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Miami Bob

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Posts posted by Miami Bob

  1. Strangely enough I was reading an article about this a couple of days ago, it was different to this though! Sweden for example, was not even on the list! Brazil was rightfully first but then it went weird and put Russia second.. Enjoy! http://viralshares.info/10-countries-with-the-most-beautiful-women-in-the-world/

    Brazil is an interesting mix. It is mostly a blend of African, Portuguese and South American native Indian.... Mulatto's. But Brazil also has the largest Japanese population outside of Japan living in the Sao Paulo area having migrating there in the 30's. I spent a month once in an area of Brazil with lots of blue eyed blonds of German decent. But there are beautiful women everywhere in the world....especially where the money is!

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I remember when I moved here from Brazil thinking that I saw more beautiful faces on one block of Bangla road than I did in the whole six months in Brazil. But then I have a thing for Asian faces and like small ladies. Although I can appreciate the long legs also! My last Brazilian girlfriend in Miami was genetically Japanese. And I must disagree with one poster that said Thai ladies go down hill after 30....one thing I had to get used to here was how much older girls are than they look.

    I think that the first 6 months anywhere....and then I start missing whatever place I was in before that way, it's like a cruel trick of the mind.

    I sometimes miss Brazil and Miami also for many reasons but not for the women. I'll take Thailand for that.

  3. I remember when I moved here from Brazil thinking that I saw more beautiful faces on one block of Bangla road than I did in the whole six months in Brazil. But then I have a thing for Asian faces and like small ladies. Although I can appreciate the long legs also! My last Brazilian girlfriend in Miami was genetically Japanese. And I must disagree with one poster that said Thai ladies go down hill after 30....one thing I had to get used to here was how much older girls are than they look.

  4. What nonsense all Thais in the last 60 years have some form of education and certainly the under 35's have a decent education!

    Which is in direct contrast to all those who made the claims that Thais lacked education to be able to vote properly!!

    Based on who's standards? Whilst their Educational standards may not be on par with our superior Western Intellect (intended Sarascm), they have the ability to think for themselves when they want.

    Why keep having a go at the poor standard of Thai education, when there are as many problems with education in our own Western Countries, poor grammar, Christ, all you need to do is look at some of the posters here, and see that Education and lack of it isn't a Thai monopoly.

    People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones, if you thought the Thai's Education was "poor" try working with Arabs where they can't even write their own names!!

    The Education system may well indeed be below Western averages, but it sure isn't the worst, it's a poor excuse by Farangs to keep stating Thai's lack the education to be able to vote properly, or to have some form of democracy.

    Has anyone asked if Thais ACTUALLY WANT democracy?

    What is democracy, is it the mayhem of America's governmental system! Is it the UK's system or Germany's. All different forms. Are Malaysia or Singapore democratic? For that matter Cambodia have elections is Cambodia a democratic country?

    Use democratic means to determine if Thais want democracy - that is quite humourous tongue.png

    It is funny that many totalitarian countries have used the excuse that the education level is too low for democracy to work, yet there is no move or incentive to "educate the masses" which would be a solution if the problem of giving the people the vote were dependant on education. It is also interesting to note that many countries were democratic long before the masses received widespread were educated. There is a vignette on TV that remembers the massive move in Canada to bring literacy to the majority of the people.

    Democracy does not always produce the best government, but it provides a bloodless method to overthrow governments when they have become a very big problem. Empires (like in China) the history has high points - overthrow of an empire - high point - corruption / incompetence which weakened the empire and then the low point.... which then was followed by civil war and the overthrow of the previous empire and a new one in his place. Democracy provides the same functionality on a shorter timeframe and in a bloodness manner. It is also interesting to note that most of the richest countries in the world (that are not rich because of the accident of oil or natural resources) are democracies. So yes, democracy is a bad form of government but unfortunately there has not been a better one.

    Yes democracy is far from perfect. It's like two wolves and a hen voting on what's for dinner!

