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Everything posted by Misterwhisper

  1. I humbly suggest to Dutch junkies to stick with their local cafes and give Thailand a wide berth. Not only will they mightily disappointed, but they also run the risk of jail time when they try sourcing grass that is of comparable quality to what they can get back home. On the other hand, if your plan is to source cheap fibers for ropes or cloth, please do drop by.
  2. Finally a "biological attack" that everybody should embrace with open arms. Except the Thai government, of course.
  3. The precarious question is: on whose side of the bed?
  4. So they can later fit in perfectly with those "other" kindergarteners stuck in adult bodies, a.k.a. the Thai Army?
  5. From all the cynical, abrasive, sarcastic and negative comments regarding the police chief's announcement I deduct that somehow the RTP does not exactly enjoy the public's trust regarding honesty, transparency and straightforwardness. I wonder why... ????????????
  6. Perhaps Khun Kesmanee might want to consider hiring Amber Heard as an international spokesperson for Thai cosmetics. I hear she's quite skilled at using makeup. Besides... the way it looks right now she will soon be out of job, as she won't be getting any more movie roles; AND she'll be desperately needing the money to pay off the 50 million $ that she's being sued for by her ex-husband. Furthermore, with AH's expert help, Thailand conceivably could become the world's manufacturing hub of the mysterious "Amica" cream. This is the opportunity of a lifetime, Thailand. Seize it!
  7. Does there exist a single photo of that geezer where he is either a) standing up on his own two legs instead of sitting in a chair, or b) not dozing off?
  8. When I was still married, I instituted a quite similar uniform schedule in my household -- of course only for the wife: Monday was French maid uniform day; Tuesday was sailor uniform day; Wednesday was catsuit day; Thursday was au-pair uniform day; Friday was bunny suit day; Saturday was bikini day; Sunday was Catholic nun habit day; Oh, those happy days!
  9. No wonder every uniform wearer in this country seems to have a paratrooper badge attached to their garb. I also guess they are cheaper if you buy them by the dozen.
  10. Those freebies have in face 0.2% or less of THC by dried weight. Everything else is (and remains) illegal, regardless how enthusiastic Mr. Anutin trumpets on about Thailand's "cannabis liberalization".
  11. Which, incidentally, may actually be made from hemp fibers.
  12. In other words: Cannabis is NOT legal in Thailand. But Hemp is. Because like in most other countries, Thai legislation indeed distinguishes between "cannabis" (i.e. plants with a THC content of more than 0.2% by dried weight) and "hemp" (plants with a THC content of 0.2% or less by dried weight). THAT (and nothing else) is the legal situation. And regardless whether Mr. Anutin waxes on about "cannabis liberalization" or "cannabis legalization", it simply is NOT TRUE. Yet the press picks it up and propagates it to the world when it should be made crystal clear that cannabis is NOT legal in Thailand. Make no mistake: > If you plant any of the "non-legal" cannabis cultivars or consume products made from them (i.e. marijuana, hashish) and are caught, you are going to jail! > You are ONLY permitted to plant "legal" cannabis cultivars, i.e. hemp. And those 1 million plants that Mr. Anutin plans to distribute are of that legal, low-THC type. You can use their leaves in a salad or a smoothie -- or make hemp ropes out of their fibers. They are good for nothing else. Oh, and yes, both legal and illegal plants contain CBD (cannabidiol), that "other" main compound that you hear so much about. But anybody wanting to extract CBD from legal plants in commercial quantities, NEEDS A LICENSE from the Thai FDA as well as approval from the Provincial Health Office and the Narcotics Control Board. Which, since we are in Thailand, involves an incredibly convoluted application process plus reams and reams of documents. See? It's not all just as simple as Mr. Anutin makes it out. And I really wish he would finally stop talking about Thailand's "cannabis legalization" and instead use the more accurate term "hemp legalization". Because that is what it is.
  13. The only constant in the unpredictability of the weather are the predictable forecasts of the Thai Meteorological Department.
  14. Dentists Doctors Police and Army officers State officials Teachers High-profile businessmen Orphanage caretakers They all have been in the headlines recently regarding alleged sexual assault and forced prostitution of minors. But... the PM is more concerned about "undisciplined Buddhist monks". As IF they were the only problem.
  15. Anybody who conducts an internet search with the search terms "Bangkok escape bustle outdoor activities" surely must have a screw lose. Or two.
  16. Reigning in undisciplined Buddhist monks? Well... if that's the country's most pressing issue, things may not be so bad after all.
  17. Fortunately he didn't suffer any brain damage, because he hasn't got any.
  18. Precisely nothing. As always. And which is EXACTLY what everybody expects from ASEAN.
  19. Wonderful news! The most exciting news of the year! Thank you so so so much! The issuing date of this stamp surely will be remembered and celebrated for decades to come! Thank you again! By the way: has anything else happened in the kingdom today? You know, something that is not so earth-shattering as the announcement of a new commemorative stamp... perhaps some new hub or some new-found soft power that's worth mentioning on the bylines?
  20. You realize how desperate they must be when they start describing 180 foreign arrivals as "tourists FLOODING IN". Whereas we cannot even be sure how many of these "180 foreign arrivals" were in fact tourists. Many of them simply might have been expats finally having a chance to return to their Thai families. As we all know: You can have lived here for 10, 20 or even 30 years, but Thai immigration is still going to count you as a "foreign arrival" whenever you return from a business trip or a vacation abroad. Pre-Covid I used to be between 8 and 15 "foreign arrivals" every year, for example.
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