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Posts posted by Unwisemonkey

  1. I came to Thailand without a visa this time around and got stopped at Chaengwattana when applying for an extension of stay. So I can apply for a 7 day visa extension. This ordinarily would not be a problem to simply go to Laos and take care of it but my schedule is flexible for the next month. I wish to divorce my estranged wife and I am aware of a type of visa that allows for extended stays in Thailand for legal proceedings. Does anyone know if getting a divorce is a qualifier for this type of visa and what documentation is needed?

  2. The government should also designate Thailand as the medical education hub for Southeast Asia

    Here we go. saai.gif

    The doctor shortage has to be resolved to enhance the country's competitiveness ahead of the launch of the Asean Economic Community (AEC), the doctor said

    And not because of the needs of the people?

    Number is of course part of the problem, but some of the doctors out there are pretty darn mediocre at best. Many are just not knowledgeable enough on their chosen topic; others are dangerously egoistic and face is not a good thing to take seriously in such a field. There are also, of course, some excellent Thai doctors, even in the government hospitals. Just not enough, and not enough competency.

    If done right this will be extremely successful. When Hilary Clinton visited Myanmar last year I said it then and I'll say it again. The U.S. was drawing a line in the sand across South East Asia all the way across to India to tell China to chill out for a Myriad of reasons. At the time I was investigating a lot of Thai policies which were levied heavily against foreigners including Cambodians, Burmese, Loations too. Thailand has the infrastructure albeit mediocre by our lofty western standards to be the educational hub for the entire region save city states like Singapore. I was in fact toying with the idea of pursuing a degree in medicine but saw that those degree programs were (unless I was mistaken) reserved for Thai nationals only. With rising education costs in the west an advanced degree like that would cost the same as a mediocre liberal arts degree from a good University back home even with the foreign student price gouges (which every country does). So... why not. This is a very good step in the right direction and I'm glad to see it. I just hope it doesn't get flogged and bogged down by corrupt money grubbing savages in Parliament.

  3. <snipe>

    Let's not leave out what is being unsaid. Children are sleeping in the parents bed and the children are still present when their parents are having sex.

    Tell me about it. I'd ask 12 hours in advance for the ex-missus to let the kiddies sleep with their grandparents particular evenings and I was met with violent opposition. I could not do it. The bed may as well have been occupied by corpses because that's what our bedroom life was, dead. My daughters love coming to my home now where they have their own room to sleep in. Paint some ponies and rainbows on it to scare away the boogey man and closet monsters. Western sensibilities say have the kids out by 2 years old. That may be a little soon but after the kids are 5 there is no reason for it. It's not good for the relationship of the parents either.

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  4. It's been a long process mostly of soul searching. I traveled back to the U.S. to work and develop a war chest to fight for custody of my children, or sponsor my manipulative spouse back to the U.S. after she blew off her conditional green card status by refusing to return to the U.S. It's a long story and I don't wish to drag it up again. If the readers of this post are interested just search my name and you can get a handle on it. I've gotten some very good advice from the users here and so I'm going to ask one more time.

    I don't have much to show for the four months I was away in the U.S. I had saved and saved but then all the problems my spouse and I left behind when we first left for Thailand began to rear it's ugly head. So I took the responsible route and started paying off the delinquent bills and whatnot and looking for a place stay. After that I was laid off from my job and I realized this process is going to take longer then I could tolerate being away from my children... to sponsor a woman who I really don't love anymore to go to a country she doesn't deserve to return to. My heart has been broken and every time I return my children to her it breaks a little more when my oldest child feigns being asleep in the hopes that she can stay with me.

    Frankly after reading the forums here I believe I have a very good chance of a fair shake at a custody battle. The fact is she took matters into her own hands when she moved out and took the children and didn't tell me where what she was doing. She compounded the situation by snatching up their passports, filing false police reports, and a whole load of other shenanigans. I just want to get this behind me and get at the very minimum shared custody of my children with the rights to take them back to the U.S. for alternating school years. Many users here have stated they think it would be wrong to deny them their Thai culture and I agree, And likewise I agree that it would be wrong to deny them their American culture as well. There is nothing quite like corn dogs at a county fair with funnel cake for dessert washed down with pink lemonade. The variety of foods we enjoy (I am bored with Thai food) our Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and new years. Much more then that my children have a gang of cousins all about the same age over there, and none to speak of here in Thailand. So all in all. I think I have a good case.

