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Posts posted by dingerbel

  1. I sent mine off on the 1st of August, still waiting! I had to wait 4 weeks before getting an appointment at Trendy.

    I have just had to get an Emergency Travel Document (ETD) from the British Embassy as I need to travel for my work, but its a pain in the ----! Cos you then have to go to Immigration to move the stamp on to the new ETD, plus get a visa for the country you are visiting (in my case Malaysia). My company wants me to travel to the UAE in September, but cannot on an ETD, so screwed!

    The real issue I have is that my Thai visa will run out on the 9th of September, so even though I started the process at the start of July, giving two months to sort out, I may still end up an overstay! I think I will need to get a second ETD, then try and get a 1 month extension on it for my non-B, then prey that the replacement turns up in that time. I have made the phone calls and sent the emails, but getting no where

    I don't believe that there was any necessity to have your stamps 'moved'.

    You have no chance of having the new passport back for 9th September. What visa do you have ?

    The Malaysian Embassy told me that I had to have my Thai Non-B visa in the ETD, in order for them to issue a visa for my trip. When the British embassy issued the ETD they cut the old passport corners off, so no chance to use it.

    • Like 1
  2. I sent mine off on the 1st of August, still waiting! I had to wait 4 weeks before getting an appointment at Trendy.

    I have just had to get an Emergency Travel Document (ETD) from the British Embassy as I need to travel for my work, but its a pain in the ----! Cos you then have to go to Immigration to move the stamp on to the new ETD, plus get a visa for the country you are visiting (in my case Malaysia). My company wants me to travel to the UAE in September, but cannot on an ETD, so screwed!

    The real issue I have is that my Thai visa will run out on the 9th of September, so even though I started the process at the start of July, giving two months to sort out, I may still end up an overstay! I think I will need to get a second ETD, then try and get a 1 month extension on it for my non-B, then prey that the replacement turns up in that time. I have made the phone calls and sent the emails, but getting no where

  3. If you are looking for a decent hybrid, one that will take the Bangkok roads as well as speed and agility. You should be looking at the Merida crossway 300D, has suspension (which can be locked off) pretty light weight at approx 13kg, disc brakes for the morons that decide to pull in front of you so they can turn left, not slick tyres but thin enough to still get caught in the cracks in the road. Not only that, its actually a decent price here too at about 20k.

    You could go for a trek, but I think you will be hard pushed to get a hybrid with disc brakes (a must I would say) for under 30k

    Funny you should mention this particular bike, it's EXACTLY what I ordered, about a week before your posting above (sorry about the late reply). I'm currently awaiting delivery, scheduled for March. Woo-hoo! biggrin.png

    Its a quality bit of kit, enjoy!

  4. If you are looking for a decent hybrid, one that will take the Bangkok roads as well as speed and agility. You should be looking at the Merida crossway 300D, has suspension (which can be locked off) pretty light weight at approx 13kg, disc brakes for the morons that decide to pull in front of you so they can turn left, not slick tyres but thin enough to still get caught in the cracks in the road. Not only that, its actually a decent price here too at about 20k.

    You could go for a trek, but I think you will be hard pushed to get a hybrid with disc brakes (a must I would say) for under 30k

    • Like 2
  5. No nothing about the company, but if you search the farming forum you will find a threat about it, Seem to remember a guy last year who could not find a buyer. All sounded good until he tried to sell the stuff. Jim

    This is right, planting the trees yourself in your back garden just isn't Economically viable because you don't have the means to extract the oil via an Oud oil production facility like ours in Trat. We wouldn't buy trees from a anywhere else as we can not guarantee the quality for the production of our Oud oil hence why we grow from seeds from our own trees.

