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Posts posted by SamboVilla

  1. I think medititation is bulshit, and no one has ever given me a half decent explanation on how clearing the mind can make you feel better.

    I rank it up there with believing in god and ghosts. Nice thought but it is 2010 and still no evidence of any of them working.

    I don't think you should need an explanation. You should just try it. For example, if you have a dilemma and can't come to a decision, instead of thinking about it over and over, you can try to not think about anything IE.) meditating. The answer will come to you easier, I promise.

  2. Anyone know where I can get some serious medication? How much longer are the mods going to let this clown use this thread for "How I nearly won the war in Vietnam and Other Utterly ridiculous meanderings" to put us all through such excruciating pain? This can't be right mods, surely? Where's the relevance for a start. Can't he just be invited to start an appropriately titled thread and vomit this diatribe of a sadly deluded mind there? At least we then know to keep clear.

    Our fault for paying attention. I've had enough. See you all on the sensible threads. This one has run its course.

    Finally someone else realises! Just came back to see if this thread is still going on.....and to my dismay....

    Then again it is in the fun and entertainment category, maybe this should be renamed Marky's storytelling forum.

  3. Just a minor inconvenience compared to what my family and others had to endure during the early 1940s.

    My family lived in the docks area of the East end of London, spent most nights dodging German bombs during the blitz and wondering what and who would be left in the mornings.

    All the able bodied men having to go to war and many were never to return. Considering, the Bangkok flood, or Bankok as it was known then, was a doddle compared to living on the receiving end of the blitz at the time.

    I feel for anybody that had to live through the London Blitz, it must have been an extremely hard time to live through.

    BUT, I don't see the need to be comparing that to this video just because they were going on at the same time, this thread was clearly made because of the flooding that is going on in Thailand at the moment.

    It's interesting to see the Victory Monument in such surroundings. Thanks George.

  4. แจ็ค is the most common used version for Jack. Although with the vowel แ it ends up sounding something like Jaek which is no problem if you're American. My name, Sam, (แซม) always sounds more like Saaem, but I think that's because if you say "Sam" with a flat English accent it's a swear word!

  5. Although I agree with the posts by people who seem to have a knowledge or have researched into what they have written, I think there is another, less scientific point to make.

    That is that Farang-Khee-Nok is also a type of fruit (I'm aware this point has also been made) that is green on the outside but red inside. I believe that there indeed may be times when the saying is used as an insult, but if you know Thai people you will know that they just like to say things that are funny. If you ask me, a fruit with this name is pretty funny.

    Since they like to call us Caucasians "Farangs" (mush to the dismay of some), it is inevitable that the extension "Farang-Khee-Nok" will be used as it is also a fruit. The vast majority of times, no insult is intended.

  6. Nor have I ever said that only smart people have degrees but I think one would be hard pressed to try and make the case in reverse. That is, people without degrees are smarter than people with degrees.

    True, one would indeed be hard pressed. A point that quite clearly doesn't need to be made. Your hiring technique is an obvious and common one, although I like to think that an employer will hire somebody on the basis of how well they can do the job. I have experienced first hand the jealousy which you described, that is teachers getting upset when other teachers teach without degrees. One should not worry about what others have or don't have, you make your own decisions in life. If a teacher has a degree and a job i presume that is the road they intended to take, why should what somebody else has or has not done upset them?

    I'm not Christian in any way but there is a clever story from the bible about the vineyard owner and his employees that makes this same point, do you know it?

    You're very sensitive and defensive for an older person who has been through so much Mark. I find this interesting in contrast to your "recounting your life" posts.

  7. Sorry but I am not impressed.

    Don't be sorry, he's not looking to impress. Check his blog or meet him at one of the activities he organises.

    He is a nice person.