    The advice I need is simple. I just need to know where to go to sign the divorce decree. I spoke with my ex about this already and it seems it is by mutual consent. The only issue is child custody. It is still all about her as she states "If 'I' can get my visa to the U.S. then it's okay sure but if not 'I' will worry about them too much" It's a load of shat, but I don't need to worry about that and it is not the topic.

    The other bit is should I bring a trusted interpreter with me so I don't unknowingly sign over custody of the children to her. I have given her some time to think over these matters as we had a lengthy and friendly conversation for the first time in two years, but I am 99% certain we will end up in court to have it decided. I cannot wait any longer now because If I do the judge will certainly say that the children have been living with her for so long now why do I want to change it. My grace period which mostly amounts to logistical challenges and giving the ex time to cool off is at an end, so I need to just go and do it. I'm feeling confident in the case I have documents brought back from the U.S. that will also help support me and a Thai friend who is a lawyer whom also witnessed her actions making false claims with the police.

    Also I am living in North Bangkok near Bang Khen/JJ market area, so if there is a government office there that is close... that is where I need to know how to get to. Also we were married in the U.S. and our marriage certificate is from there.

  5. if he had a stroke, he should not be a senator anymore, right ?

    sudden recovery after the killing for free

    LOS: land of scams

    I believe according to Thai law no person who is disabled, is allowed to own a gun. I don't know if a stroke qualifies as a disabling ailment it would seem that it would. I'm not a lawyer but I would presume this condition would invalidate the gun license (if he ever had it to begin with) and he would have been illegally possessing a firearm.
  6. I hope this makes international news, that the world can see the state this country is in, hopefully some of the worlds governments might start to question Thailand's legal system and start with some gentle nudges in the right direction toward a proper legal system. Fingers crossed.

    Sent from my GT-I9003

    Share it on Facebook. I've asked my friends to not drink redbull.
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  7. I suggest everyone send Lt. Gen. Comronwit Toopgrajank and Chalerm a redbull in support of equal treatment under the law. Say what you will about the BiB but it cannot be denied that their job is tough, and they HAVE to deal with Thai's more then any of us. Imagine the stress they must feel and our gripes probably pale by comparison. Does anyone have mailing addresses for the Lt. Gen and MP? What a sight that would be a bunch of foreigners dropping off red bull at the police headquarters like it was a temple Buddha. Best 10 baht spent EVER!

  8. Hello, thank you for reading this post. I have come to the conclusion that I must sponsor my Thai wife to the U.S. I am doing this for a second time. In short she overstayed on her conditional green card that we had already obtained, and she won't be allowed back into the U.S. unless we go through the process again. I am just wondering do I apply for the K1 visa or the K3 visa? The K1 visa is for people who are already engaged and plan on marrying in the U.S. So I am pretty sure what I need is the K3 visa. but I am double checking with the forum to be certain.

  9. one month is hardly enough time for the Thai teachers to learn to actually speak. And again the quality of English teachers won't improve until salaries and working conditions improve. The 10,000 baht will be for administrative costs associated with H.R. I don't think it's tea money. It's for hiring of all foreign teachers, and is a paltry amount. Companies are required to pay foreigners a salary of ฿60,000 every month but you don't get anywhere near that unless you start talking to international schools. How they skirt around that I don't know, I'm sure it's just clever accounting. It is an encouraging sign though that they are at least making some sort of investment in their human capital.

  10. The problem is with us the Foreigners. We actually zealously believe in the rule of law. We would much rather own the land, pay taxes and report extortion and to make life better for Thai's. In my time here I've seen Thai's trying to scam and extort other Thai's more often then foreigners. I have my own set of problems here too but when I see people grifting their own that really gets my blood boiling. I don't want to change Thai culture. I just want Thai culture to benefit from itself. If all these street vendors paid taxes, or a flat tax or whatever that could benefit social programs, how awesome would that be?

