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Posts posted by chuchok

  1. On 10/19/2018 at 11:43 AM, richabb1 said:

    I read that Graeham Monaghan of cricket sizes fame and other cricket interests in Chiang Mai passed away. A true gentleman and sure to be missed. 

    Graeham was a top bloke. The man behind Dennis Lilly and the aluminium bat many years ago.

    • Like 2
  2. we farang living here, have to report every 90 days, go begg each year for another extention

    but cars, busses, trucks are never checked ever if they are road worthy or puffing out toxic fumes like those nice old 20 - 30 year or diesel trucks and busses which makes life and breathing very difficult

    28.000 deaths per year, i tought any government would be concerned of losing so many of their country men

    maybe here it is just a form of ... demographic controles ?

    Mainly worthless peasants and farangs die in bus accidents.

    Hardly worth getting worked up about it. Phu yai and their kids get driven around in german limos

    here is one of the worthless peasants that you are taliking about.

    The young lad in the middle is Bess with his mum (My ex ) and girlfriend taken in Feb this year. Bess was killed in the accident

    I looked after him for 5 odd years...from the age of about 10 to 15.

    A nicer young man you could not meet.He was 21 years old.



  3. Recent sad additions to the growing list..........\

    Ivan Barnes.

    Davey Bosco Jones.

    Robbie Wallis.

    R.I.P. all and I'm having a beer in remembrance.

    PM or call me if you need more info.

    Phil 086 910 4450.

    Is that the Davy Jones who hung out at the Hash Pub all the time?

    yes, used to.

    And he was one of the nicest guys God ever put breath into.

    He had a great life.

    He certainly did.Came to Chiang Mai many years ago after he retired.He was Irish I think?

    His old photos were hanging on the wall of the Hash Pub.

    Wasn't he the chief Magistrate of The Gambia before they obtained independence?

    And yes BB, he certainly was a gentleman and very nice bloke.

  4. Thai Pauly told me about p1ps passing a little while ago. I have just managed now to work out what "validation" means on the forum.wacko.png

    I'm bloody hopeless at keeping in touch with people and obviously kick myself now!!

    There were many occasions where I would arrange to meet Philip for a quiet coffee and order some of his beautiful tomato sauce.I have been a guest in his home and have sampled some of his fantastic cooking.

    Better late than never I suppose. RIP mate.wai.gif

  5. I criticise David and the Duke's on a regular basis - I'm not a fan of their burgers for example - but IMHO it is not really fair to compare a pizza in Thailand to one at home without at least pointing out that we are out in the boonies of a Third World country that had never even seen a pizza just a few short years ago.

    David's pizzas have consistantly gotten better and better over the last few years to the point where I think that I could eat one back in California and not notice any difference from a decent locally made one. Who else can say that around here? :o

    I tell ya UG,i'd have u in my corner any time.I can't wait untill somebody slags off your mate.I vcan see the steam from here....:D

    Mad Dogs pizza are cheap and nice. :D They taste better than our little pizza shop down the road in Auckland. :D

    Mad Dogs also make their pizzas in Thailand......Cool eh!

  6. Seriously? I enjoyed it, but to me what makes a pizza truely great is that special blending of bread, cheese and sauce - a synergystic effect where the total is greater than the sum of its parts. DIDN"T HAVE IT! The bread was not "bready" enough, and the sauce and cheese didn't really do anything together.

    Good 'za - not great.

    Please don't forget that we are not in Manhattan.

    Can you tell us where to get a better American style pizza in Thailand? :D

    Well I know your mate Dave does just tremendous pizzas UG,but surely he can handle a little criticism?? :o

    For my money I used to find Mad Dogs pizzas the best.Quick to make and quick to eat.They were really well priced too...

  7. Of course it's simplistic. It's meant to be a snapshot - not a scientific study. We can now see the feedback of 123 people and it's kinda interesting to see the spread. It's starting to look like a U-curve which i actually expected.

    You don't say..... :o

  8. Went to a Thai restaurant tonight...no alcohol.

    My 23 year old neice arrives tomorrow, really looking forward to her holiday after a messy divorce...sorry you can't have a drink on your holiday till Monday...<deleted>

    This sucks big time...if anybody can tell me where she and her girlfreinds can go and get a drink on Sunday I would be delighted to know

    ummm...errr....What do they look like TP? :o

  9. Like many things, the Aussies claim that beetroot on a burger was an Australian thing.It's not.Started in NZ by humans (Kiwis :D ) .McDonalds even copied it for a few years and called it a Kiwi Burger.

