I have pretty harsh personal views about drugs and a simple mantra that I've never seen a hard drug user that didn't get their start on dope one way or another and I'm old enough to have seen lives utterly destroyed by both drug use and the desire to profit from it.
This experiment in Thailand is going to go horribly wrong and it could be seen from afar with certainty. Of course, the weed apologists will decry any such idea as nonsense but already you have what was Pattaya's natural expat for decades, the early through late retiree with the odd younger business guy replaced by tattooed wannabee gangsters who seem to have no desire for Thailand, the culture, not even the beaches or the women but who are here for the drugs and the nightlife and the easy money that comes from such a wasted life.
You will see more of them around Pattaya and if that drives people like me out, people who are not financially challenged, then Pattaya will suffer financially and be worse off in the end.