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Posts posted by SamboVilla

  1. My girlfriend loves gambling, she's a uni student, not hi-so or a bar girl. She plays dummy a few nights a week, if I don't want to give her money I don't and she understands. I understand the OP does not have the choice of not giving money as she is his wife. Fortunately she's pretty good and normally wins, but this isn't the point I suppose i'll have to keep an eye on it as it could become a problem in the future.

    I can't say the same thing hasn't been through my head about the TV stars, a lot of the women aren't good at acting, just good at looking good, and I DO know that "blowjob promotions" go on in England.

    But I would also like to know where he got his big % information from.

  2. I didn't join the Army I got drafted. That means if I didn't serve I would have ended up in a Federal Penitentiary. I believe there was a draft in England during WW I. Austro-Hungary declared war on England. And thus started WWI.

    I don't get your reference to Thai people. Are you saying you are Thai? Or that I am impolite to Thai people?

    I do write fiction. But I have not written any here. I would tell you if I did.

    I am happy that you have a partner that you love.

    Have you really ever chopped up anyone with a machete?

    You have only lived in the country for a few months and you can read and write Thai? I am impressed.

    I am also impressed with your earnings as a teacher as only last week you posted. "The other thing is that I have applied for jobs teaching and next week I have 4 interviews at various places."

    I'll give you the same advice I would give any young man who wanted to teach in Thailand. Go back to England get a degree and certification, teach for a couple of years and then come back to Thailand. Good luck.

    Yes there was a draft in WW1 and WW2, I didn't realise there was during the Vietnam war, sorry.

    I'm saying I haven't noticed so much of this politeness of which you talk, and there's a lot of bitching about Thais that goes on here, this was not direct at you although maybe it applies. Why would you think I'm trying to say I'm Thai?

    No I've never chopped anyone up! I always walk away from a fight if possible, and very, very rarely start them. I was taking the piss.

    Yes I can read Thai, my writing is not the best but Thais can understand what I'm trying to say.

    You're impressed, but you're trying to say I'm lying. I didn't really want to mention the fact that I've been working illegally since I got here in that thread, because that's not what I wanted advise about. I work various different part-time jobs, the 4 interviews were for full-time jobs which can hopefully see me acquire a work permit and 1 year visa. One company in Huahin is going to do there best to get me working legally. Thanks for your advise, but a degree is not important to me I do just fine without qualifications, and as many people like to say, "This is Thailand, anything is possible!"

    If you studied for a degree maybe you could teach your student the difference between advice and advise and their and there.

    Thanks, for your input. I teach conversation not spelling. Yea, i'm kicking myself for making those schoolboy errors, but I'm tired and want to go and get pissed. When I'm typing on TV I don't care much for writing perfect English but maybe I should cos there's always some <deleted> with a chip on their shoulder picking up on mistakes and not actually making a good point.

    What's your problem? I'm a good Teacher and love doing it, not like most people who just do it because they can't find anything else to do.

  3. I didn't join the Army I got drafted. That means if I didn't serve I would have ended up in a Federal Penitentiary. I believe there was a draft in England during WW I. Austro-Hungary declared war on England. And thus started WWI.

    I don't get your reference to Thai people. Are you saying you are Thai? Or that I am impolite to Thai people?

    I do write fiction. But I have not written any here. I would tell you if I did.

    I am happy that you have a partner that you love.

    Have you really ever chopped up anyone with a machete?

    You have only lived in the country for a few months and you can read and write Thai? I am impressed.

    I am also impressed with your earnings as a teacher as only last week you posted. "The other thing is that I have applied for jobs teaching and next week I have 4 interviews at various places."

    I'll give you the same advice I would give any young man who wanted to teach in Thailand. Go back to England get a degree and certification, teach for a couple of years and then come back to Thailand. Good luck.

    Yes there was a draft in WW1 and WW2, I didn't realise there was during the Vietnam war, sorry.

    I'm saying I haven't noticed so much of this politeness of which you talk, and there's a lot of bitching about Thais that goes on here, this was not direct at you although maybe it applies. Why would you think I'm trying to say I'm Thai?

    No I've never chopped anyone up! I always walk away from a fight if possible, and very, very rarely start them. I was taking the piss.

    Yes I can read Thai, my writing is not the best but Thais can understand what I'm trying to say.

    You're impressed, but you're trying to say I'm lying. I didn't really want to mention the fact that I've been working illegally since I got here in that thread, because that's not what I wanted advise about. I work various different part-time jobs, the 4 interviews were for full-time jobs which can hopefully see me acquire a work permit and 1 year visa. One company in Huahin is going to do there best to get me working legally. Thanks for your advise, but a degree is not important to me I do just fine without qualifications, and as many people like to say, "This is Thailand, anything is possible!"