    More on topic, land ownership is essential to a free society which Thailand asserts it is. It is possible here to be creative and find ways around these restrictions if you are already wealthy or have the capital to back it up, but the lack of ownership absolutely is economic injustice as a foreigner is not allowed to leverage the land to grow his business or personal assets further. I think at the heart of it is that most foreigners of a particular class are more aware of investment vehicles and how to utilize them then your average Thai of that same class distinction. If the riff raff start learning how to do this from their foreign neighbors and rising up, well that would just upset the whole status quo.

  11. Thailand should modernize it's laws, specifically those regarding to the rights of working and living here of those foreigner who have Thai relatives(wife, child, parents etc), is not human to deny the right of freely work here for those foreigners, they should learn from the US, or Singapore.

    I agree particularly in the area concerning rights of people with Thai relatives. This country condones child abduction and parental alienation. The labor laws castrate the foreign fathers ability to care and support his family unless he is willing to engage in illicit activities. I am fighting all my urges to become a hardened cynic because I know many lovely wonderful generous and helpful Thais. However when I can't earn enough in a country to fight for my legal rights there is a huge disparity. I am not asking for handouts from the Thai government (something my own government would extend to foreigners) just simply the right to work and support my family in a manner that they are accustomed to. For foreign fathers you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

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  12. Hello all,

    It has been a while since I posted. I have been enduring my situation somewhat silently for those of you who remember my issues with my (ex)wife have still remained unresolved as I have been busy building my case and retaining my rights to my children by not divorcing quickly.

    I have to return to my country (the U.S.) for a brief period, and I was wondering if there is documentation I need to have as proof that I am not abandoning my children here in Thailand with their mother, an allegation the mother in law has tried to assert already in an effort to defame me with my professional colleagues here in the LOS. I am sure if this tactic is used the judges will see through it immediately but I'd rather avoid the associated costs in time and money if I can avoid it. Any help is appreciated, and thank you in advance. If I do not reply immediately it is because I have not had the opportunity to so please be patient.



  13. ***********

    Taking the child back to your own home country is only an option if that is where you wish to live for the forseeable future.

    My experience with Thai courts (having won custody of my kids here) is that they view the parent that is better able to support the child financially and provide a better schooling over and above anything else regardless of that parents sex or nationality.

    Not saying that it has come to a divorce situation, but keep that in mind. If you are the one with most of the income, if you are paying for the school that the mother has restricted you access to then there is a major advantage for any future legal action - hence the destroying of that document.

    My best advice is to just be strong. And be just.

    Excellent post, one thing though

    If the father takes the child abroad, then that is not kidnapping but... mother needs almost no funds at all to take it to court and father will have to come here to defend what he has done or he will lose custody. In fact, he will most likely lose custody also if he comes back to defend his decision. The mother will be recommended to sue for kidnapping (again almost free if she doesn't have funds) - arrest warrant for father will be issued, kidnapping is a criminal offence -> father will be picked up at the airport if he goes to Thailand (yes, Thailand has computers with that kind of information in nowadays)

    There is a post somewhere here on ThaiVisa about an Englishman who did what is described above. The mother took the case to England and the court there of course up-held the Thai court decision and removed custody in England too. That case in in the Supreme Court in Thailand now and there is no way that they will re-instate custody for the father - but he may get some possession of the child if he is lucky

    And last, IMO, it would be very wrong to deny a child her Thai background

    So you're saying that England picks and chooses when it will adhere to the Hague convention treaty. Thailand does does not recognize other nations rulings. Great. Well please do me a favor and try not to speculate on other issues that promote trolling e.g. that I or others would deny my children their Thai heritage. I've got enough anxiety and the deck is already stacked against me enough without coming to other foreigners for advice only to begin speculating. I'm looking for solid advice not speculation.

    I answered what actually is a pretty common response from another poster in cases like this and I gave a correct description of what both can and has happened, as supported by Thai law. I advice that it is a very bad idea to bring a child out of Thailand against her mothers wish.

    I never for a second thought that you would do it, I complimented you on your writing, you show very clearly already in your first post that you care about the child first of all

    I'm not trying to be provocative I apologize if it seemed that way it is not my intent.

