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Posts posted by chuchok

  1. Thanks to Mat and Mark (The M&M Boys) for showing us around when we were in Chiang Mai. Had a great time. Please sign me up +1.

    Amen to that....

    You guys did all the grunt work before we even got there and we couldn't have done a thing without you!

    Thanks for the good times as well as the "rocket science" tutorial :o


    Any time buckwheat.I also teach Aussies how to drink..... :D

  2. And if you want to really have a snit, I'd advise any Thai interested in a foreign male over the age of 50 to insist that the male underwent a colorectal exam and heart disease test. Expat unmarried males in Thailand are deemed a high risk group overall because of their age, and sedentary lifestyle featuring smoking and excessive drinking. The last thing a Thai woman wants is to be changing some guy's colostomy bag after he has had a stroke.

    TG to 50 year old farang"I'll only marry you after a Doctor looks up your arse"

    Perhaps all guys should make sure woman get breast and cervical cancer checks too.... :o

  3. The Customs Police are treading very,very carefully at the mo.From what I understand,most things (for the time being) are by the book.Use an agent and don't forget to haggle the buggers.Freight and ancillary charges are just as negotiable as a tangible item.

    Again I assume I am indeed using what you are referring to as 'an agent'. I cannot avoid that anyway since I don't live in Bangkok and want a door to door service for delivery to Chiang Rai. But if customs are going by the book I wonder if that's going to be a lot more expensive for me.

    Can you please clarify the meaning and distinction of the words I've underlined?

    Get all prices in writing...down to the last detail.By ancillary charges,I mean the add ons.like a special Documentation fee,processing fee or a Tea money payment etc.

    get quotations from three different companies.Check out what they will charge you for the Container to be shipped from BKK to Chiang Rai.By this I mean call a trucking company to get a comparison.Many freight forwarders will just use a trucking company and add on a percentage(Sometimes a LARGE percentage)Keep them honest.By doing this you can negotiate a bit better etc.

  4. Just wondering if there has been a very recent surge of new members to Thai Visa for the forthcoming free night out in Chiang Mai.

    I notice from so many of the posts on another thread that so many of those accepting the invite to the Thai Visa sponsored evening have only 1 or 2 previous posts. A number have only registered in the past day or so.

    It always amazes me how so many want so much for so little in Thailand.

    But then it's none of my business anyway.

    Well for once Blinky,you are on the money..err..so to speak. :o

    Yep, it got me too,but there has also probably been a few lurkers that have the chance to meet a few people and then start contributing to the forum.I hope they do.

    Personally,I wouldn't care if it was a pay your own way...this is what has happened with some of the other informal get togeathers that we have had, and it was a good time had by all.

    Anyway,it should be a great night.

  5. 1. Social class --- Yes, important.

    That type of reminds me of a problem that a TG is having going out with a friend of mine.TG's mum has got wind that she hooked up with a foreigner.Tg's mum to TG "If you really are going out with one of those,I will disown you" When asking TG why her mum thinks like that,TG said "She is a Social climber and stupid"

  6. with thaksin gone, i'm kind of pinning my hopes on abhisit, who is clearly pro-business and reform minded.

    Yes, don't hold your breath. I'll bet money that we never see the good Mr. Abhisit as our PM. It'll never happen; Thailand is descending into the dark ages, and the military will be controlling the country, one way or another, for many years to come.

    If you doubt me, read yesterdays' Bangkok Post commentary by one of their most informed journalists:


    you should start a thread about this article Mobi.

  7. In other countries this would have led to real rebellion. Not here - oh, how these guys have brainwashed the masses. You've got to hand it to them in a very perverted sense..They're clever. (But as most of us know, not really, just in their own little Animal Farm enclosure).

    It's nice how you want to foment a revolution in Thailand. Before you leave your comfy armchair and start your quest to liberate the downtrodden Thai people, you might want to consider practicing your skills elsewhere. Start with the USA and its political lobbying corruption or protest Scooter Libby's favoured treatment. Or maybe you might want to take a crack at France's ingrained corrupt bureaucracy, or maybe visit the UK and protest the selling of peerages. Try reading some of the briefs put out by the various bar associations and law societies throughout the western world complaining about the lack of access to legal assistance and remedies that the poor encounter.

    At least in Thailand a victim can get compensation a lot quicker than having to wait years and years for litigation to wind its way through the courts, assuming of course that the victim in the west has the means to bring the suit.

