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Posts posted by BigJohnson

  1. Now I have a question: "What have all the people who agree with "belg" done lately?"

    BBQ'd a kangaroo the other week...

    I've eaten Kangaroo before; so what beer (or should I say many beers) did you swill down to get that piece of stringy, gamey piece of meat (that only an Aussie would enjoy) down with; Tooheys, XXXX, Carlton, Boags? Or perhaps you downed a nice big can of FOSTERS and then threw another "shrimp on the barbie". Now don't go whinging mate, I'm just trying to take the "piss out of you".

    BTW... the next time you try to troll a Yank, you better bring more "game".

  2. well in Buriram we don't know anything about a dog shelter, maybe it is in Koirat. I should like to know where it is, we are looking for a poodle..

    Anyone looking to adopt or help out with these dogs, here are a couple of links to people who are rescuing and adopting them out:




  3. i know of quite a few small breed dogs looking for homes in bangkok. they had been rescued from the dog meat trade and obviously had been stolen pets. please look and contact here


    Thank you so much elfe, you have made my daughter's day! I was hoping to get a rescued dog instead of buying one (there are too many dogs out there that need good homes). My daughter is excitedly writing them an e-mail as I type and hopefully we can find a precious little dog that will fit well into our home.

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  4. I'm very sorry for what you, your family, and especially your daughter, are going through. But happy to read that she is recovering. smile.png

    As for finding a small sized dog, you could visit a few dog shows and then decide (but usually expensive), search on the web for breeders (unfortunately in both cases it’s hard to say whether the pup doesn’t carry a hereditary disease) or, contact SCAD and have a look there first. Recently they have joined together with Soi Dog Foundation, and are caring for many dogs that are looking for a good home (many rescued from the dog meat market). Not sure about SCAD, but SDF has a shelter in Phuket where you can go and visit the dogs. Talk with the people there. Tell them your needs, and they can advice you. It may be that you and your daughter fall in love with one particular dog, possibly even an older dog.

    Of course, as most dogs at the shelter are mixed breeds, there is the possibility that the tiny puppy you may adopt develops in a medium size dog.

    You say in your OP, that you would like to give the puppy as a BD present. I would, however, suggest choosing the (puppy) dog together with your daughter. What kind of dog does she like and fits into your household and life-styles. Working together towards getting a puppy, can already be very helpful for the recovery of your daughter. Plus, it gives you both the time to choose your perfect (puppy) dog.

    During the time of finding a suitable dog for your daughter she can start reading up on how to take care (including getting familiar with the many side-effects caused by over-vaccination. I do, for example, come across pups with behaviors similar to ADHD and autism. And currently there's an outbreak of distemper under both unvaccinated and vaccinated dogs in Chiang Mai), how to train aka educate the dog (I suggest she reads primarily about positive reinforcement and clicker training), dog behavior development and their language. If the new dog will be a female, read up about how early spaying can affect a strong-willed dog.

    She can also start looking for a suitable dog training school in Bangkok where they provide puppy classes (if the dog will be a young puppy) and positive reinforcement training for both owners and their dogs, so that she can be totally involved in the training process of her own dog.

    If you go for a puppy I'd rather suggest adopting one at 7 or 8 weeks old. The socialization window closes at around 3 months of age. Better to keep this socialization in your own hands. A proper socialization or lack there-of, lays the foundation for the behavior of the dog later in life. And socializing such a young puppy with cats is easier.

    I wish you good luck with finding your daughter a wonderful new furry companion.

    Thank you for taking the time to write me, it is sincerely appreciated. I know SCAD very well as I have adopted the dog I have now and two cats from them; I also have a soi cat rescue that is fully funded by me.

    I have had dogs all my life and my husband has trained dogs for longer than I have been alive, so we are know what we are getting into with a small dog. My daughter, who has just turned 19 today, is aware that she is getting a dog and it will be up to her to choose the right one for her (if we can find one). We thought about getting a dog from back in the states, but my daughter is unable to travel that far...there has to be someone in Thailand looking to sell or adopt out small dogs.

    Thanks again for your information and your kind words.

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  5. Not sure why you particularly want a "small breed", particularly if you've got another dog and cats. Some smaller breeds are more susceptible to illnesses and need more care, and that's probably the last thing you want.

    I'd suggest you want a puppy of about three months (not six, unless its already housetrained and familiar with cats); while mixed breeds can be hardier, one advantage with pure breeds is that their breed characteristics are known in advance so you can have a better idea of what they will be like as they get older.

