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Posts posted by bangbuathongben

  1. So the best advice would be for me to just hand in the application form and just "wing it". Although this is a costly process, and if it gets refused I will be no further in sorting this mess out! Think I will ask the father to take a look at the process..

    Maybe I could stow her away in my suitcase, these thais are only small!


  2. The ECO may well wonder what has changed since then, but if she has a sole custody document they will find it very difficult to justify a refusal. Provided you can show that you can support and accommodate the child, of course.

    The reason I did not apply for a visa for the child originaly was because I wanted to sort out accomidation for us all in the Uk before I started the process. I think we will have to sit down with the father and have a good long vhat!!!


  3. Thanks for all the imput, but I am still unsure even after reading the Embassy's website what supporting documents I would need to show. This is in order for my wife to show she had full responsibility for her daughter. The father of her child has never been given custody or anything like that as the child sort of floats between the two as they live very close to each other, each helping the other out. So what would I need to obtain? Also when my wife was having her short interview, they did ask whether she would like to take her child, and where the child would be staying in LOS, so has my wife shot herself in the foot by saying she will be living with her father? This sounds more difficult than getting the wifes visa!!!


  4. QUOTE(bangbuathongben @ 2005-09-09 23:54:34)

    Dont have any direct experience just yet as me and the wife are going to the Uk on tuesday 13th. So I will keep you posted!

    Wish her luck!!!


    Where do you get your avatars from... 


    I hoped to bring a smile to some faces but they keep getting banned dont know why :o:D


  5. Scouse, and whoever has good advice!

    As you all know my wife had a fairly uncomplicated visa success a while ago. And we are all set to move back to England next week. I was wondering what does everyone know about getting my wife's daughter to the Uk? When she had her short interview I made sure she took her daughters birth certifacate which she never got asked to show. Although they did ask my wife if she would like to take her daughter, to which she replied "of course who wouldn't". The reason I did not apply for a visa for her straight away is complicated. Firstly the daughter lives with her father and I wanted to get settled into our own home before putting any stress on the kid. The daughter was due to go and stay with relatives in the States to further her education, but obviously would rather be with her mum in the Uk. The daughter is a really good kid and very mature for her age. I think she would have no problems settling into a local school.And of course we would both love to have her with us. So as soon as we are sorted in the Uk I will be looking into this. But what do I need to get sorted for a visa for her? And can I do it in the Uk or will I have to travel back to Bangkok to get this sorted?

    Thanks in advance for any experiences or help....


  6. Toddy, as has been mentioned this is good advice. I was in a similar situation a few weeks back, although it was a first application. I would say just make sure you include everything in your sponsorship letter. As this is where some of the short interview questions stem from, along with afew others. Good luck!!

    Scouse, is it normal for the Embassy to keep certain documents? They kept my sponsorship letter, the letter from my employee and the letter from my folks...

    Sorry cuddlypete, this is why I have not forwarded you my sponsorship letter!! Bloody deleted it accidently off my computer!!! Doh!


  7. Chonabot,

    Is it warm? I dont know as I am set to return to Uk with the wife on tuesday. First time for her so the warmer the better. As regard the avatar I think I am just about giving up on them! Perhaps I have a eye for bad detail!!!


  8. As regards the avatar that you have deemed unappropriate. Is this against forum rules, ie obcene or vulgar??? It is mearly a cleavage, which is hardly showing explicit graphics. The female clevage is accepted around the globe, by people of all ages, from office workers to teachers! I am suprised you have removed it seeing as nobody commented on it in a upset manner at all, infact quite the opposite. And seeing other avatars on this forum, cannot see it being any less appropriate than any of these.

    Looking forward to a response


  9. Hi I recently changed my avatar, and for some reason it keeps jumping back to my old motorbike one??? This seems to happen even if I remove the old one before changing it. I have even deleted the motorbike one off my computer but still seems to end up after a couple of days back on? Any ideas whats going on?


  10. QUOTE(RamdomChances @ 2005-09-05 14:14:56)

    QUOTE(bendix @ 2005-09-05 13:47:29)

    Big mistake in my view:

    1) She asked to stay with you, hours after meeting you.  No 'good' thai girl would do that.  She's a seasoned player

    2) She didnt take money from you during the following days.  Good on ya girl . . make him think you're not after his money.

    3) She wanted you to give her airfare to go home.  Mmmmmm. . if she wanted to go home that much, 200 baht bus would have got her there.  Instead, she was testing your willingness (in a nice, innocent, way) to give her money.

    4) 'Be my boyfriend' means 'be the lonely sap living 1000s of miles away who will bankroll me, my family and [most likely']my arse-scratching, sam song drinking husband'.

    Mission accomplished. She got herself a farang fool and is probably (literally) laughing that she's managed to do it all again because - with those skills and at 36 years old - she's certainly done it before.

    Much as I hate being cyinical, I agree with most of what Bendix has writen.

    Thai women do not just come up to you and ask if they can sleep with you, she could of easily cought a bus home and once she is home she goes and stays with a friend in Konh Kean. Sorry mate it just does'nt look good

    I am with these guys!!

    Sounds like you are being taken for a ride.


  11. I must admit I have had a drink or 2 when driving. But usually only when I go out for a meal. If I am out on a session then always take taxi's everywhere. If I am at a resturant and drinking I never feel the effects of the lager but still drive, so this is still wrong. But I find it a little more condolable, but then perhaps I am a "alkie" like has been mentioned.

    Just out of interest, what is the legal alchohol limet when driving in Thailand?

    Offically that is....does anyone know?


  12. I just came across this today as I have been serching for bits and pieces for the wife's earlier than expected return on the 13th. Check it out I think its great! Tells you everything you need to know on how to keep her indoors happy while in the LOA (Land Of Attitudes) Uk.

    Any other websites similar would be grateful..

    This is especially for MrBoj, Vulture and the rest of the people who have and are in the process of getting the visa's sorted..

    Hope it helps...



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