  14. ***********

    Taking the child back to your own home country is only an option if that is where you wish to live for the forseeable future.

    My experience with Thai courts (having won custody of my kids here) is that they view the parent that is better able to support the child financially and provide a better schooling over and above anything else regardless of that parents sex or nationality.

    Not saying that it has come to a divorce situation, but keep that in mind. If you are the one with most of the income, if you are paying for the school that the mother has restricted you access to then there is a major advantage for any future legal action - hence the destroying of that document.

    My best advice is to just be strong. And be just.

    Excellent post, one thing though

    If the father takes the child abroad, then that is not kidnapping but... mother needs almost no funds at all to take it to court and father will have to come here to defend what he has done or he will lose custody. In fact, he will most likely lose custody also if he comes back to defend his decision. The mother will be recommended to sue for kidnapping (again almost free if she doesn't have funds) - arrest warrant for father will be issued, kidnapping is a criminal offence -> father will be picked up at the airport if he goes to Thailand (yes, Thailand has computers with that kind of information in nowadays)

    There is a post somewhere here on ThaiVisa about an Englishman who did what is described above. The mother took the case to England and the court there of course up-held the Thai court decision and removed custody in England too. That case in in the Supreme Court in Thailand now and there is no way that they will re-instate custody for the father - but he may get some possession of the child if he is lucky

    And last, IMO, it would be very wrong to deny a child her Thai background

    So you're saying that England picks and chooses when it will adhere to the Hague convention treaty. Thailand does does not recognize other nations rulings. Great. Well please do me a favor and try not to speculate on other issues that promote trolling e.g. that I or others would deny my children their Thai heritage. I've got enough anxiety and the deck is already stacked against me enough without coming to other foreigners for advice only to begin speculating. I'm looking for solid advice not speculation.

  15. Oh I was going to ask should I make a report at a neighboring police district? Children of police officers in my district go to this school. My wifes mother said some foreboding things at the police station which may have been a rouse, but I don't know... she said "The officer says you should go back to the U.S. because this is Thailand it is not the same as U.S. You are foreigner here it is dangerous for you."

    I took this as a threat.

    I don't think I can trust police in this district.

  16. Thank you for all the kind words and advice. I apologize for the delay in response time. I have been ridden with anxiety and not sleeping well. To answer some of the questions, My wife and I are not separated in any legal sense. She did begin sleeping in another room in her parents house, and recently I suspect her of renting an apartment nearby where she would bring the oldest daughter to sleep at night. I told her this is unacceptable it's too destabilizing etc etc.. and that she needs to adress whatever her issues with me are so we can move on from this. When we first got to Thailand the parents put us up in their girls dormitory, a buildiing adjacent to their home. Because their eldest daughter does not like me and is not on speaking terms with her sister. This sister threatened to move out of the house if we, my wife, me and my daughters were not thrown out.

    When my wife started sleeping in the another room of her parents home I continued on in the dormitory.

    I found a job as a chef recently my old trade back in the U.S. but after three days the owner decided he was not happy with the fit. This is after he flew me down once already. Well no sooner had the bed cooled off they decided that they needed to rent out my old dormitory room and there was no place for me. I told my wife fine then they need to make room for me in the house. I cannot help it if the owner does not like my food. I had been teaching English at an agency prior to this but did not resign my contract because being a dutiful husband my wife asked me for help with her business, a small cafe, writing the menu. I obliged but told her she needed to get on the ball with getting the cafe properly supplied to produce food i.e. more refrigeration, some gas burners etc. She agreed and then the family dragged their feet the entire summer vacation. I went back to my agency but by then they had no vacant schools for me to be assigned to.

    So now I am unemployed in LOS I found a job but it didn't work out so my search continued. This is one of the things they were chastising me in front of the police about, and obviously neglected to mention the fact all the work I did for them in the past and present. My wifes mother pays for our daughters schooling which is what she agreed to do for a year before we even moved over to Thailand. My relationship with my wife was hot and cold over the last year and I would travel back and forth between where I was teaching and BKK to spend time with my family. I spent a good deal of money on family entertainment trying to repair the bridge between my wife and I. I cleaned up my in laws home which as I mentioned in another post is in disrepair home to rodents and basically unsanitary. I was all in all a good guy.