  6. Thanks ExpatJ. I agree, wish I had an aquaintance involved already.

    A few notes possibly of interest to others

    • After looking at their website FAQs What regulation covers the investment?? They state that they follow Jersey Financial Services Commision. Looking at the JSFC registry database I could not find Asia Forestry. After speaking with a company rep in Bangkok he noted that Asia Forestry was not with JSFC but a different investment arm was.
    • The attachment to their brochure says gauranteed returns. The price is based on todays market price of oil and looking forward etc.I think most would agree a bank deposit is a 99.9% gauranteed return , but with this you would have to have faith the company, trees etc would still be there in 6 years. Always difficult to gamble on a small company for 10%.
    • As much as we would like to be involved in this it is hard getting out of the gate when small items such as the website is misleading ( I also tried numerous times to send a list of questions to their website submission, but it was HTTP errored each time so not even able to get something in print. For Us we are looking for more of a gauranteed investment and this doesnt work but for others this could be well worth the investment even with the hiccups.

    At no time has the Asia forestry website stated that the direct tree investment is in anyway regulated by JSFC or regulated by anyone else for that matter, our forestry fund the Asia Renewable Resources Fund is regulated and domiciled in Luxembourg by KMG Capital. I would like to know who you spoke with at Asia Foresty or Treedom investments who told you that any part of our business was regulated by JSFC, we have over 100 employees within the Treedom group, 11 are farang. out of the people (Thai) that would know about the investments within the company a small handful speak english well enough to have the confidence to portray this to you, the rest would call me over to explain.

    The 12%pa guarantee is not based on future oil sales or prices, we give a forward contract for those trees to each individual at the outset, 12% is the minimum amount per year we guarantee, however, if we are selling our oil at a higher price, due to its grade, we then share that with the investor. We are currently running at 79.4% if you bought 100 trees 6 yrs ago, this is forecast to steadily rise as the mistakes that were made in the early years of the business start to fade.

    I invite anybody who wishes to see our nursery, plantations, Oud oil production facility, our office and team to contact me, I am taking some people to Trat on the 5th of July and I have some places remaining, it's an all day trip, but I will by you lunch! :-)

  7. We have also been here two+ years, my son is half Thai, but we lived in the uk until he was nine so his English is as perfect as a Yorkshire men's can be. After two years of being here his Thai is fluent now (never really spoke Thai in the UK) where as I am still struggling! Kids are just great at picking this stuff up, you shouldn't worry, just make sure you speak English to him/her and your wife does the Thai, and they will be fine.

  8. I cycle all over the place here in Bkk, you are fine most of the time. You have to keep your witts about you at all times, but most drivers are pretty good. What you have to watch are busses and the white mini van drivers, they tend to pull out a lot, but other than that it's not as bad as it may look like. Just try not to do anything unpredictable and you will be fine

  9. Hi Ruperts,

    I also dealt with this when i was the same age as you (now 40), at first I couldnt really deal wth it and everywhere i went with my GF/wife (we are still married) I thought people were looking at us and talking about us.

    But that was just it, I THOUGHT IT! The majority was in my head, I had a pre concived notion that this was going to happen, that everyone would think I had bought a Thai wife. i used to recount the story to everyone that would listen of how we met, so that everyone we knew and even people we didnt, knew I didnt meet her in a bar in Bangkok whilst on holiday.

    I was in the RAF then and yeah, I got some comments from the lads and at first got annoyed, fustrated and wound so tight I exploded in a fist of fury style rampage whilst on exercise and subsequently was sent home.

    It was at this point that I realise that the problem and the cause of the problem was infact me. I was the one letting myself get in such a state when in reality it didnt matter, I didnt marry her because she was Thai, I married her because I loved her, so realisedf it only mattered what I, my wife and our familes thought. We lived in the UK for 12years after that, only moving here to Bangkok for work and to be honest we both miss the UK like crazy.


