topic maybe but they certain ally won't be voting for two faced Suthep and co. next election thats for sure.

    Help, help, I'm being repressed.


    Well Moonao you made 4 false statements and 4 insults in your last posting, so referring to your quote above by the Rabbi, where does that place you on the Rabbi's list of intellectual cowards? ...top of the leaderboard I'd say.

  11. what a loser, still no solutions, just some mumbling about a "discussion".

    whats he still doing in politics, he is doing more damage than good, besides shouldn't he be preparing his defense for the murder charges he is up against ?

    It's amazing. A post of a Khaosod article goes up and 3 minutes later you post. I do believe you had a heads up from your master. I believe if Abhisit had offered a list of solutions then you would complain that he was trying to "dictate" to the people. Abhisit can't satisfy you like the Prince of Dubai does when he rubs your belly. Instead Abhisit says this: He went on, "I hope the discussion on 22 April will not see fights between different parties. The talk should be a discussion about the needs of every side, how to help the country move forward, without violence and coups." Which apparently you don't see any merit in. Keep in mind your beloved PTP will also take part in these talks/discussions so they must see some merit in them and they will be seen on live TV as ordered by the apparently "true" caretaker Chalerm of CAPO fame. Your Princess? ...Well she will be resting in the North because she really doesn't have any position or power in the PTP does she.

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  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Pheu Thai deputy spokesman Anusorn Iamsa-ard said the meeting on Tuesday would prove the Democrats' sincerity in upholding democracy.

    It will prove that they will stand against elections that are actually 'UN-democratic'.

    Unless the PTP version of democracy includes the ability to

    Buy votes.

    Buy village chiefs to force voters to vote PTP.

    Intimidate the Dem campaigners with murder and violence if they attempt to campaign in the north/northeast where 60% of the voters reside.

    Use populist policies that harm the economy to buy targeted votes.

    If the PTP are actually serious about democracy, they will agree to have an electoral reform to severely punish a party for any of the above.

    If they are against an election reform, then they are admitting that they rely on the above to win, which is how they have won their past elections.

    All quite simple really.... PTP hold the key to whether the Dems will agree to participate.

    Your constant barrage of lies and innuendo is tiresome. If you are that certain that illegal acts are being undertaken, go and lodge a complaint. The Thai judicial system would welcome you.

    The intimidation of candidates is more pronounced in the south, particularly in the Democrat stronghold, and apex of corruption in Thaialand, Phuket-Krabi-Surat thani & Nahkon Si Thammarat. Non Democrat candidates have been shot at, had their election signs vandalized and faced threats of violence. And yet, you remain silent. When Suthep was the chief organizer for the Democrats and delivered the votes in his fiefdom, do you think he attracted votes based upon his brilliant ideas and dashing good looks alone?

    You refuse to acknowledge that the Democrat party has its own history of corruption allegations nd of vote buying and of intimidation. The Democrat Party has engaged in its own sophisticated form of gerrymandering except, that it directed it to appointing judges and election officials who could be counted upon to favour the Democrats and sabotage anything PTP.

    I defy you and your coterie of vitriol spewers to step out of the shadows and to make your complaints and allegations public. Nothing precludes you from writing to the Nation and signing your name to that letter. I'm sure they would be willing to publish your allegations since you have them all substantiated.

    You complain of the lies and innuendos, demanding that that he go and lodge a complaint. Two examples in other posts that are related to what he referenced have been highlighted. Candidate/canvasser murdered and poll of Democrat candidates revealing the lack of safety and intimidation of candidates in the North and Northeast. Yet you make the same accusations about the south without even one example. I suggest you do the same that you insist that he do by taking your evidence to the authorities. Write The Nation; sign the letter with your real name. Let me use your words:

    "I defy you and your coterie of vitriol spewers to step out of the shadows and to make your complaints and allegations public. Nothing precludes you from writing to the Nation and signing your name to that letter. I'm sure they would be willing to publish your allegations since you have them all substantiated."

    Your response is a sham.

    Demoracts did not register for the election and no Democrats were on any ballots; therefore, there could be no Demorcat candidates/canvassers to be interferred with. Anyone who wanted to show support for the Democrats would be voting a "no vote" and no one would know who those people might be.

    He and I were and are talking about previous elections. Need to get your post count up to collect your payments I suspect. You and your compatriots in the boiler room are the Sham "masters".

  13. Very sad end to his life and loss to friends and family.

    Now just comment on why in a national park would this guy be out at night gathering veg in the forest. He must have known being a local that Elephants are about in the area.