    Right. The volunteers at Soi Dog are nice people too. The frumpy foreign ladies that volunteer at any one of a number of orphanages are nice people too. The foreign grad students and post doc researchers that agreed to work on non lucrative public health projects in rural Thailand are nice people too. Do you know what the differentiating feature between these people and the holy roller blogging monk is? These mere mortal unenlightened foreigners are trying to make the world a better place by contributing of themselves to the progress and betterment of the nation. I do not know exactly what a blogging foreign monk does to make the world a better place except to be supported by others? Oh wait, he's enlightened and I'm not. He provides doundbites like "Happiness comes from letting go." oooo that's deep. A walking fortune cookie. Hey, I know what, the foreigners and Thais that aren't meditating and are instead keeping the hungry fed, the poor clothed and providing care to the dying should just let go. Yea, that's right, they should drop all these causes like a foreigner drops his wife once she gets older. Right, that's dthe difference.

    When I look at the photo and see the foreign monk with his tatoo, the first thing I think of is, oh great, he's on to another fad. Just as it was cool at one time to get a bad tatoo, now it's trendy for foreigners to become "monks". Oh yes, this is how they wil slay their personal demons.Right. I reckon, the bogeyman are still hiding in the foreign monks' closets and will scare them again at some point. The progress of a nation does not come from people like this. He is a consumer of resources and gives nothing back except toss away statements that both pander to and exploit the fears of other humans.

    The people who you mention are, I'm sure nice people, I don't think anybody said that they weren't.

    Are you saying there's no place/need for monks in Thailand? If so that's quite a statement. I believe monks are just as important if not more than the people you mentioned, especially in Thailand, I wouldn't like to see what would happen to this country without them.

  8. " All he did was meditate and had nothing to do with the world, and I thought that's great; that's me,"

    What an odd thing to admit.

    Is it really that odd? Should he keep it to himself? He is a monk!

    I must admit I thought about it myself a couple of times. Fed up of people thinking too much and stressing over everything, then I came to Thailand and found that not everyone is like that.

  9. I think that the people doing these things have not learned how to deal with what they perceive as problems. Instead of upping the quality of their service(s) they can only think to cause problems. I do not think this is unique to Thais or Westerners.


    Can I +2 or is that cheating?

  10. If you met me, you would not call me a fool, a fool cannot learn to read and speak a new language fluently in 10 months. I just say what I think and don't get offended easily.

    Not sure what I did to upset you Mr. Oxford maybe you could explain.

    Being patronising has never been a good thing to be, nobody should be obliged to be patronised, that's obsurd.

    Can't believe this thread is still going, does it actually have a topic anymore?

  11. I don't agree or disagree with the idea that farang is rude, but I will point out that certain people deliberately use the term "kon tang pratet" where they could use the term farang, and there is presumably a reason for this choice.

    The reason is because they are aware that farangs can be sensitive old souls and don't want to upset you. Should we be upset?

    they know it is rude, that is why.

    Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not saying "Go home" but being easily offended and presuming you can understand people when you're not sure is not a good trait to have when living in this mostly wonderful country.

    It's not rude, just not ultra-polite.

  12. I don't agree or disagree with the idea that farang is rude, but I will point out that certain people deliberately use the term "kon tang pratet" where they could use the term farang, and there is presumably a reason for this choice.

    The reason is because they are aware that farangs can be sensitive old souls and don't want to upset us. Should we be upset?

  13. I don't agree or disagree with the idea that farang is rude, but I will point out that certain people deliberately use the term "kon tang pratet" where they could use the term farang, and there is presumably a reason for this choice.

    thanks for your response. kon tang pratet is the acceptable word to use, not to call someone a fruit or bird crap (farang khi nok)

    Farang khii nok does not mean bird carp, well not normally. Not that it means something much better. I find it hard to explain, it means somebody who is very cautious about the money he spends and will not spend money on things he does not need. (Maybe selfish but not quite as bad) Sensible? Maybe, but not how most Thais live!

    Edit: I don't see anything unacceptable about using the word farang. Only when I first got here and was a bit paranoid about what people were saying, was when I didn't like people saying it. I used to understand the tiniest bit of Thai and think I could put together what people were saying about me. I was normally wrong. Bear in mind there are so many Thai words that sound similar to the untrained ear.