    • Like 1
  10. Hi everyone, last year me and a few other folks from the Royal British Legion (Bangkok) organised a cycle ride from Bangkok to Phuket, we raised over 500,000baht for the RBL and we hope we can raise as much this year too.

    this year will be a different Challenge, this time round we are attempting to cycle (mountain bike), canoe and walk the length (in Thailand only, not the Burma side) of the Death Railway, some 300km. This will take about 8 days finishing at Kanchanaburi for the ANZAC Remembrance day service. We once again will be raising money for the RBL and the Returned Services League of Australia. Out of the money we will also buy goods for the Thai War Veterans War Hospital in Bangkok.

    Please visit our website http://the-long-march.com/

    We are looking for Sponsors for equipment for this event, food, water, medical kit that kind of thing or alternativly corporate sponsorship which we have 3 packages for. If you would like to make a personal donation then please do so, by contacting me here or at [email protected]

    We would be most happy to hear from you either way!


  11. Hi William,

    I am the Sec of the RBL here in BKK, we have lots of places where you can buy a poppy which is mainly schools (unfortunately closed), Bars and some clubs and associations also carry a box.

    As plane mad said we have a box at,


    Queen Vic

    Soi 8 Bar




    Black Swan

    Witches Tavern

    British Club

    Pickled Liver

    Robin Hood

    Bulls Head



    British Women’s Group

    Loyal Society Golf

    British Chamber events

    Durty Nelley’s

    Bistro 33


    Molly Mollones

  12. This is the way it should be done, just like in your own country. The amount of blokes who turn up wanting this and that and have a "criteria" will only leave dissapointed.

    Personally I met my wife 12years ago in Kuwait, it just happens she is Thai, didnt matter to me, I liked her because she was who she was, beautiful with the personality to match. I have never paid a penny to her family and they have never asked, I have taken them on holiday and bought meals, but really that is it.

    Its not all about money, it really isnt, but if you are with the people that dont have any...it's going to be!

    OP, You have almost the same story as me in Australia.

    I met my wife on TLL and we have a son and living back in Australia. So my addvice would be to you is forget TLL and just move there and over time & establish a circle of friends both Thai if you can and farang. You will meet someone for sure, some one who is not desperatly looking for a farang...

    I have also learnt by my own mistakes and that is to get some one as close to your own age as possible, forget about your rating system if you want a life companion. Just take your time, there is no hurry.

    Good luck anyway..

  13. Hi Flakes,I have Pm'd you my recommendation, as it does fit with most of your critieria. I dont work for the school, do have a child there and can honestly say this has been a great experience for my son and his education. For the first time in an international school, they care more for my child then they do my dollar, that I have to say is refreshing.It is a little far out on Ramintra 34, but we find it is worth the travel time.thanks

  14. Does anyone know where I could rent a dinner suit(Tux) please, the only place I have found is wanting to charge me 7k for the night. Really not looking to pay that kind of amount and I dont really wanna buy one either as may never wear it again.

    Thanks in advance for any replies I may get, well for the good ones anyway, and for that I will be the judge! ;-)

  15. The Big Push, sponsored by Spiceroads in aid of the Royal British Legion Poppy appeal is only one month away. If anyone would like to sponsor a rider for this great event, that is hoping to raise 500,000 baht, which will be some much needed funds for the RBL and Thai war vets. Please contact me on 0846415202 or email [email protected] and I will be happy to help.

    Anyone who sponsors more than 500 baht will be invited to the 'Push off' at the Royal Orchid Sheraton on the 20th of October between 8am and 10am, and the RBL 'The Big Push' survivors party at the Crossbar on Sukhumvit 23, 19th of November starting at 7pm!

    Get supporting the Legion,

    Many Thanks

    Antony Bell

    Sec RBL(BKK)

    Lest we Forget

  16. Hi to all,

    The Royal British Legion is having a party on the UK Armed Forces day (25th of June) at the British Club in Bangkok. The Party will also officially launch the Spiceroads-RBL Big Push event. You and your children are invited, children who dress as their favourite hero will gain free entry, adults 600 baht. Free drinks for children all day, a cash bar for us adults, a bouncy castle, children’s games and prizes and of course BBQ food. All Children must be accompanied by an adult.