    Ah you kiwis are so predictable - Oz has had the McDonalds Oz burger for years as most of your compatriates ensconsed in bedsits across Bondi will fully be aware.

    Beetroot was first canned by Golden Circle in the early 60's but was fairly commonly put on burgers before then. I would be really interested to see your supporting information as to who this burger tosser in EnZed that started all this.

    Welcome back to the forum mate


    We were bottling beetroot before mr golden bloody circle found out that the lite coloured liquid that came shooting out from between his buttocks,was not in fact...sun light!

    Just like Pavlova and Pharlap, you Aussies really know how to claim something that is not yours.BTW, Crowded House is Kiwi too. :o

    Id like to see who the illegitimate son of a criminal is that started this ugly but totally unfounded rumour anyway.

    Nice to be back. :D

  10. I was surprised at how much I enjoy beet root on a burger. Of course, it is a special kind that is soaked in vinegar.

    I don't know how anyone that could come up with something this good, could also like the awful taste of Vegemite! :o

    Like many things, the Aussies claim that beetroot on a burger was an Australian thing.It's not.Started in NZ by humans (Kiwis :D ) .McDonalds even copied it for a few years and called it a Kiwi Burger.

  11. I was tought that before the Thai's used Chilli peppers for spice, they used Black pepper fruit and ginger to get the desired "Hot" taste for their food. Pepper has been one of the most ancient commodities of the spice trade. Together with ginger, it has the longest history of export from South Asia dating back at least 4000 years! Marco Polo brought these spices from asia to europe which started the whole Asia / Indian spice trade.

    The black pepper plant is also used to produce white pepper, both of which are among the most important Indian spices. Peppercorns have been eagerly sought by Europeans since ancient times. The pungent fruits, or peppercorns, were known in classical Rome and were well established as an article of commerce. The Emperor Marcus Aurelius imposed a customs tax on white pepper and the related species long pepper (Piper longum) arriving at Alexandria, but exempted black pepper.

    I hope this information is helpful.


    Yep,bang on the money here.Some Thai dishes today still use peppercorns.

  12. Unless the cheating is against a contract, read: pre-nup, it's not illegal and shouldn't affect the divorce settlement. In the best of worlds.

    HMMMM if it isn't illegal then why do the thai codes provide for compensation from someone having sex with their spouse ? To me that would mean it is illegal. I just have not found any other references to it yet.

    In the best of worlds the adultery would not take place. Every one would divorce before they engaged in sexual relations with another person.

    You are on to something here.

  13. The two Thais that I know that have "Mia noi" used to treat them well,but they were kept on the pay roll for one thing...shagging.Pure and simple.Define that???ohhh They must be prostitutes then. :D

    Do theses women have multiple, money based relationships? I don't think so.

    Mia nois that I have personally known are as chaste any other women.

    Besides their man would dump them the moment he learns they are selling themselves to others as prostitutes.

    So a woman has to have multiple money based relationships now?One money based relationship not enough?

    And a mai noi is as chaste as any other woman.. :o Please spare me!! :D

  14. You can say that Thais flaunt their mia nois, but being a mia noi is absolutely not the same as being a whore.

    Wholesale versus retail?

    Mia noi is a relationship with all that it entails. Prostitution is anything but a relationship.

    I'm not saying you can't have a relationships with prostitutes, but the interesting thing is - once people think that it IS a relationship, they stop thinking about their partners as whores and get mightily offended if others continue to do so.

    what dross.You are talking about your opinion.Certainly not fact IMO.

    You are playing on semantics, unless you want to go way back and talk about when Thais had a real legal "minor wife".

    The two Thais that I know that have "Mia noi" used to treat them well,but they were kept on the pay roll for one thing...shagging.Pure and simple.Define that???ohhh They must be prostitutes then. :o

    I suppose in your eyes,it is ok to flaunt your prozzie if she has light coloured skin,is well educated and dresses accordingly?

    I just love it when people make assumptions ......rich or poor. :D

  15. Night Bazaar Condotel.80 Thapae rd, soi 1. TEL 053 820806 THB5000 per month plus power at cost and water.probably average out at approx THB7000 all up for a month.Quite large air-con rooms with a small balcony.Daily rate is approx THB500.

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