    The violence issue, is no laughing matter. I have had to defend myself on multiple occasions from her temper tantrums only to have been bullied by police upon their arrival on the scene and forced to leave my own home. Eventually they got wise to her game and they sent her for Psychiatric evaluation in our home county, she was prescribed anti-depressants and was okay for a few days but then stopped taking them and continued doing everything she could to force us into a situation that we could move to Thailand or be homeless.

    So now I am staying at a friends place nearby so I can be close to my children. I went back to the in-laws last night to pick up some clothes and they were in transit to taking my wife and children to her apartment. My wife came out immediatly and asked what I was doing in a confrontational pose, I told her to cool off I was just getting some clothes. My mother in law began asking where I was staying I did not oblige the information to her and I continued packing some clothes. My daughters came out and saw me and ran up to me happy and excited to see me and began to motion to their stroller begging me to take them for a walk. They get no stimulation during the day because they are stuck inside with the extended family and as I said they have been alienating me from them and I don't cause trouble because that is the only way to keep the peace.

    My mother in law told me they were taking them to the picture studio for school (at 7:30 p.m.) This is the time when I try to put my kids to bed. Naturally I didn't believe this what studio is open at this time? I asked my daughter where she was going and Grandma insisted on inserting studio into my daughters mouth. I non challantly asked my daughter where she was going, and she was struggling to come up with the proper word, I suggested "are you going to go sleep?" She said "Yes!" Emphatically.

    I let them leave before I did just to make things smoothly but eventually caught up with them because they were moving slowly. My daughters saw me and ran to me again wanting to be carried by daddy. my heart was breaking but I kept cool. My oldest daughter began running about as we walked refusing to hold her mothers hand and her mother began demanding she hold her hand, ordering her to do so and not getting any results. Not wanting to use any vulgar displays of power I did not ask my daughter to hold my hand which she would have without question and responded immediatly. My wife has no control over the children and reguarly says she can only handle one of them at a time. My wife kept trying, my daughter started talking back to her in Thai and batting her h and away. All I could think was great, the mothers influence is already affecting her. My wife began pleading with her which I hate because I've coached her before that you don't plead with a child, you are their parent and you must make strong boundaries with them. We are not their friends we are their parents. When my daughter started batting her hand away I stepped in because I don't want my wifes violence becoming my daughters nature. My wife took a defensive posture and I said to her hey just let me talk with her for a minute. I kneeled down to my daughters level and put my arm around her and asked her what was the matter. She began bawling and sobbing uncontrollably.

    For me this moment was a mixture of compassion for my daughter and quiet rage at my wife. I've told her many times that she can hate me that's fine but we need to reconcile our differences and do what's good for these children. I've offered her divorce, no response. I've offered to go to marriage counseling, Whatever response. The list goes on and on. I could not stand this. The two persons I love more then anything in the whole world are being told to lie to me, being alenated from me and even they realize on some level what is going on and it is wrong and these people just continue to act this way and treat the children as property and not as individuals.

    At the moment I cannot support a legal case, or my family. I supported them completely in the U.S. my wife did not work at all. Only when I was laid off from my job at the hotel I was working at and we ran out of money did her parents come into the picture offering to help support us if we came to Thailand. I'm just going to stop there because I have a lot of work to do, police reports, job search, visa's and more....

    My wife really has no means of supporting the children other then her elderly parents. They've helped her with three businesses that I can say with 90% certainty are nothing more then money pits, acting as a babysitter for one of their adult children to keep them busy during the day while they watch her child. I aplogize for the disjointed freewriting style, but thank you as it will serve to order my grievances for the future fight.

  17. I'll try and keep it simple and only include relevant details. My wife and I have had our share of problems, and I've taken the Mai pen rai attitude for some time but then no progress ever gets made in our relationship. Anyways I needed to go to get an extension for my visa and she needed to be there, but was not answering her phone (typical these days). I saw her father who told me she had brought our daughter to school so I walked on over to the school only to find out my daughter was not there yet. Mai pen rai, I will try for the Visa anyways even though I knew it would be a bust.

