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Posts posted by ufishin

  1. Hello,

    There are two types available by tough line and the larger braid companies. We use more of the floating for float fishing in the Oregon. We use the sinking braid for bottom fishing and trolling. A neat tool to use is a rubber snubber by Luhr jensen. It is surgical tubing with dacron on the inside to give the line some give. We use it for trolling salmon.

    Check out the websites and you will find the two different types.

    Happy fishing

  2. Hello,

    I am looking to fish along the coast for any kind of saltwater fish. I normally do lots of jetty fishing in the US. Looking to explore what kinds of fishing are available in the salt along the bank. I am coming from the Bangkok area, so if someone can suggest some great places to fish and maybe even camp, that would be awesome.

    I will post pics if I get into any fish and anywhere that is scenic.

    Happy New years to all the fishing people out there!!



  3. Hello,

    I fish every week on the weekend. I try to go to a different fishing park every week, so I am learning more lakes. The fishing parks around Future park area are smaller, but cheap. 50-100 baht. They have plenty of fish and easy to catch. The best place to go for a beginner is Cha am. It is only a 100 baht per day, have rod rentals, and you catch fish every five minutes. I will probably go this weekend, so email me if you want to meet up. I drive so I might be able to swing by and pick you up somewhere alon the way.

  4. Hello,

    I saw quite a few of your guys there on the holiday weekend. I was fishing the opposite bank with my friend. It is an awesome place for the money. It is so cheap and a great place to take kids and women. Anybody can catch a fish there, like one guy on the internet said "stupid easy". The place is friendly and I would recommend it to anybody who wants to catch fish all day long.

    Happy fishing,


  5. If you want to catch fish and keep, I would recommend a fishing park, near future park along the 1. It is only 100 baht to fish all day. You get to keep 2 kilos and 50 baht for a kilo after that. You catch lots of plah sawai. The key there is you have to cast to the other side near the bank. If you email me and can get there, I have rods you can borrow and help you on how to fish. I fish a couple of times a week, so it wouldn't be going out of my way. I will come back from the US at the end of the month, so if you are interested in meeting, email me at << Use PM >>


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