    And remember, if you become so disgusted with the Thai way of life, you do have the option of leaving and going to Utopia or returning to your perfect native land where there is no crime and no injustice.

    Very witty and informed post. :o

  8. And if it is. Are the Smiles genuine?

    Or do they mostly only smile when they are getting money out of you eh?

    Don't really care either way.It's nice to get a smile.Be it the bloke next door or the check-out bird with the big norks at the supermarket.Dour,unsmiling European types give me the wilt.

  9. I do not think this looks good for the Thai govt...The can not even figure out where the money came from...

    On the other hand, can and will Thaksin open his books and prove how all that money found it's way abroad?

    These quotes are from a highly respected firm and the firm have already said that the money was transferred with the knowledge of the Bank of Thailand. If the Bank of Thailand and the AEC cannot communicate effectively with each other then that is unfortunate but hardly surprising. Whatever, that is not the problem of the British authorities, the City of London or Manchester City Football Club.

    As Thaksin was worth $2bn in 1994, there cannot possibly be a case for confiscating all his assets. The fact that they seem to be attempting to do so are only serving to convince the international community that there is a politically motivated campaign by an unelected dictatorship against a deposed democratically elected PM. Thailand is looking very, very dodgy to the outside world right now and it is no wonder inward investment is now flooding back out. The consequences of the policies and events of the last year on the Thai economy don't bear thinking about.

    That's the part that some people here find hard to understand.

  10. sorry mate, but if you were refering to western world i would agree with you but when it comes to los corruption has been here for ever and seems to work just fine. i mean not everybody benefits from it but many do so let it be as you will never stop it.

    Well tell that to the victims that were just run over in the bus incident.

    Corruption has been in most parts of the world for yonks.Doesn't make it right.In fact,it sucks big time.If more people tried to stop it or refused to pay graft,this would be a much better place for Thai people to live.The problem,is that it is accepted as the norm.I'll never foprget the look on a cops face,when the wife made him write out a ticket for a parking fine.On asking her why she just didn't give the POS THB100 etc,she said "If more people refused these people money,most of the corruption will stop..It hurts our country"

    why dont we wait and see what comes out of it. :o

    What,just the bus incident?How about the thousands more?How about the Politicians son that got away with killing a guy? :D

  11. sorry mate, but if you were refering to western world i would agree with you but when it comes to los corruption has been here for ever and seems to work just fine. i mean not everybody benefits from it but many do so let it be as you will never stop it.

    Well tell that to the victims that were just run over in the bus incident.

    Corruption has been in most parts of the world for yonks.Doesn't make it right.In fact,it sucks big time.If more people tried to stop it or refused to pay graft,this would be a much better place for Thai people to live.The problem,is that it is accepted as the norm.I'll never foprget the look on a cops face,when the wife made him write out a ticket for a parking fine.On asking her why she just didn't give the POS THB100 etc,she said "If more people refused these people money,most of the corruption will stop..It hurts our country"

  12. There is such a thing as TOO MUCH planning.

    Agreed. And as said before, just name the venue and be done with it. What's the big deal ??

    The "big deal" is that those who are sponsoring the party have never been to Chiang Mai and are depending on the locals to find a venue suitable for between 50 - 100 people.

    The local members who have undertaken this task (and done a superb job so far) also have jobs and homelives to attend to, and they cannot be expected to drop everything to attend recons everynight.

    After the final 3 or 4 venues have been selected by the local members, representatives from Thai Visa will meet with the owners in order that they may seal a deal that is good for the sponsors as well as good for the members.

    Then the sign up thread will be posted so we can get a good head count for catering purposes.

    Then we'll have the party on the date that was selected by the local members...18 August.

    Hope this explains everything again.

    Crikey,how long does it take.There are quite a few mods that live here,one of whom is very well versed in catering etc.It's been a while now.Rocket science anybody? :o

  13. An example of Thai justice?

    The Appeal Court sentences Pornphan Rattanametanon, a former popular singer, to 33 years and five months in jail for possessing amphetamines on Friday. The ruling increased the jail term as the Criminal court sentenced her to only eight years.

    33 years for a few pills - yes OK maybe dangerous drugs? But 33 years?

    On the other hand:

    The only cell this piece of crap will see the inside of is a monk's cell at some Wat. I hope someone puts out a contract on him.

    My condolences to the dead lady,her family and all the injured passengers.

    couldn't agree more.I do like this country,but when $hite like this happens I am reminded what a thrird world banana republic it really is.It's a pity that the POS is not locked in a room with the victims family.Disgusting. :o

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