    I finally get a hold of her right before the officials go to lunch at twelve and ask her to come down and sign. She protested claiming she was busy and couldn't. I asked if she would keep her phone on and maybe this lady would give me a break later if she spoke with you. She agreed, I got a hold of her. I said that it was as I predicted she retorted by saying she was tired last night and turned her phone off. I said you shouldn't do that what if there is an emergency your father is very old.... CLICK.

    I stick around immigration for some time after that trying to resolve my issues and then go home. It's about 3 p.m. when I get there and I think hey I'll pick up my daughter from school today now that I have a chance (they have been making a habit of cutting me out of everything lately... purposefully) and spend some quality time with my kid before they coax her out of Dr. Seuss readings in English with candy and food. I arrive to the school, we greet each other with the usual graciousness. They direct me down the hall where my daughter is supposed to be. She is not there. I write it off to being confused when another teacher that recognizes me directs me back to where my daughter is supposed to be. I see her playing and don't disrupt her. I converse with the teachers asking things like how she is doing socially with the other kids, is she responding to the lessons etc. etc. Then the teacher tells me that my wife signed a form declaring that only Grandma, Grandpa and Mommy are allowed to pick Gwyndalyn up from school. And it specifically stated that Daddy was allowed to wait there until one of the approved guardians arrived.

    Naturally I had a problem with this. I told the teacher calmly and politely that this is not fair, it is nonsense and probably illegal. That I am married, not divorced and the father of these children. She directed me to the head whom I spoke with and I informed her that I knew Thai law and that the father has equal rights. She kept insisting that it was my wifes right and I reitterated that we were not divorced, it is not her right. She said it is not her problem that I should speak with my wife. She showed me the form (in Thai) I asked for a copy. She said sure, then didn't make a copy. My wife came she gave her the form, My wife came in asked what the problem was and I said thats what I wanted to know... What is this about? She said it was wrong the school made the mistake it was not what she wanted. I called B.S. because there was a specific clause stating rules for daddy.

    She got angry defended her position and I asked to see the document. She handed it over and said she would translate. I said don't worry. I will go make a copy, and get it translated myself. She became offensive, agressive and physical in front of our daughter. I asked her to stop she kept grabbing at me and pushing me about. I motioned for the staff to come help me and they stuck their heads in the sand. She blocked the door and would not let me by, I managed get by eventually without having to get physical with her and asked the head and her minions to please take my daughter away from us so she doesn't have to witness this. She rebuked me and said She's already seen it all!

    I responded quickly by saying to her she doesn't need to see anymore then does she? The schools muscle then came after me and blocked my path from leaving the school and demanded the document back. I told him I was promised a copy and I 'm going to get a copy made. He would not let me by I refused to get physical and he refused to step aside. So we waited for the police to come when the police came I handed them the document and cooperated. They handed it over to my wife who ran off to the head, and the Head promptly tore it to pieces. I cannot imagine they would have done that unless they knew it was a violation of my rights. but I digress.

    We went down to the police station and had a chat with my mother in law lauding her virtues and chastising me about things that had nothing to do with the situation but the police appeared sympathetic to the fact that I don't speak Thai and didn't seem to judge however they did make me take a drug test which I don't know if that is a violation of my rights or not, but, no one was arrested, I didn't sign anything and some kind of report was made which they did not furnish me with a copy of, but gave to my wife instead.

    Sorry for all the dribble drabble but the question boils down to this: Can my wife order the school to not let me pick up my daughter?

    We were married in the U.S.

    My children were both born in the U.S.

    We have registered our marriage with the authorities, I have a Non-O visa.

    I am listed on the birth certificates as the father of these children.

    We are currently married not divorced.

    I'm trying not to rehash old dirty laundry and keep it relevant so if any parts seemed vague I apologize, I'm just trying to keep it relevant to this incident.

