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  1. I can't think of any type of industry where China didn't get stronger in the last 5 years. The actions of the US government paint the real picture - increasing number of "trade probes", sanctions etc. Nothing has worked so far.
  2. Try Amaysim esim, but I'm not sure if you can activate it in Thailand. I've heard people being able to activate dtac esims outside Thailand. Of course your phone should must support esim.
  3. There are many....Aldi mobile, Amaysim etc. This topic was discussed extensively.
  4. How would you know...I saw somewhere that around 3 mil baht changed hands. One can't be sure as this is not a public company to publish accounts.
  5. I'm in Sydney right now, easy to go mental when you see the grocery prices and the rents. Tent cities and rising crime seems the likely future.
  6. The only way the super income becomes tax exempt is when you move your super from accumulation to pension phase (income stream). I'm more or less in the same boat although I'm a tax resident, this in principle won't matter unless you have a SMSF and you need to satisfy the residency tests. https://simplyretirement.com.au/tax-super-overseas If you get Oz super pension it may be taxable under the new Thai rules...that is if you bring it to Thailand via bank transfers. Australia won't tax your super pension and income generated by your super even if you are non resident
  7. Interest earned in super if you are in pension phase is not taxable, whether resident or not. If your super is still in accumulation phase the interest is super income and is taxable at 15%. If your money is outside super then the non resident rules for interest apply. It is in your best interest to keep your money in super in pension phase, no income is taxable. Hard to get zero tax anywhere in the world.
  8. https://www.google.com/travel/flights/booking?tfs=CBwQAhpNEgoyMDI0LTA0LTMwIh8KA1BFUhIKMjAyNC0wNC0zMBoDQktLKgJURzIDNDg0MgJUR2oMCAMSCC9tLzA2MnFncgwIAxIIL20vMGZuMmdAAUgBcAGCAQsI____________AZgBAg&tfu=CmxDalJJVlU5UVNYUnFObmxvTVVGQlNURkNZV2RDUnkwdExTMHRMUzB0TFhSaVluWnhOa0ZCUVVGQlIxbFRTMGs0UkZjeVNEQkJFZ1ZVUnpRNE5Cb0tDT1pmRUFBYUExUklRamdjY0tpR0FnPT0SAggAIgA The layout of the 787 Perth to Bangkok is pretty good, legroom of 32 inch, comparable to Emirates.
  9. TCL is big brand, very big, I think they either No 1 or 2 worldwide in regards to number of TVs sold.
  10. Thailand doesn't publish statistics on expats, but this number sounds reasonable. In 2018 they published that 80k retirement visas were issued, after covid there are probably less of us.
  11. TIT...a feudal system where each province invent their own rules. I was able to renew my driving licence with my yellow book instead of COR. With national parks 3 out of 6 parks gave me Thai rates, the other 3 refused and had to pay foreigner rate.
  12. This is not correct. Only the bank issuing credit and debit cards have full information of your ATM withdrawals and credit card transactions. Even the tax office in your country doesn't have normally access to this, they can get it only if you are under investigation. The AML govt agencies around the world use the concept of "entity resolution", this is decisive info to attribute a transaction to an entity. It could be something like this - full name + DOB + passport number + address. In Australia something similar is 100 points identity identification. The ATM withdrawals or CC purchases do not provide complete information to third parties and the transaction can't be attributed to an entity except by the issuing bank.
  13. Where did you find info that banks would provide transaction info under the CRS? There is no such thing. Only summaries are provided. Also it looks like the banks are semi-voluntarily providing that information. Recently a couple of Aussie banks were asking me in forms if I'm a tax resident of another country, probably for CRS reporting. No need to guess how I answered.
  14. I helped a Thai restaurant owner in similar case about an year ago, they needed a bit of video processing of the CCTV footage. An European looking lady skillfully put a 100 baht banknote below a 1000 baht one, and then claimed she gave 2000 and blamed the waitress. The owner told her to come the next day to get refund after they review the CCTV footage. She never came.... probably on the way out she saw there was a camera right above her table. It was very skillful and quick banknote placement, I had to split the footage in frames to notice the different banknote colour.
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