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Posts posted by jahsoldier

  1. Depends on how quickly you want to sell it. It may be worth only a few thousand baht less than what you bought it for, but personally if I was looking I would spend the extra X,000bht just to have it brand new, you know?

    yeah i know that(last part) , thats why im unsure what price i should put.

    Have to sell it within two months, would 65k be a good price to put?=)

  2. I have now driven about 2000km om my beautiful tri-color down here in phuket, and im just back from a quick spin kamala-karon and back. The last weeks i have rented both the ninja 650R and the baby 250, sure its great fun to go fast with the 650R and i will prob buy one next year, but "diving" in and out beetween cars and scooters on high RPM's in patong and the small curvy roads here in phuket with the 150 is just as fun, really enjoying the bike and lookin forward to putting many more km's on the meter.

  3. Rented the 650R for 2 days this week, must say its a wonderful bike, loved it. Enough power to scare the shit of my sister and my GF hehe.

    My new cbr150r feels like a little toy after drivin the ninja=(.... but well well in 6 months or so il get one=)

    get rid of that cbr BUMS! :D Quit drinking, eat rice and buy yourself a 650!

    haha yeah maby i will, actually lookin at some financing options=), if i do buy it i'l come to bangkok so u can show me some nice roads, aint got any down here hehe.

  4. For all the "naysayers", it would appear that Honda Marketing/Research had the right idea after all. They can't seem to get them in the dealerships fast enough. While I've yet to see another one here in Chiang Mai, I know the Honda Showroom here has sold 3 red ones, and my tri-color, and have others on order. It would seem the bike is a definite hit in Thailand, and I would suspect in other countries as well.

    Here i phuket i have started seeing some other ones, saw 3 (2 red 1 tri-color) within 5 minutes yesterday=)

  5. Btw... With smaller, better and cheaper cameras more bikers are buying them to film their adventures.

    Could the moderators of this forum get us a "sticky/pinned topic" for videos by the members in the bikes section?

    I can't speak for all the other members - but I would love to see more motorcycle videos here :ph34r:

    Should I interpret the lack of responses as that I am the only one interested in such a topic? or has this been discussed before?

    I like the vids too I watch with me Motorcycle Helmet on :crazy: what bike is it, the green gives something away it sounds like a 1000.?

    Pretty sure its a zx-10....

  6. Ok, I'm feeling a bit foolish. I bought the first tri-color sold in Chiang Mai, paying 72,900 for it, and now also wrecked the first tri-color. On Monday my wife and I were coming home from San Kamphaeng, with her leading the way on her one-of-a-kind customized Honda Scoopy, which she likes to drive at 85 & 90 on the highway most of the time. Coming through BoSang we had to slow down, naturally, and as we approached the stop light at highway 121 she decided to speed up in order to make the light, with me doing likewise. It was still green at the time. But then things went crazy.

    Light went from green to red – NO YELLOW AT ALL – (not the first time that's happened at this intersection). I'm behind and slight to the left of her, and had just started to move to the right when she hits her breaks. My left handlebar and left hand slammed into her carry box on the back, actually shattering a large hole in it, not to mention spraining the hell out of my fingers on that hand, and down I went. Since I was only doing about 35kph, there wasn't any serious damage to the bike. Broke off the clutch lever and bent the foot shifter, some minor scratches on the exhaust cover and one small chip out of the faring that's hardly noticeable.

    As for me, I was wearing the brand new REAL full helmet, which suffered some scratches to the face shield, and my Honda racing jacket with the protective pads, and heavy jeans, so all I ended up with were some jammed fingers on the left hand, slight sprain to the right ankle, and small abrasion on my left knee.

    I got up, picked the bike up and pushed it into the parking lot of Louis Silverware, and then got on back of Scoopy to come home. Wife was scared there might be something wrong with me so after coming home, we took the car and went to the hospital. I'm fine.

    She called Honda and they sent a truck to get the CBR to take it in for repairs, but said it would probably be Monday, as they don't have any parts in stock yet and would have to order the new clutch handle and cable, and shifter lever, from BKK.

    Ohhhh, welllll. Sheet happens. The main thing is, I'm fine, bike will be fine, and life is still good. :lol:

    ouch, good to hear u are ok!

    I myself did everything wrong when i was to park in patong today, parking in a little slope and getting of on the right side, causing the bike to fall and causing 1 other scooter to fall domino style.... both bikes where fine except from a little scratch on my right side mirror.... but very emberassing nonetheless....:P

  7. Btw... With smaller, better and cheaper cameras more bikers are buying them to film their adventures.

    Could the moderators of this forum get us a "sticky/pinned topic" for videos by the members in the bikes section?

    I can't speak for all the other members - but I would love to see more motorcycle videos here :ph34r:

    Should I interpret the lack of responses as that I am the only one interested in such a topic? or has this been discussed before?

    Im with you, im gettin a cam as soon as possible.

  8. So today i finally got to order it, red, white and blue one. First one to order in phuket they said, and will get it this week probarly. niice.


    I order the second one in Patong from the same seller i think, she tell me she sell the first one tricolour a couple days before:)

    I love the bike but there is two things....

    There is a high tone sound i guess come from the PGI that start after 2-3 days.