    It may help if you say where you are.

    Unfortunately I am looking for a dog, not an opinion...but thank you anyway. Before you get your panties in a bunch over my comment, I am very familiar with all dog breeds, especially since I had gone to vet school before switching to becoming a M.D. As I stated in my original post, my daughter is recovering from cancer and the dog we have is a large breed which in her weakened state, is hard for her to control. A small dog will bring her some companionship and help her find the confidence to go back out into the world who has been less than kind to her due to the illness.

    I hope my explanation is satisfactory.

    By the way, I live in Bangkok.

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  6. I am looking for a small dog, i.e. Pomeranian, Shitzu, etc. for my teenage daughter who is recovering from cancer; it would be a great birthday present and especially the best therapy to help with her rehabilitation. I do not need a purebred, and it can be a mixed breed. A puppy (under six months) would be best, as it will have to be acclimated with my cats and one other medium size dog who thinks he is a cat.

    I would prefer to adopt, but if the price is reasonable I would definitely be interested.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated; JUST DO NOT SUGGEST "JJ'S WEEKEND MARKET"!

    Thanks in advance to all who reply.

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  7. did you have a gun to your head while you paid rent after moving out and forgot to get the deposit back? sorry couldnt resist seems to me you moved without being evicted by the court, so volunteerly

    you could always try to get your deposit back, but deposit is often less than a court case cost

    No, they did not put a gun to my head; yet had they done that I would not be here asking for rental lease advice because I would be too busy looking for criminal lawyer to defend me giggle.gif

    The reason we left without our deposit was due to the unbearable living conditions that the landlord inflicted upon everyone there. Electricity and water was turned off for hours a day, people coming into the apartment when we were not there, etc. And guess what? The police do not do anything, shocking isn't it? BTW I say that with extreme sarcasm.

    It looks like that my legal options are limited, thanks anyway.

  8. My landlord lied and said that the building I was renting in was sold and gave everyone a 90 day eviction notice. Some of the people living in the building (who had one year leases) had just moved in a month before they got the notice. Does anyone know what the law is regarding landlords breaking rental leases and evicting tenants? I know that In the states, the landlord would have to pay for the moving costs, etc. for breaking the lease; is it the same here?

    Thanks in advance for any advice.


    WANTED: Very young girls (daughters of expats welcome to apply) to perform sexual acts and degrade themselves for the pleasure of the humanitarian upstanding gentleman that come to engage in intelligent conversation and bless these girls with their presence. All girls must be genuinely enthusiatic and they should NOT apply for this illustrious position if they are just looking to make money. Most imporantly, girls must be happy that they are recieving attention from these fine gentleman whose only interest in these girls is to educate them and perhaps throw them a baht or two.

    Now...Every expat who has young daughters at home raise your hands if you are interested in signing them up. No takers? I guess it could be a bit awkward to walk into your favorite establishment and watch your daughter performing for your peers.

  10. With all the hoopla, I was half expecting to watch a girl fiendishly scratching away at her "hoo hoo"...which was not the case. At worst the video was embarrassing to watch. In fact, I have seen guys at McDonald's scratching their "junk" while ordering a Big Mac with more fervor than the girl in the video.

    Thin girl with yeast infection= quarter pounder with cheese.whistling.gif

    ROTFLMAO ...I almost tinkled!

  11. With all the hoopla, I was half expecting to watch a girl fiendishly scratching away at her "hoo hoo"...which was not the case. At worst the video was embarrassing to watch. In fact, I have seen guys at McDonald's scratching their "junk" while ordering a Big Mac with more fervor than the girl in the video.

  12. What I find confusing is that after she got separated from her friends, she decided to go a random bar ALONE and stayed until 2:30am. Considering that women rarely go to the bathroom alone when they are out, it is a bit unusual that any woman would feel comfortable enough to go to a bar in a strange country without at least one friend at her side.

    Here's just a couple of questions to ponder:

    • Wouldn't her friends have been worried and frantic trying to find her?
    • Why wouldn't she go back to the hotel (which should have been the first place someone would have checked) to wait for her friends?
    • When she did not return that night did anybody alert the police?
    • Did someone call her family to see if she had contacted them?
    • Is this normal behavior for the woman to disappear and end up in bars where she's from and that is why none of her friends were worried?

    I do wish her well and sincerely hope that she gets the help she needs.

