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Posts posted by Misterwhisper

  1. To lend credibility to his claims and to dissipate allegations he earned his position solely due to his "qualities, expertise and experience" and not because he's seen as "Thaksin's man", he should have declared that his first act in office would be to start working on an extradition request for the fugitive convicted criminal in order to bring him back and finally face the music.

    Instead he simply did what seems to be all too common among our politicians: Deny any connections and talk yourself out by offering wishy-washy explanations about wanting "to do something for the country" and being "1.000 per cent certain" about his qualities.

  2. It's like asking a Thai NOT to rub down tree barks or examine caged reptiles' skins and then buy lottery tickets based on their findings for a whole three months.

    Or like "urging" a Thai to NOT discard their household trash in quiet sois for a whole three months.

    Or like requesting all 7-Elevens in the country to NOT put every single softdrink can purchased into a tiny plastic bag together with at least three unwanted plastic straws for a whole three months.

    Good luck!

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  3. Have seen a few pics from when the DSI searched the house of his parents, an estate that cannot be described in any other word than palatial: gilded baroque furniture, tapestries, polished marble floors and crystal chandeliers everywhere.

    Have these parents never questioned how their son, who is supposed to possess no material wealth at all, was able to finance them this "humble abode"? That makes them at least partially guilty in my book, because it is obscene and reeks of unbridled greed to accept such gifts from a monk, son or not.

    Now the couple reportedly also have refused to give DNA samples to be compared with the samples taken from the 11-year-old boy. I wonder why...

    This is 'Thainess' at its worst.

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  4. What she wanted: the latest smartphone, yet another gold necklace, a house, a car, a fridge for mom, a pick-up truck for dad, a motocy for her "brother", a bundle of cash to buy medicine for the fatally sick water buffalo.

    What I got her: a Buddhist book teaching the precept of non-attachment to material goods.

    How she liked it: we're not together anymore, thank Buddha! Oh, and she left the book behind when she moved out.

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  5. I second MightyMouse's post with regards to the EASUS recovery software. Try the free version first and if that doesn't work (the functions are very limited and may not applicable in your case), buy a copy of their full recovery suite. I think it's around $70, but well worth it, because you can keep the copy for any future incidents.

    I had a corrupted external hard drive containing lots of important documents and years worth of photos. EASUS was able to recover practically all of them and it took only about 6 hours for the program to scan the entire hard drive.

  6. I took my dog down to the neighborhood shop recently, tying it to a post outside. A car stopped and a well-dressed Thai lady got out.

    She approached my dog, petted it briefly, then asked while pointing at it: "Race?"

    I replied: "Yes, and very fast, too."

  7. Hope the good FM also stressed to the Germans the fact that they're gaciously permitted to contribute 100% of the investment capital plus 100% of the required know-how, but can hold only a maximum of 49% in any venture. Oh, and of course that they must employ 3 Thais for every German expert they bring in.

    But my hunch is those little unimportant details slipped under the table.

    Or perhaps Rosler already was aware of them and declined Germany's participation in Thailand's water management projects with the wicked tongue-in-cheek excuse that German SMEs are simply too large to engage in that sort of "business".

  8. "Rosler complained that German firms, mostly small and medium-sized enterprises, cannot participate in the water-management projects since they are too big, Surapong said."

    I am sorry, but I can make absolutely no sense of what the FM is trying to convey here.

    But I very much doubt highly-educated Philipp Rosler said: "Our small and medium sized enterprises are too big to participate in water management projects [in Thailand], and I wish to complain about that."

  9. Many thanks for the nice messages, and yes, I really should have posted a thumbnail of the poster. Anyhow, if "Nong Jorn" should be recovered she'll NOT be returned to that irrespnsible woman. Instead, I most likely will adopt her mysefl, although I already have two dogs. If you should see her, you also can PM me here on TV and I shall relay the message to the volunteer group.

  10. This post is addressed primarily to Pattaya residents with a soft spot for pets and concerns a street dog rescued in Bangkok by a Thai volunteer group of animal lovers in April.

    “Nong Jorn”, as she was named, suffered from a huge cervical tumor, which was surgically removed. The dog was also sterilized and vaccinated. The volunteer group paid for all the cost.

    A Thai woman in Pattaya eventually adopted her, but proved rather careless as “Nong Jorn” was lost a mere 3 hours after having been delivered to her new home on April 30 (the woman had left the front gate open when she went shopping).

    The Bangkok group organized search parties to Pattaya every single weekend since then and also produced a number of posters (see link below), which they’ve hung up at several spots around town. So far, “Nong Jorn” could not be recovered, but the group’s not giving up hope just yet. The dog was reportedly most recently seen in the area of Suan Chaiyapruek (Chaiyapruek Park), but eloped too fast to be caught.

    The group has designated a cash reward of 5,000 Baht for any information that leads to “Nong Jorn’s” recovery. The dog is in urgent need of medication to rid her of a blood parasite.

    I’d like to ask Pattaya residents to please keep their eyes open and immediately contact one of the mobile numbers stated in the poster if you see her. Ideally (and provided you have the space) you’d try to catch and hold her until she can be picked up. “Nong Jorn” is a very friendly, gentle and intelligent dog and she deserves a loving home.


  11. Why is it that we have to read ridiculous stuff like this on an ALMOST DAILY basis?

    "Turning" Thailand into the "new" Maldives?! What a ludicrous comparison idea.

    There we have on one hand an island nation of barely 200,000 residents that has for the past 30 years practised eco tourism with all its stringent regulations for environmental protection.

    And here we have on the other hand a nation of 65 million, the majority of which are extreme litter bugs with absolutely no concern for the environment and no qualms about exploiting to exhaustion each and every natural resource as long as they can line their pockets; a nation that for the past 30 years has aggressively pushed for attracting more and more tourists each year, aiming at something like 25 MILLLION by 2014.

    And now that nation suddenly wants to "turn" into the "new" Maldives? A tad late for that, methinks.



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  12. I truly hope there is a clause in his car insurance policy that reads: "In case of divine intervention the undersigned insurer shall not be held responsible for any damage claims."

    That would teach the idiot a lesson - but of course only unless he also wears an amulet that protects against insurers trying to avoid responsibilities.

  13. This already was a blunt scam and a miserable failure the first time it was launched.

    It will certainly become a tremendous success now that the card's price has been DOUBLED (not even mentioning the annual "renewal fees") while its benefits have been HALVED.

    But hold it: The sheer fact that this dead horse continues to be flogged surely must mean there is substantial money in it for "somebody".

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