    I went to Honda and ask them about it and they say that the sound is correct but i dont belive them to 100%

    The other thing is that the bike dont run perfectly at low speed and that problem start after 2-3 days also..hmmm

    If you have any time jahsoldier it would be lovley to hear your bike to compare the sound from PGI.

    Sure no problem, u live in patong? I go there tomorov or saturday for the 1000km service.

  9. Ok, I'm like a little kid at Christmas. Picked up my new tri-color 150 today. First one bought in Chiang Mai. Picked it up around 4:45, which means I had to maneuver through "rush hour" traffic from dealer to temple - that's always a must - and then home. Had to deal with traffic all the way to Highway 121, and that was fine, as it gave me a good chance to really see how it handles in traffic. No problems! And when I finally got to the highway I ran it up to 105 for a couple of kilometers.

    While you can definitely feel the extra weight difference when stopped, once you start moving you don't notice it at all. If anything, the bike feels more stable, with a very comfortable ride.

    I'm a happy camper. !

    I'll put some pics up tomorrow. Too dark to do now.

    Congrats! Hope u will be as happy as me with the bike. I have done 1000km now so tomorov its time for the first service.

  10. Was supposed to go last Sat and test drive the new 150, but Thurs nite was rushed to the hospital and spent about 12 hours in ICU before being moved to a regular room. Finally got out yesterday and took the wife and went straight to Honda showroom here in C.M. Only 150 on display was the tri-color, but the black was back in the service area, so we went and looked at that, and then her cousin said they had a red one that was back in receiving that had just come in, so we went back there and took a look it.

    Cousin, along with another man higher up the chain of command, said the 250's will be here next month. Me and wife went to sit and talk, and decided on the 150 tri-color and ordered that. It will be here in 2 weeks, which is fine. My reasons for taking the 150 over the 250 are simple. While half my driving is on the highways, living 18k east of the city, the other half is in the city, and I feel that in city traffic the 150 will be easier to maneuver than the 250. While on the highway the 250 would obviously be faster, if the new 150 will cruse at 115-120 for longer trips, then that's all I really need. And with the larger tires and little extra weight, it should be more stable at those speeds. They told me the new 150 is faster than the old one, and much better at high speeds, and said I could take one out and test it myself, but after 4 days in the hospital I didn't think that was a good idea and told them I'd be back later to do that.

    As for the color, the red is definitely out as far as my wife is concerned. While she loves it, she is adamant about the fact that red cars and red motorbikes are "bad luck" for me according to her Buddhist beliefs. And while black is good, she thinks it looks "too mean", and doesn't really "stand out" the way the tri color one does. And I admit, I like the paint scheme of the tri color, except for the blue front finder, which I'll have repainted white at a good shop I know. I think that will look better.

    Depending on how I feel later today, I may go back and take the 150 out for a test drive. But it would be interesting to hear from those who have already purchased one as to their opinions on it. Also, for those of you wanting a "chopper" type bike, they have two very nice Honda Steeds sitting just inside the showroom doors.

    I love my 150 (tri-color), I think it works perfect in patong city driving and the roads around phuket, no problem cruising at speeds around 110-120kph. The only time ive felt i would have preferred the 250 is when i was cruising around with a 85kg friend behind.

    Come on js, tell us what top speed you've gotten from it.

    Havent gone for top speed yet, most ive done is 130.

  11. Was supposed to go last Sat and test drive the new 150, but Thurs nite was rushed to the hospital and spent about 12 hours in ICU before being moved to a regular room. Finally got out yesterday and took the wife and went straight to Honda showroom here in C.M. Only 150 on display was the tri-color, but the black was back in the service area, so we went and looked at that, and then her cousin said they had a red one that was back in receiving that had just come in, so we went back there and took a look it.

    Cousin, along with another man higher up the chain of command, said the 250's will be here next month. Me and wife went to sit and talk, and decided on the 150 tri-color and ordered that. It will be here in 2 weeks, which is fine. My reasons for taking the 150 over the 250 are simple. While half my driving is on the highways, living 18k east of the city, the other half is in the city, and I feel that in city traffic the 150 will be easier to maneuver than the 250. While on the highway the 250 would obviously be faster, if the new 150 will cruse at 115-120 for longer trips, then that's all I really need. And with the larger tires and little extra weight, it should be more stable at those speeds. They told me the new 150 is faster than the old one, and much better at high speeds, and said I could take one out and test it myself, but after 4 days in the hospital I didn't think that was a good idea and told them I'd be back later to do that.

    As for the color, the red is definitely out as far as my wife is concerned. While she loves it, she is adamant about the fact that red cars and red motorbikes are "bad luck" for me according to her Buddhist beliefs. And while black is good, she thinks it looks "too mean", and doesn't really "stand out" the way the tri color one does. And I admit, I like the paint scheme of the tri color, except for the blue front finder, which I'll have repainted white at a good shop I know. I think that will look better.

    Depending on how I feel later today, I may go back and take the 150 out for a test drive. But it would be interesting to hear from those who have already purchased one as to their opinions on it. Also, for those of you wanting a "chopper" type bike, they have two very nice Honda Steeds sitting just inside the showroom doors.

    I love my 150 (tri-color), I think it works perfect in patong city driving and the roads around phuket, no problem cruising at speeds around 110-120kph. The only time ive felt i would have preferred the 250 is when i was cruising around with a 85kg friend behind.

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