  14. Here here Rikker.

    Talking of racism, whenever I've tried to explain the word racism to a Thai who can't speak English, (sometimes even those who can) they rarely understand what I'm trying to say. People normally just say what they think in my experience, if your a farang they'll call you so, if your fat, have a big nose, balding or shorter that most farangs they've seen, they'll tell you so, (and probably within the first few sentences). There are no underlying points that they're trying to make, and I find this much more refreshing than people noticing something, but rather than saying it, keep it to them selves and gossip to their friends afterward. That way you find out more like this; "So and so said you're fat" which is much worse. I've always liked the way most Thai people just say what they think.

    I have met a few Thais who are wary of saying farang, in which case they will ask a question using, "somebody like you, a person of a different nationality" to which I will answer the question by using, "Farang". They normally looked relieved when I say this and means that we can become closer friends, without having to worry about using the right words. Also bear in mind Thais will do anything to shorten a sentence or a word, farang is the shortest option I can think of!

  15. If I was going to study I'd go home to do it.

    People do get a WP without a degree, and it's not obvious I don't have one mate, you've never met me.

    One company wants to help me work legally so they're going to do their best, if they can't I'll try again.

    Thanks for the info on the Vietnam war. Have a nice life.

    Sorry you are right, I have never met you. I should have said, your age and education is obvious from your writing. Your temperament comes across loud and clear from the way you write also. Do you want to know how I know? 1. Avatar. 2. purposeful misspellings. 3. Slang used. 4. Lack of knowledge about history. 5. Displays of anger. 6. Lack of knowledge of education practices.

    You shout, young and uneducated every time you post. The only cure is go to college and age a bit. Hopefully that will calm you down a bit. Is it this easy for children to anger you? Wait till you deal with the Thai school system for a while. People who are easy to anger have a hard time. If I can get under your skin think of what a principal will do.

    I would have to agree with this - you can't teach here without a degree and TFL recognised cert (Trinity or Cambridge) - well you can teach but not at a good school. The point is you have to learn to teach - you are not born with the knowledge and skill-set - it is pure arrogance to think you can.

    But as my old CEO once said - 'people don't know what they don't know'

    I've had enough of this now and am not going to argue anymore. The facts are; I do teach, I teach well, I earn a good amount doing it and somebody is in the process of getting me a work permit and visa as we speak, they say it's looking promising.

    I wasn't born with the knowledge, no. I went to school and college where I was taught by teachers, some of them good, some of them not so good. This is where I learned how to be a good teacher, I also have 6 nieces and nephews who have helped me to develop a knack of keeping kids interested.

    I was not degrading anybody's GF, but yea I'll stop, my point is obviously not allowed to be made.

    Marky, for someone who loves to pick up on spelling mistakes "Your welcome" is a pretty bad one. Welcome is not something that belongs to me, it's not 'my welcome'. This should be, "You are welcome" which can then be abbreviated to, "You're welcome", as in, "It's my pleasure".

  16. I always thought ther was the politest of the polite, it's what they always use in Thai songs and a lot of the time on T.V. Khun is also polite. I've rarley heard people say ther in real life so she might just be talking the way normal people talk to each other, thinking that this would be more polite. Thais also like to use their own names even if they are just talking between the two of them, so instead of ,"I love you" they might say, "Puyi rak Sam"

    I'd only start to worry if she said,"Gu rak mung"

    I'm sure there's a more in-depth answer, but this is my two pennies.

  17. common Nancy. Don't project please your western morals to the Thai language. Calling someone a FARANG is by far different than using the "N-word", I hope you learned that after 30years of stay. and if not...well its time.... using the word falang is far from being raciest, mean or cruel, it does not carry any bad meaning except those the heads of few of us (farangs)

    when someone calls me a farang i usually smile and say, no i am a mango or a papaya. they always laugh and we all go back to business.



    same as the 'N' word imo and i am not going to take it anymore especially from some uneducated punk.

    It's really not the same, there are no other meanings attached apart from that you are western.

    Yea if I ever feel like responding I say, "mai shai farang, dtaeng moo" to wich they laugh. If you've been traveling to Thailand 30 years you should know not to be so sensitive, it's just how Thais talk.