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The aussy must be crackers or can't hold his beer.

    But, if one carries a knife one does so for a reason, and not to sharpen pencils on a night out....... alt=whistling.gif>

    RIP young man......

    Normally scared or just a Nutter. Some people do get in a lot of trouble with all day drinking. I cannot work out what a man of that age is doing carrying a blade

    As you get really old it's the more reason to carry a weapon to protect yourself from the young punks on the street in any country. That doesn't make you a "nutter". The guy might have had three young Thai's ganging up on his as happens here all the time. He's got blood on him, don't jump to conclusions until you have more facts.

  6. Even with all it's problems I think Thailand rates much higher than tenth simple because those central and south American countries are way to dangerous. I lived in S. America for the first six months after I retired and it took me a long time to stop looking over my shoulder after I got to Thailand. And Spain, Portugal ? ....aren't they very expensive? Been in Thailand for 11 years now and probably will stay until the end.

    • Like 1
  7. Sadly this sort of behaviour is becoming common the world over. There are people out there that could shot or stab someone to death without hesitation, snuff others out like an insect without the slightest remorse.

    The problem being is that there are those who mingle among us in society that are just simply crazies, incapable of rational thoughts like they have the spirits of mad dogs inside them waiting to get out. Being incapable of rational thinking means there can be no real deterrents placed by the law that will make these crazies consider their actions first, they just automatically react with blind rage.

    The world have become a dangerous place, we never know who is going to be the next victim of being in the wrong places at the wrong times and targeted. The only safeguard is to try and keep a low profile when out and about, avoid if possible getting into any disputes, better to just let things go and live another day.

    Well said. And don't forget the part that drugs play. Not just the illegal kind but also so many violent acts are now linked to pharma drugs like serotonin re-uptake inhibitors that are also linked to the huge increase in suicides in the US and probably other western countries.

  8. To ClunkClarks response, so you saying that every one should have a gun, you are brainless as the shooter man.

    Samuel Colt made all men equal. Are you telling us that if someone comes at you with the intention of taking your life, right then and there, that you are going to defeat him with your superior brain?

    Well let's all carry a gun in our man bag. That's really going to solve problems. Why do you think USA has murder rates of 3rd world countries. Yes I know there is huge population differences but US I think in the high 4,s low 5,s.....Australia with strict gun laws something like 1.4 and surprising to me UK very low. USA is the stand out. Wonder why....umm maybe gun ownership and obsession with it. Colt and western did not make all men equal. It made one as stupid as the other. Let's go kill some bear.

    Check and you will find that the US states with the highest gun ownership per capita have the lowest crime rates. Who is going to break into a house in Utah knowing the owner probably has a gun and knows how to use it. In Switzerland almost every house has a full auto assault weapon issued to them while in the mandatory military service that they take home afterward. Guess which country has the lowest crime rate in Europe?....it starts with an S. It's a tired old saying but still true..."guns don't kill people, people kill people". The problem is sick societies like Britain and the USA. Yes more people die in the states because they fight with more lethal weapons but Britain is at least as violent. One of the things I don't like about living in Thailand is I can't have my Springfield 1911 45 here to defend my home.

    • Like 1
  9. People said I was mad to leave ... I beg to differ. No country is perfect but I feel much safer where I am because there are too many ignorant people walking around with loaded guns. What a wonderful society - kids stabbing each other over university rivalry (and they are the educated ones), families murdering their own for land and money, police officers drinking off duty and murdering friends over childish arguments, tourists raped and murdered with little or no real investigation to catch the perps.

    No I wasn't mad to leave but certainly those expats who remain could do with their heads examining.

    Thanks... nice compliment for all the farangs living here! I suspect your from Britain, what a violent society that is only there they just stab and club each other !

    After living in Rio Brazil it seemed pretty tame when I came here and one of the reason's why I've stayed for 11 years. This kind of thing happens all the time in the inner big cities around the world. Calm cool executions as this appears to be. Just try to stay cool and not give any tourist van drivers the finger like I did yesterday when he almost ran my chopper off the road.

