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Everything posted by khman

  1. Thanks much for your reply. My brain can't understand how such price difference are possible. I just bought the cream from pharmacy into lotus lamai. Almost as expensive as Morya, 350thb. And ordered from Lazada, 65thb, lol.
  2. Hello guys. I must buy some cream and price on lazada is 90thb while at Morya it's 380thb! Any good non scam pharmacy you can advise? I don't need as low as Lazada price but 380thb they are crazy. Preferably in Lamai but I can move. Maybe inside Tesco (lamai)? But today ut was pharmacist day off, so it was closed, lol. Thank you for your help?
  3. I know it is old thread... Here are the up to date total fee except medication they charge for a doctor consultation. Bangkok hospital 4500 Samui Doctor on chaweng road near Habbad House : day 800 night 1500 (8pm to 8am) SIH : 1200 Bandon : 3500 (!!!) Thai Inter : 1500 If I remember well doctor fee at Bandon was like 300-600... I really hate all hopitals overprice medication. When not urgent I buy elsewhere than at the hospital. Upfront I say I have the money only for doctor fee.
  4. Hello, I would like to repair my Macbook (not under warranty). I think first step is to open it and check cables connexions. Do you know where I can go? I heard about "Doctor Mac". Any other? Maybe the phone shop in BigC Chaweng? Thank you for your help
  5. Hi Today at bkk airport immigration they gave only 30 days.
  6. Ok, I see. I bought a cheap outbound flight within the 30 days, if they ask. I pray in the next few days they allow 60 days on arrival... It would avoid going to local immigration and spend 8k for the family. Babies can still be in overstay no problem right?
  7. Please, any other thread where people landing at Bangkok report? Thank you
  8. Oh no... i will arrive in a few days... Also I hope when I check in from departure they don't bother me as my return flight is 55 days after departure...
  9. So from now on, as officially it's 60 days, if my flight return is before this delay, they can't say anything? Thank you
  10. Thank you. When the 60 days exemption visa is really in place, then the airline company can't say anything if my return flight is say 55 days after? Also, if you have any website I can book/refund just to get the emails... Thank you
  11. Please keep posted we arrive on july 10... Do you think the flight company can say "you need visa as your return flight is in 2 months"!
  12. Hello! If I understand well the theory is, instead of 30 days, 60 days extension for most countries, effective since june 1st but in the reality not effective yet? Thank you
  13. Thanks for the reply, you are a connaisseur ????
  14. We stay 2 months not 1-2 week. I was looking for cheap daily meals. But sometime we eat "normal" no problem. But for daily meals yes I prefer value and when I can have checkbill for 4 for 300Bahts I prefer than 400 or 500. (Add to this Eur exchange rate... And yes flight from europe 1000eur pp) Btw I had great advices here, thank you all!
  15. Hi, went there yesterday after midnight. Green Mango club full but only half if not less of the surface it had 2 years ago. Maybe renovation? And the fly space club (ex Sound) was totally empty but maybe 30 past midnight was too early? Didnt see if the russian club and the pole dance bar are still opened.
  16. Yeah. In Chaweng I even had to pay 10 or 20 bahts for ice. Btw today I had stir fried chicken garlic with rice from 7-11, 37bahts, delicious!!!
  17. Hi, all green Mango bar closed, do you know why? Thank you for help
  18. Sorry, I explained it bad. My english is so so... I mean, we do not stay in the hotel, we just would like to come into the hotel pool area, have some drinks and food, and enjoy the pool. Some hotels refuse you use their pool even if you take some drinks, and food. Thank you.
  19. Hello, Do you know which hotels in Samui accept without problem outside guests to use their pool, if we take some drinks or food? If possible nice hotel with nice pool on the sea. Thank you for your help!
  20. Thanks! Now that weed is legal, is there any cool bar that sells weed? Ideally I would occasionaly go to relax, view the sea... (btw is it legal to smoke in the bar?) Also for buying you are right I saw on Chaweng beach road near green mango. I also saw 2 other places... 1 shop in Tesco Lotus Chaweng food court, one in central also near the food court. I notice all those were strictly empty with no customer. I wonder why in Chaweng beach street maybe 2000 people are drinking booze but none is buying weed... Maybe too new? Maybe low quality? Maybe Thailand isn't yet a cannabis destination? For those who ask, from what I saw prices starting at 400Bahts per gram (which is very expensive for/if low quality), but it goes 1000++ for some (I don't know much about weed) PS : Can't believe we are openly talking weed on forums... 2 weeks ago it was jail, seems. Can't believe they sell it in Central...
  21. Thanks all for your replies. Helped me much. Went to Tesco food court, quite cheap and not so much increase. Maybe 50-55 instead of 40. And aircon, clean, spacious, free water... About gasoline, in my country (europe) it's 2.10eur or so per liter then about 80 bahts. So here it's almost half price? While in Europe it doubled up, here it went only from 37 to 43? (I speak of price 2-3 years ago) Thanks
  22. Hi, may I ask how much is a click? I paid mine 3000 for 1 month but I was in a hurry so couldn't compare. I think it's maybe a bit expensive as a 2nd hand click worths 12000 or so... If I remember well 2 years ago it was 4000 for a pcx, but not sure. Thanks!
  23. Thank you very much for your answer. Indeed found the stamp. 2 more question please, if you can... Can you confirm I musn't worry about extending the 30 days entry for children as they can't be fined for overstaying? Also, say my current exit date is august, 6, does it change anything about the final date if I go tomorrow... Or begnining of august? In all cases should I be granted until begining of september? Thank you for your help
  24. Hi, I am since 3 days in Thailand. i would like to stay a total of 55 days. I entered by air, without visa (nothing was stamped in my passport and no TM card so I guess I am currently allowed 30 days?). Can I extend for 30 days at local immigration? Don't tell me I have to go Malaysia or Vietnam? About kids, I must not worry, right? Thank you for your help.
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