  18. All parties should invite and welcome an international group to oversee them if they want to be taken seriously. It would be wise before my country (U.S.A.) decides its going to come in and liberate the Thai people. I am admittedly ignorant of a lot of nuances in Thai politics, it's just so dam_n hard to keep up with the real issues when every day there are announcements about crackdowns on tattoos of religious icons to installing flush toilets in every building. I have managed to get a general idea though and from what I see is neither party is particularly suited to the interests of the entire country. The P.A.D. is way too centralized on Bangkok, and when there is not a single building code in place to keep dirty air con evaporators from dripping on my childs head as I wish I could stroll about my neighborhood with a stroller but cannot because the sidewalks are too f'd up, and even where they are manageable,there is the Thai Version of the Hindu Holy cows: A morbidly obese street vendor hawking noodles, blocking my path and everyone else, SO SAY I THEY ARE NOT DOING THEIR JOB. If your party is going to be so centric on the capitol city then at least end the corruption that makes it so dam_n suffocating. Make building codes for the city streets that plan for street vendors and foot traffic. Make the underground taxation by the BiB legitimate and take a cut for the city's General fund while your at it to make improvements to the infrastructure. Everyone wins, the BiB get to keep their standards of living and the Thais, and tourists get street food, jobs, and a nicer city to walk in.

    I could comment further on the PAD's desire to only allow people living in Bangkok vote but I want to rant on the red shirts too... When I first started learning about the Red shirts agenda one year ago. I sort of had some compassion for them. Sure, they absolutely made my first month in Thailand a nightmare. Everything I wanted to see in BKK was shut down by them. I can handle that though. I understand the strategy of choosing a place to protest against political unfairness. However I and my family got caught right by the hospital that they blocked off and were intimidating the staff. We were doing some business down in that area to get papers for my girls to have citizenship in Thailand and we decided to get out of there. Needless to say we had trouble getting out. no one was purposefully blocking our exit but it was difficult. That and the sharpened bamboo and tire barricades being set up for a battle that did eventually take place. I closed my mind to anything the red shirts might have to say good or bad. People in BKK were dying that day and these ignorant animals were blocking emergency vehicles from taking sick people to get better. And then trying to burn down the same city... I mean c'mon the very first rule of revolution is endear yourself to the masses!

    So my point is after all that is neither of these two parties are not a good choice for Thai people. You have a fire on one hand, and a frying pan in the other.

  19. Culture Minister Niphit Intharasombat ought to get a life and start worrying about something that actually matters...

    He has a life, a holier then thou life. I'm not an expert on any religion but the feeling I get when asking, "what would Jesus do?" Or "What would Buddha say?" in a true gospel/dhamma orthodox sense, the Buddha would say just like it's in the scorpions nature to sting, it is in a poseurs nature to pose.

  20. I have only seen pictures of Phuket, but I am going for the first time this week. It looks lovely, It would serve the residents, industry and politicians all very well to consider becoming a micro-culture of environmentalism in Thailand, perhaps even an iconic example for the world. There certainly is enough tourist dollars there to begin innovative and better systems as well as watchdog groups. After going to one beach in Songkhla that looked absolutely disgusting because of seafood farming and straws and plastic bits from 7-11's and mom and pop shops I stopped taking straws from these shops and bags. Not much but it's a start.

  21. Being a history channel type anthropologist I asked my wife why Thai's dothis, and she didn't really know. We speculated, I came to the conclusion that it was probably because a long time ago before Thais had doctors, the monks were responsible for teaching people about health and cleanliness as well as spiritual beliefs, and that it was probably just something they did to help control lice and other parasites. She responded with... How did you know the monks used to control all Thai medicine? I explained that it happens in every culture around the world because religion is one of the first structural forms to organize any society. I still think the lice control is the primary reason for doing this. I've seen Thai's often picking through each others hair like chimps grooming each other. Kind of nice way to bond I think. This is one Thai way I wouldn't mind seeing more of in the west.

    The reason why they groom each other is to remove grey hairs and curly hairs. The grey hairs are unsightly and the curly hairs are supposed to make your head itch as they grow.

    Those are reasons I am aware of. I still think they pick through each others hair looking for lice though who would admit that?. My point is that grooming each other, regardless of the reasons is cool we ought to do it more in the west.. And that shaving a babies head probably had more to do with keeping parasites away then anything else.

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