    In the dark picking veg ?? at that time. makes me wonder why people have to do this. Is there no wild veg in a daytime ??? This is Thailand but personally I would want to be in the home with my family having had a shower and settling down for the night.

    Wondered if he lived within the parks restricted area. These situations should be avoided.

    I suspect he went out in the late afternoon when it was a bit cooler. In contact with elephant at dusk and killed. When he didn't return after dark and checking with neighbors etc. to be sure he wasn't visiting ... they went out to search for him . Took to 10 pm to find him. Nothing unusual, I don't think.

  14. Pheu Thai deputy spokesman Anusorn Iamsa-ard said the meeting on Tuesday would prove the Democrats' sincerity in upholding democracy.

    It will prove that they will stand against elections that are actually 'UN-democratic'.

    Unless the PTP version of democracy includes the ability to

    Buy votes.

    Buy village chiefs to force voters to vote PTP.

    Intimidate the Dem campaigners with murder and violence if they attempt to campaign in the north/northeast where 60% of the voters reside.

    Use populist policies that harm the economy to buy targeted votes.

    If the PTP are actually serious about democracy, they will agree to have an electoral reform to severely punish a party for any of the above.

    If they are against an election reform, then they are admitting that they rely on the above to win, which is how they have won their past elections.

    All quite simple really.... PTP hold the key to whether the Dems will agree to participate.

    Your constant barrage of lies and innuendo is tiresome. If you are that certain that illegal acts are being undertaken, go and lodge a complaint. The Thai judicial system would welcome you.

    The intimidation of candidates is more pronounced in the south, particularly in the Democrat stronghold, and apex of corruption in Thaialand, Phuket-Krabi-Surat thani & Nahkon Si Thammarat. Non Democrat candidates have been shot at, had their election signs vandalized and faced threats of violence. And yet, you remain silent. When Suthep was the chief organizer for the Democrats and delivered the votes in his fiefdom, do you think he attracted votes based upon his brilliant ideas and dashing good looks alone?

    You refuse to acknowledge that the Democrat party has its own history of corruption allegations nd of vote buying and of intimidation. The Democrat Party has engaged in its own sophisticated form of gerrymandering except, that it directed it to appointing judges and election officials who could be counted upon to favour the Democrats and sabotage anything PTP.

    I defy you and your coterie of vitriol spewers to step out of the shadows and to make your complaints and allegations public. Nothing precludes you from writing to the Nation and signing your name to that letter. I'm sure they would be willing to publish your allegations since you have them all substantiated.

    You complain of the lies and innuendos, demanding that that he go and lodge a complaint. Two examples in other posts that are related to what he referenced have been highlighted. Candidate/canvasser murdered and poll of Democrat candidates revealing the lack of safety and intimidation of candidates in the North and Northeast. Yet you make the same accusations about the south without even one example. I suggest you do the same that you insist that he do by taking your evidence to the authorities. Write The Nation; sign the letter with your real name. Let me use your words:

    "I defy you and your coterie of vitriol spewers to step out of the shadows and to make your complaints and allegations public. Nothing precludes you from writing to the Nation and signing your name to that letter. I'm sure they would be willing to publish your allegations since you have them all substantiated."


    Everyone hates the rice subsidy, but why does not one complain about subsidizing private schools? The line in the story was "While tuition is completely free at state schools, private schools charge parents some money as government subsidies cover just 70 per cent of the aforementioned rates."

    70 percent.

    Just 70 percent!! And "some money" my butt! At my school, parents pay 48k per year. If the government subsidizes the school at 70% this means the taxpayers are funding rates that are higher than international schools.

    Subsidizing private schools is absolutely foul, and makes the rice scheme look like shoplifting. We are talking about literally billions of baht a year being paid to private institutions.....



    Before you have a heart attack , go back and reread the OP. The subsidy is 70% of the "allowed" ceiling. As an example let's use 15,000 baht times 70% equals 10,500 baht or basically the same as the state sends to public schools. All the extras: Air-con, swimming pools, English Programs. foreign teachers, etc., etc, are added on top and are paid totally by the parents. So a school that charges 45,000 baht gets 10,500 from the gov't and rest is the responsibility of the parents. Remember these parents are also tax payers and should receive equal benefits. ...but by all means let's eliminate private schools then we can pack in 70 kids into classrooms sized for 35 and be able to afford that high speed train for Chinese fruit and veggies.

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