  13. It is obvious that this pervert had some resources back in the States; he would have had to come up with $50,000 dollars for a bail bond to get out. He would have had no problem getting a passport as long as he did not have any outstanding warrants, or the court did not specifically submit an order that prohibits it. Unfortunately, child molesters in the U.S. are kept separate from the general jail population so they won't be harmed. It is sickening to think that these predators are more protected than their innocent victims. I say "kill 'em all and let god sort it out!"

    Take comfort my friend:


    Thanks hyku1147! :thumbsup: The link made my day!


    On another note...there is a lot of speculation on how a a molester could get a passport. Passports are under federal jurisdiction, not the state and the U.S. justice system is so backed up that a year or more could go by before the information on a criminal is entered into the national system.

    It is sad that most molestation cases will never make it to trial because the D.A. usually cuts a deal with them; which means most of them will be back out on the streets again free to molest and rape. Despicably, many cases are dropped or never filed because the D.A. does not want to deal with it; the U.S. justice system is based solely on how many convictions the D.A. can win to boost their career; if there is a chance they might lose (which looks bad on their ladder climbing resume) they often will not prosecute. This is not my opinion, it is fact and first hand knowledge!

    By the way, if anyone has knowledge or suspects that a child is being abused and does not say anything, they are as guilty as the abuser. It is our duty as human beings to keep those who can not fight for themselves safe. I am NOT suggesting that people take the law into their own hands or become vigilantes due to the fact that there are many people that have been falsely accused of pedophilia (which I believe the false accuser should be locked up for life for such a heinous lie); just don't hide your heads in the sand.

    Quick note on the passports...they are issued by the State Department which is under federal jurisdiction.

  14. It is obvious that this pervert had some resources back in the States; he would have had to come up with $50,000 dollars for a bail bond to get out. He would have had no problem getting a passport as long as he did not have any outstanding warrants, or the court did not specifically submit an order that prohibits it. Unfortunately, child molesters in the U.S. are kept separate from the general jail population so they won't be harmed. It is sickening to think that these predators are more protected than their innocent victims. I say "kill 'em all and let god sort it out!"

  15. Perhaps it is the sadist in me that likes the fact that the ban whips everyone into a frenzy... I love to hear the panic in the voices of people as they race to Tesco, 7-11, etc.... and I especially enjoy laughing at the tourists as they complain that their entire vacation was ruined because they couldn't get wasted... Boo Hoo :crying:

    Perhaps there will not be as many bodies this weekend due to alcoholic related accidents. Of course there will be the occasional gun shot and stab wound victims, etc., but at least they don't puke on you while you trying to save their lives. :sick:

    A tad sanctimonious don't you think? What about the people who eke out a living providing alcohol to your victims?

    Sanctimonious? Nah... Just a realist.

    By the way... they are not "my victims"; they are mothers, fathers and children of someone else... they could even one day be yours.

  16. Perhaps it is the sadist in me that likes the fact that the ban whips everyone into a frenzy... I love to hear the panic in the voices of people as they race to Tesco, 7-11, etc.... and I especially enjoy laughing at the tourists as they complain that their entire vacation was ruined because they couldn't get wasted... Boo Hoo :crying:

    Perhaps there will not be as many bodies this weekend due to alcoholic related accidents. Of course there will be the occasional gun shot and stab wound victims, etc., but at least they don't puke on you while you trying to save their lives. :sick:

  17. I never turn off my air conditioning in my house, so heat is not a problem. The only problem I have is finding a Husky in Bangkok :)

    With all the dog lovers out there, someone must know where I can buy or adopt a Husky or Lab?

    there is a breeder of huskys in our city i will try and find contact details,i dont know if you have read any of my posts but i forgot to tell you at night they like to be outdoors,he will come in if there is a storm,if you have seen any films with them in they are always left outside in all kinds of weather,but he has brought so much pleasure to us we will do anything for him.

    Thanks for your help...I had a Husky back in the States years ago and know how great they are..

    By the way... I did find one person with Husky puppies, but they wanted $500 USD for it; a little pricey for a dog that I want only as a pet, not show or breed.

  18. I find it amusing that many of the posters did not manage to read the whole article; they saw the word "sexpat" and could no longer see straight enough to finish the story.

    The best way to describe the average comment to this story is to compare it to a fart: "First one denied it, supplied it!". In other words, if the stereotype does not apply to you then you should not be offended.

    Personally. I couldn't care less what any expat is doing here... just as long as they stay away from my daughter.

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