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Miami Bob

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Posts posted by Miami Bob

  1. Hi,

    I have to renew my retirement visa soon. I ask the official at the Patong office if I need to get another letter this year from the US embassy stating my monthly income and he said no that I only have to do that once. However, as we all know, the info you get can vary from one officer to another. Does anyone know if I need to get this income verification every year or was the officer correct? Also, I cannot find a copy of the letter I gave them last year. Will they have the letter I gave them last year on file or will I be making a trip to the embassy in Bangkok because of my failure to make a copy of the letter?


    Miami Bob

  2. Has this happened to anyone else ? I checked my mail oday, and got logged in to thaivisa forum as Miami Bob. Obviously I could use this name to slander anyone, and get the real Miami Bob chucked off the forum.

    Can I have my name back ?

    Patong Bob.

  3.   Yes, I am very very careful to get the user name and password correct. Some letters are lower case and some upper. Most of the time it works. I thought it might be some setting on my new computer. Sometimes after it denies me access I click on CSLOX again and it shows the user name as "Bob" which is the name my computer is registered to.  :o Last night the same thing happened trying to log in through TT&T 1222 so now I'm thinking it must be a computer setting or just some problem with the Thailand phone system I don't know about that causes weird things like that to happen. I have TT&T. Miami Bob

    Is 'Bob' the username you use to login to the computer, or the computer name? (Found in ControlPanel/ System/ Network Identification)

    If its your computer name that's quite likely a dns or firewall problem. If its your login name (for your computer) try creating a user with the same user ID as your ISP username and trying to login then.

    It would be much easier if we knew your operating system and network setup.



    Bob is not the computer name. Bob is the name that the computer is registered to. Bob is also the my login user name. I just changed the login name but I cannot use the ISP username as my computer login name because it will not accept that many characters. I haven't figured out yet how to change the name that the computer is registered to. I use windows XP. I'll see what happens now with this new login name.

    Miami Bob

  4. Sometimes when I try to log-in to CSLOXINFO  I get a message saying " access denied because of incorrect username or password". I am definately putting in the correct info. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Anyone else experience this?

                                  Miami Bob

    Are you typing it in the right case?

    I still goof this one up after all theseyears :D



    Yes, I am very very careful to get the user name and password correct. Some letters are lower case and some upper. Most of the time it works. I thought it might be some setting on my new computer. Sometimes after it denies me access I click on CSLOX again and it shows the user name as "Bob" which is the name my computer is registered to. :o Last night the same thing happened trying to log in through TT&T 1222 so now I'm thinking it must be a computer setting or just some problem with the Thailand phone system I don't know about that causes weird things like that to happen. I have TT&T. Miami Bob

  5. Sometimes when I try to log-in to CSLOXINFO I get a message saying " access denied because of incorrect username or password". I am definately putting in the correct info. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Anyone else experience this?

    Miami Bob

  6. Is there anyone out there who is into mountain biking around Phuket? I have a truck to transport the bikes. Does anyone know of any good trails? I'm a young 57. Thanks, Miami Bob

  7. Thanks for all the input from you guys in response to the topic I started. I've decided to just go the easy route and put 800,000 in my account here. It just kills me to tie up any money at less than one percent interest. A "guru" I met in the sauna insisted that I could put the 800,000 into 7 year Thai government bonds at 6 1/2 % and still get the letter from the bank to show immigration. I went to Thai Farmers bank and ask the officer. He laughed! If I understood his English correctly, the letter simply states how much money you have in your savings account as of that day.

    Something I discovered while living in Brazil is that the immigration officials attitude tends to improve markedly if you speak to them in their native language. Being from Miami Florida I am very aware of how local populations feel about foreigners who come to their country and make no attempt to learn the native language. So when I go in to get my retirement visa I will be smiling, showing respect, wearing my best shirt and most importantly I will make an attempt to conduct the interview in Thai. I have two more months to study. Wish me luck!

    Miami Bob

  8. I don't drink or like hanging around in bars much. I study Thai, watch movies, read, work out at the gym, ride my bicyle everyday,act as a quide for visiting friends from the states, snorkel, travel around Thialand etc., have girls come over to hang out. You learn to relax and slow everything down so it takes longer. I owned a business here for awhile but that was more boring because I was stuck in one place everyday. But in the big picture, being a little bored at times here in Phuket with all the girls, is better than having to bust my ass everyday and be stressed out back in Miami.

  9. I picked up one of my regulars one time at around 10 PM. 22 hours later she still had "Thai breath" even though I saw her brush her teeth twice and she ate no spicy food during that time. So I think the oder may be coming up from their stomach and brushing does not good.

    I used to live in Rio Brazil where they have the best whorehouses in the world. Most of those girls kiss. Same thing in Cuba. But Thailand rules -that's why I'm still here!

  10. I was recently told that the 800,000 Baht that is required to be deposited in a Thai bank to qualify for a retirement visa can then be used to buy Thai government bonds through the bank. The person telling me about this claims that the annual letter that the bank gives you for immigration stating that you have 800, 000 or more in the bank does not specify if the money is actually sitting in a savings account or not. He says that a 7 year government bonds pays 6.5% and pays dividends bi-annually. This sounds to good to be true. Does anyone know anything about this?

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