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Posts posted by andyko

  1. On ‎02‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 4:16 AM, MobileContent said:

    In Germany we have 92,000 Poles that get welfare which cost the state 441 million Euro a year. Romanians (63,000), Bulgarians (73,000). Only the Turks are the top of the line with 240,000 that  claim benefit and that cost Germany over a billion Euro. 

    Not included are housing allowance.

    And what about Jews? Many survived?

  2. It all depends on your life style. If you are cooking for yourself it`s much cheaper in Thailand.Eating out may costs you sometimes, but still you pay less than Tesco`s ready meal. There are some things overpriced here like e.g. nescafe coffee(secured with anti-theft chip in shops) or red wine, and some you cannot even buy. Interesting here you can keep your eating habits and loose on weight at the same time. Bon appetit :)

  3. Get a physical check-up if you have not had one in say the past year or so, as this can be a sign of underlying disease such as diabetes.

    If it comes back all clear, ask for a prescription for an ED drug.

    Do you know any doc here? I have 2 weeks more here and can visit, get advice

    Thank for all replies, really keeps me up haha

  4. andyko,

    I'm not a doctor but has graduate degree in public health! In my opinion, you've been using your thing too many times, give it a rest couple of days! Also, start practicing Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles.

    Good luck

    Too many times? Is that possible? Jesus, I'm going to have to tie my hands behind my back.

    believe me, with all this sh.t im laughing with you. penalty for overdosing?

  5. andyko,

    I'm not a doctor but has graduate degree in public health! In my opinion, you've been using your thing too many times, give it a rest couple of days! Also, start practicing Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles.

    Good luck

    tried this one, doesnt work(i mean abstinence). too many times? is there a limit? yes. it worked in the past but not any longer

  6. When I complain about the bad inconsiderate behaviour of neighbours , my wife always say ," In Thailand People Do what They Like ", without consideration

    for anyone else . Thais can be very kind , but in general are very selfish . Thai people may call themselves Buddhist , but the religion in practice has

    little connection the the Buddhist philosophy .

    Essentially, Buddhism is not a religion. It is only called a religion by other religions. Basically what you get comes from your previous actions, no God involved. Universal philosophy which works everywhere, no matter in Buddhist country or not.

    With the best wishes

  7. Why don't Thais move over for emergency vehicles? Haven't many people here had friends, relatives or spouses in an ambulance before and know its best to move over? If the poster has some truths I guess the Thai mentality is " It's not my wife possibly dying in the ambulance blaring in back of me". But it could be someone they know. I've traveled a lot but witness it here every week from my balcony during traffic and have not seen it in other countries.

    Havent seen kerbs higher then here anywhere in the world

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