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Posts posted by mjj

  1. Wow Warp, how did you come to think that i am trying to discedit you? I though we were having a conversation online, you know giving different experiences......

    Well, about me paying attention to commentators, can you point out where i have stated the commenators have contact with the directors???

    Thanks for the foolish comment aswell, you are correct i am a fool. I should know better than to give my experiences online thinking i could have a conversation with people that have the same interests as me. You're right everyone is full of bs and i am a postman. That it from me on the subject, I didnt realise is was a competition.

  2. I was talking about changes to the way it was broadcast, not the rules and regs of tne sport.

    Whilst I can understand you may be doubting my authenticity, how can I prove it? Do you live in Trang? I can show you my F1 pass, has my picture and the department i worked in - as well as being signed by Schumachet and Barrichello.

    Anyway when i was there the tv was run at 'Bakersville' so named after Eddie Baker. This village was where all the feeds came from. There was Host, which was the terrestrial feed, then Super Channel - which was a mixture of Channel 1 (the leaders) channel 2 (further down the field, the pitlane channel and 4 obc channels.

    Bar the host feed, all the channels were directed by F1 staff that went to all the races. The host feed varied from having a local company direct to having it done in house.

    The camera positions were all chosen by an in house director. Well, when i say director, the programme almost directs it self as they had an ACS (automated cutting system) that automatically cuts the cameras, the director just picks the driver to follow.

    Oh, and the on board laps that you may have watched through 2000 - 2002 were most likely chosen by me.

    Bernie is very guarded about his footage of F1 and any footage that is shot at the circuit would have to be dubbed and the copies sent to his company in Biggin Hill in Kent. This is where we used to fly from on his private jet to go to the European races.

    I'm not trying to argue with you warp, I'm just saying how it used to be.

    Let me know who your insiders are - I might know them, or say who they work for?

  3. Whilst i know these trucks arent performane vehicle, does anyone know the performance of these things? 0-100k type of thing. I'm guessing the 2.2 isnt any faster than the outgoing 2.5, because its bound to be heavier and the power increase isnt that dramatic. And what about the 3.2?

  4. Unless things have changed recently Formula One Management supply all the track cameramen and camera positions. Some of the countries have a director to errr direct, but the images are identical for everyone. The only footage that will be different is the pre-rac, post race and pit lane footage. This is where the different companies may have their reporter/interviewer.

  5. Regarding coverage ALL broadcasters show the same race footage, its only the interviewers and the commentators that change.

    As for the race and prospective champion, at the moment i would go for Button. Personally i think he is a much more complete driver to Hamilton. Lewis has some fantastic races, but is far too inconsistant.

    And yes that Slater guy is a complete numpty!

  6. Scooter are meant to be easy run arounds, so auto is best for me. The problem I have with the wave is that the gear selector can be a bit stubborn at time and wont change. I'm thinking when I have come to a stop and want to go into neutral. Sometimes I have to rock the bike backwards and forwards to get it in. Autos are easy and to me that is what scootering is all about.

  7. No, not to this forum, I'm a newbie here, much more exciting - I'm back to the world of bikes!!!! After an abstinence of about 18 years, I'm going to the the wind in my hair, riding across the country with new found freedom. Ok, not quite, i dont have any hair and i would wear a helmet and the bike is not for me. So to the point.

    Er in doors will soon be the owner of a Suzuki Jelato, bug eyed, pink and with teddy bear head stickers on. I want to get some white mag wheels for it with fatter tyres. Do any of you know approximately how much they are? In the Suzy shop they said the Skydrive wheels are 8,000b a pair. Seems a bit expensive to me. Is it? Also went to a wheel shop and they tried to talk us out of buying wheels, because the police will pull us over for looking like a race bike, ha, ha.

    So what do ya rekon i should be paying? And sizes do the fatter tyres come in, just 1 size?

  8. As i dont own a bike at the moment and havent forvabout 20 years, most bikes are dream bikes for me.... With a bit of extra cash in the bank i would buy myself a Ducati Hypermotard, i love the motard style of bikes.

    But being a speedfreak also I think the MV's are the sexiest of all the bikes.....would i want one, no. I know myself and i would be riding way beyond my ability within a week and strawberry jam on the road the next.

  9. I once had a job testing oils for cars, which involved having the car run 24 hours a day for about 3 months. As one of the drivers i had to drive an Octavia for one of the 8 hour shifts, everyday. I found the Octavia to be a great car. Good comfort for motorways, nice sucure and progressive handling through the twisties and felt strong and durable. None of the Octavias on test missed a beat on rhe test - unlike the Pug 406 and VW Passats.

    I wouldn't hesitate to buy a Skoda, the joke history is long gone.

    If you do buy on and sell it in 4 years at those kinda prices, i might be interested in having it off you. ;-)

    As for Seat's, I had a Leon Cupra R a few years ago. Loved it, bright yellow it was too.........hmmmmm.

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