  17. you can visit the website at www.spiceroads-rbl-bigpush.com or even join our group on Facebook, twitter(dingerbel) or even Linked in.

    We really just need money sponsors now as all the logistics have been taken care of, if you wish to sponsor a rider, you can choose the one you wish by viewing us all on the website, contact us and then make your pledge of 1THB per mile if you like. Just in case your wondering thats 539THB, you could do per KM and that would be 855THB, up to you, but anything you can afford to give to a fantastic pair of charities will be much appreciated and very well spent.

    Thanks, oh and if anyone wishes to join the Royal British Legion then contact me at [email protected]


  18. Hi all,

    Spiceroads and the Royal British Legion have teamed up for the Poppy Appeal and the RBL's 90th Birthday celebrations.

    The Royal British Legion is 90 Years old this year and to celebrate this special time a small group of members (a band of brothers, if you will) from the Thailand Branch (Bangkok) will set off from Bangkok, by bicycle, to arrive in Phuket in only 8 days. This is a total distance of 855km/539m raising money along the way for The Royal British Legion and the Thai War Veterans Organisation.

    The Royal British Legion

    The RBL provides welfare to the whole Armed Forces family - serving, ex-Service people and their dependants. We also campaign on a range of issues affecting Service people, are the custodian of Remembrance, run the annual Poppy Appeal and are one of the UK's largest Membership organisations

    Who we help

    We help serving and ex-Service personnel and their families. Not just those who fought in the two World Wars, but also those involved in the many conflicts since 1945 and those still fighting today.

    The Thai War Veterans Organisation

    The WVO, help injured Men, Women and their families who are in need of assistance within the communities of Thailand. They provide medical care from the Royal Thai Veterans Hospital in Viphavadhi, Bangkok and other welfare issues for Thailand's ex-servicemen all over the country.

    We also have some other fantastic sponsors already for the event including, Landrover, Topps supermarket, Starwood Alliance Hotel group and The Crossbar.

    But we need more, If would like to help us achieve our goal of getting to Phuket by bike, then please contact us on the 'contact' page on our Website www.spiceroads-rbl-bigpush.com, all support will be gratefully received. Alternatively if you would just like to make a donation, please see the 'donation' page on the same website and use the account details there.

    Lest we forget!

    Antony Bell


  19. sorry about the delay in the follow up to how much we raised in the Bangkok area for the poppy fund. This year was a record for us and we raised over 115,000THB!

    Thank you for all your help and donations, This year will be even bigger as we have much more planned and hopefully we can double our efforts of the previous year!

    Thanks and again, if anyone would like to know more about what we have planned or about joining the legion, please contact me or PM me here, Thanks!

  20. Hello to all who have replied to this thread,

    I am Tony Bell, I help to run and organise thr Royal British Legion here in Bangkok and Thailand. If you would like to know more about what we do in Thailand then please pm me and ask. Each year we have a trip to kanchanaburi for ANZAC day, a trip to Malaysia for the Malay emergency and on remembrance sunday we have a ceremony at the British Embasey.

    We also have many events throughout the year, this year we have poppy golf in April and November, A childrens Garden party in June on Armed forces day and a cycle challenge from bangkok to Phuket in October.

    We are trying to help with the education element of remembrance in Thailand by visiting schools and making presentations with some ex-forces living here in Thailand. This year we are having a poetry competition 'poem for remembrance' which we hope will be contested by the international schools in Bangkok and Pattaya.

    Last year the poppy collection did produce a record year of poppy sales here in Thailand, in my region,Bangkok, we collected 115,000THB and overall in Thailand it was over 450,000THB. We have RBL Branches and sub-branches in Pattaya, Bangkok, Korat and Chaing Mai all of which work hard to try and keep the poppy going!

    Oh by the way the RBL and the Poppy is 90 Years old this year!

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