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Posts posted by muaythaifun

  1. hi guys, so i decided im going to malaysia first ill be there for 90 days im assuming, id like to go to thailand after that. i talked to the malaysian consulate and they said i dont need a visa and i can get one on arrival but what about thailand? the last post here says ill only get 1 month? how can i get more then that

  2. yes, i agree i absolutely dont condone fighting, except for sport i dont want any part in it. im just saying, thinking if i was all alone with a "girl" and "she" turned out to be something else, that person could have a problem. although i can see the fault in that aswell, so ill have to be very careful.

    im not exactly looking for a gf over there either, a few flings would be good enough i suppose but who knows lol i got my mind on turkey right now anyway...

  3. yea, i like asian girls, i like all kinds of girls as long as they look good, if she looks good she does i dont really discriminate. and im kinda young i guess im 26 right now. and im good looking and fit and all that i just have other things to consider, espcially in thailand with the ladyboys and stuff its just gonna be tricky...if i got duped into feelin up on dude there could be problems for that guy/lentlemen whatever lol

  4. LOL @Robroy that was a funny post.

    i dont drink or smoke anything, i drink maybe casually but thats even a stretch as i just dont really like it that much and i did alot of drinking and smoking when i was younger, and im burnt out i just dont like it anymore.

    as for girls i have no idea from reading this forum i just really have no idea what im gonna do...get lucky and find some euro girl or something(im american) or american girl whatever...blonde..brunette i like asian girls but not enough to pay for them lol..but then again i plan on staying over there for awhile

    anyway, thanks for the info guys that site khmer440 is like a clone of this forum just about cambodia.

    first stop is kuala lumpur ill see how that blows over, after that probably thailand or cambodia..ill end up in both im sure but i dunno how i feel about high crime... i guess ill see

  5. hi guys, im curious about cambodia, apartments.. transportation, food, the cost of all those things, entertainment etc

    if anyones been there for a time or if you guys know any threads i could look into on cambodia that already exist. i hear the visa situation is easier there and id like to train boxkator aswell and general adventure but someplace to stay and food and transportation are the most important cost wise i dont drink, i dont pay for whores and i hope i dont have to...and i dunno thats about it

  6. hey bro, im also looking for some cheap hostels/hotels in KL, ill be flying into KL in december and i need someplace cheap to stay. from what ive heard so far from a friend, when i fly in ill take the bus to KL sentral and there i should find relatively cheap hotels. thats all i know but id like to know more so im looking forward to replies

  7. Without a visa you will only be granted 30 days by air or 15 days by land as visa exemption.

    Apply for for a double or triple entry tourist visa in the US.

    That will give you a 60 day stamp on entry that can be extended for 30 days at immigrations for 1900 baht.

    After the 90 days you have to make a border crossing to activate your second entry for another 60 days and extend it later for another 30 days.

    After you have run out of tourist entries on your visa, you can go to Vientiane in Laos and get another double entry tourist visa and start over again.

    hey thanks bro, i got a question though, can i apply for the 60 day visa in malaysia cause i was planning on going there first

  8. hi guys, im curious how the visa stuff works. im american, 26 years old. what im trying to understand is, apparently when i arrive ill get somewhere between 60-90 day visa and that i can do a "visa run" which as far as i know means going to cambodia or something and coming back and getting another month or 2?

    if that sounds about right then thats cool, what im curious about is could i say in thailand for like 6 months or so or whatever the max is and then go chill in kual lumpur or PP for a few months etc and then come back or is there a certain amount of time i have to wait before i can come back to thailand after having stayed for awhile

  9. For the sort of money the last poster is talking about you can get a room guest house with all the features you don't want and have the added bonus of security for your possesions.

    For even less than that you can rent an apartment !

    I would suggest that when you arrive at your chosen destination you book into a guest house for the 1st night and then go hunting for the sort of place you require for far less than 500 bht a day.

    yea, see i dont neccesarily need to be set up with a place, im just curious about area, like what areas in thailand will i be able to find a good place to stay near the beach or on an island or something, i dont plan on being inside anyway, so all i really need is a bed and a bathroom, a shower to would be great and what would i have to pay monthly for something like that USD anyone know?

  10. so id like to go to thailand and chill on a beach for a few months, all i really need is yknow a toilet or somewhere to take a dump and a shower i dont plan on being indoors alot but id like to go somewhere in thailand were i could be near a beach, anyone know how much i could be looking at for rent on a monthly basis? i dont really need any luxurys like ac and tv and all this i dont care about any of that

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