  18. Nobody? Ok I'll do it myself.

    From the OED.

    The words principle and principal are pronounced in the same way but they do not have the same meaning. Principle is normally used as a noun meaning 'a fundamental basis of a system of thought or belief', as in this is one of the basic principles of democracy . Principal, on the other hand, is normally an adjective meaning 'main or most important', as in one of the country's principal cities . Principal can also be a noun, where it is used to refer to the most senior or most important person in an organization or other group: the deputy principal

    So, the poster you are berating is correct in his use of that spelling, sticking to his principles. Sticking to a principal may still be a caning offence in some places.

    I thought a good teacher would have known that, Pal.

    Thanks but no, I was wrong. What they are getting a huge kick out of was a mistake. I should feel such a fool of myself!

    Now he's calling you ignorant and apparently I'm the one easy to anger.

  19. I have got on well everywhere I work. The children don't anger me. I like to use slang, when talking with people who can understand it, I don't think that says much about me. I have worked with two principles so far and we still get on fine. I don't really mind what you think about me but I'm not and angry person.

    It is clear from your posts that you are self centered and bitter about your youth.

    Sambo you are going to learn something today because I am a good teacher. In spite of yourself you will remember what I am about to tell you. Trust me you will. Never again will you make a fool of yourself in this particular area.

    The principal is your PAL. PAL like friend.

    In every trade there are words one should know if involved in that trade. In teaching, spelling those words is also important as young people depend on you to be correct. You will find out it is not enough simply to teach pronunciation. You must also write the word on the board to facilitate learning.

    If you are a teacher you should know how to spell words like; school, teacher, student, classroom and principal.

    It is easy to remember how to spell principal if you remember the principal is your PAL.

    Also, speaking of slang, SAMBO is a racially charged word in America. You should probably avoid using it.

    You will never misspell principal again. I guarantee it because I am a good teacher.

    Your welcome.

    Thanks for some, one again unrequested advice, you're right I probably never will misspell that word again but not because of your, "good teaching".

    Sambo is also a word used in England that a long time ago used to be a racist term. I'm not worried about using it, I have friends of all colours and nationalities how all like to give me the nickname Sambo. I'm sorry if you take offence, but burying a word in the past doesn't help. Using it as a light-hearted nickname does. I've never had anybody take offence before and it was not a self-given nickname.

    As for teaching I don't need your help thanks, I don't call myself a good teacher because that's what's known as 'blowing your own trumpet', but many other people have said I'm a very good teacher and no-one has complained about my teaching skills. I don't just teach children I teach adults too.

    I don't feel like I made a fool of myself, I have more self-respect than that.

    Edit: This kind of brings us back on topic, I'm still not sure if anybody really understands why you don't teach your GF English, especially if you are such a good teacher. The only reason I understood was because if you do she might find some-one else. You also say she's not interested, in my experience everybody in Thailand under the age of 50 wants to learn English.

  20. I have got on well everywhere I work. The children don't anger me. I like to use slang, when talking with people who can understand it, I don't think that says much about me. I have worked with two principles so far and we still get on fine. I don't really mind what you think about me but I'm not and angry person.

    It is clear from your posts that you are self centered and bitter about your youth.

  21. I can't believe I've been here for ten months and never heard of it until yesterday when one of my friends was on about it. I've never drunk it and now, it seems, I never will. Should I be upset? I don't know. Would have liked to give it a try.

    How come I've never heard of it and then it gets mentioned twice in two days, I love it when stuff like that happens!

  22. I always liked this about Thailand, even if the music is awful. Sometimes people even sing along, that always brings a smile to my face. Better than a bus in england where most people either try to avoid eye contact or try to rob you.

    I'm with you on the air con holes though, gunna go to 7 and buy some duct tape.

  23. If I was going to study I'd go home to do it.

    People do get a WP without a degree, and it's not obvious I don't have one mate, you've never met me.

    One company wants to help me work legally so they're going to do their best, if they can't I'll try again.

    Thanks for the info on the Vietnam war. Have a nice life.

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