  4. I'm ashamed it's taken me this long to realise that marky is full of shit.

    Everything he says is clearly bullshit. Apart from the fact he's got a dumb wife and he's old and ugly.

    Sambo this is Thai Visa. It is a polite forum. I certainly don't mind criticism. Without persecution religion would die. If everybody agreed with me this would be a dull world. You made a few errors in fact in your brief post one of which is I am not married. It will be a cold day in hel_l when I will get married again.

    You use the word shit twice. Apparently you like that word but it is not a very descriptive word.

    If you think something I have said is in error I invite you to tell us all what it is. We do have something in common. We were both 22 when we first came to Thailand. I was working when I came the first time. My job was killing people. I hope you have a better job for your first time in this lovely country.

    What do you do? I know it can't be teaching. I am really interested. With your attitude and writing ability I really can't think of any jobs in Thailand open to you. But I can always learn something.

    As for a "polite forum" I have yet to see many people show much politeness to Thai people on here, including yourself.

    Yes I like the word shit, it's a good word, and as for being able to form a sentence I believe your sentence forming ability leaves a lot to be desired, for example the use of commas.

    I AM a teacher and I earn between 40,000 and 50,000 a month too, mostly only part time, so I still have time to travel.

    My time in England and here has seen me encounter many people like you, (all farangs) and for everything you tell them, they have done it before, except a little bit more exiting than you. These people will ALWAYS bring age into the equation when trying to put someone down or replying to an insult. I'm sorry my last post was blunt (I AM young after all), and I can see why people enjoy and look forward to your posts, but my point was that they are clearly the work of fiction.

    Be assured that what you pointed out IS the only thing we have in common, I would never join the English (or American) army as apart from the second world war there has never been a rightful reason for one. I have a girlfriend who is 26, we have been together for two years and I consider myself "in love". She is not the most attractive of girls and I know for a fact I could get a better looking one but that doesn't interest me (her head-giving ability more than makes up for her not looking like a model). She is in the last year of her Masters and in the two years of being together we have exchanged languages to the extent of us both being able to read, write and talk fluently in Thai and English.

    P.S. I'll come back and tell you you're right when she gets her masters and leaves me for an upper-class English business-man.

    P.P.S A machete is usually my weapon of choice when starting pointless bar-fights over somebody stepping on my foot.

  5. I think that in many cases, the OP has been slagged off, made fun of, his question has been scrutinized and critisized, maybe hes not a native English speaker and every single error will be pointed out in his post, if it's concerning his GF or Wife then she is run through the mill and accused of being a whore and a liar etc etc.

    Anything concerning the OP spending any money in Thailand will be met with the usual comments about how stupid he is and he'll lose the lot etc etc etc.

    Anything about Thai people will be met with the usual anti Thai negative posts etc etc.

    I understand why they don't come back, hardly surprising to me.

    Whether or not this is the answer to the question, I'm not sure, but it is a pretty accurate summary of TV. Since I've been reading through the threads I'm always astonished at how many people live here but still moan about everything that is possible to moan about. I love it here and I love the people but have met very few "nice" farangs here. I choose to spend my life with Thai people who the majority of farangs on TV seem to love moaning about.

    I was also wondering if we'll get a reply from the OP!

  6. OP All I can say is that I hope I don't turn out like you someday. Maybe I'm young and ignorant but, surely if you love her you will want her to be the best she can, being afraid that she might find someone else is pathetic. On the other hand if you don't love her then why should you teach her? You must be very happily married. peh.

  7. I've only been here for nine months but I don't see the need to think too long and hard about whether to or not to wai sombody.

    If somebody wais you, do it back (except for service staff because for want of a better work you'll look like a <deleted>)

    I always wai older people who I know, or their friends/family.

    I wai monks, obviously.

    Thats about it.

    As to people who say "I'm not Thai so I don't do it" I can imagine you are the sort of people who could be here for 5 years and still not speak a word of Thai. I in my humble opinion you should go home.

  8. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, I understand these things are never straight forward but any help anyone can give would be great.

    I'm 22 from England and I have a non immigrant O multi entry visa. I have nearly been here for a year, my visa runs out on November 13th. I know some people say you can extend this for ninety days while others say there is only the 12 month option. Are any of these options available to me as I'm not married to a Thai and do not have have a Thai bank account?

    The other thing is that I have applied for jobs teaching and next week I have 4 interviews at various places. I am confident I can get a job but not so confident about the visa as there is only a short time left before mine runs out. Obviously I can discuss this with my future employer but wanted some info in advance. I know all of the places I will be having an interview are places that will sort you out with a non B work visa if they want you to work for them, but will the fact I only have a month left be a big problem? Can they get some extension time for you wile they sort out your visa?

    I would hate to be offered a job only to find out that there is nothing they can do to help me about my visa.

    Hopefully I have given all the info needed, thanks for any help.


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