    • Like 1
  10. In the 1970s Cream played in Miami Florida, I was working for the lighting company Cosmic Lighting and ran the main spot light, wonderful gig!

    My most vivid memory of him was standing next to the stage at the Filmore West in San Francisco when his face and cloths kept changing colors...not sure why that was happening...ha!. Made that bass sound more like a lead sometimes. One of the heros of our youth. Jam on Jack!

  11. He apparently has an extension of stay based upon working not a B visa. That means it is tied to him having a job and a work permit that is issued for him to work in one location unless it is noted in the work permit.

    I suspect that is why they told him to report in Pattaya. He might still have time to do the report by mail if he sent it by EMS. When was his report due?

    The normal fine for late reporting is 2000 baht.

    In Phuket it was sometimes only 1000 Baht fine depending on the officer, which indicates their probably just pocketing the money. But it may be stricter these days.

  12. Meanwhile, America tries to promote the use of GMO crops in Thailand - ho hum.

    GMO products are beneficial, intelligent, and healthy. The problem is they are copyrighted. Look up Golden Rice -- something that could aid world hunger, but is way monetized. They grabbed the low-hanging fruit - easily modified rice, the world's largest staple crop, then claimed ,millions in research and blah, blah blah .... they maybe spent a half million dollars and are being trolls. The price reductions and constraints will wind down and down until...someone can actually afford it.....No farmer is going to agree to buy one company's seeds for a lifetime...it is not smart. People underestimate farmers,. All around the world.

    Penny wise and dollar dumb to the end

    The Golden Rice boys thought -- Asians love rice, farmers are stupid, and we are going to make a Killing!

    Uh, not so much. The public relations was and is a permanent joke -- but the investors are not laughing.....

    ." GMO products are beneficial, intelligent, and healthy."

    And who did you say you work for!?

    • Like 1
  13. The possession and growth of any 1830/2003/EG (“GM Traceability”). In the RASFF system only for fresh papaya, a strain from Hawaii, is mentioned. This problem is discussed very wide in Thai publications.

    For rice:

    a) The Norwegians found the Chinese strain in : wild rice from Sweden", see RASFF 2010.0853

    So OR it is no "wild rice" OR maybe packed in Sweden, but not the origin OR.. the Swedish forest trolls are manipulating the DNA of the there grown wild rice.

    cool.png Also the USA strain is found once see RASFF 2011.0491 in Vietnamese rice.

    c) Swiss authorities reported via the Common Services (CS) : 2009.0360 unauthorized genetically modified (Bt 63 rice) rice noodles from Thai President Food Plc – Thailand, but a genetically-modified rice strain originated in China. The Thai Department of Agriculture inspected the returned shipment and found no contamination.

    The Swiss did some additional tests the years later:

    Indeed, in 2009, competent authorities in Switzerland tested several samples of rice products for the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

    In three samples, traces of GM rice were found.

    One of these three samples was a sample of rice noodles of Thai origin. The analysis showed the low-level presence of GM rice Bt63. This result lead to the RASFF alert 2009.0360.

    Since 2009, a number of rice product samples have been tested by the competent food control authorities in Switzerland for the presence of traces of GMOs. The results are

    2009: 84 samples tested, 3 positive (Bt63), as mentioned above;

    2010: 183 samples tested, all negative;

    2011: 56 samples tested, all negative;

    2012: 76 samples tested, all negative.

    Remind, the RASFF database is of the combined EU food authorities, in which they all have to publish any lab finding which is in violation with EU food laws, in force since 1979.

    And please remind: when the EU governmental labs find something, it is IMPOSSIBLE they made a mistake. God might make mistakes, but EU gov. labs... never.

    Interesting post, thanks. Lets just hope that the "EU food authorities" are not having as good a time rolling around in bed with the leadership of "big food" and "big pharma" as the FDA, CDC and USDA are in the states.

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