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Posts posted by toadflax

  1. I heard that this vernerated bar which moved from Naklua Soi 18 to the far end of Soi 16, is re-opening near its old location. I can't find anything since its closure in 2014. Is there any truth in this rumour?

  2. On 10/26/2017 at 5:29 AM, mogandave said:

    I think when you first come over, you have little resistance to the local viruses, the longer your here, the more resistance you built up.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    No the 'flu virus circulates round the world -- there is no 'local' strain. It also morphs every year which is why you cannot "build up a resistance". This is why you need an annual shot as it is a mixture of those thought to be in circulation for the coming season.  
    With the advent of mass tourism and flying, the idea of a local strain of anything is outdated. 

  3. In previous years I've used Pattaya Memorial for 'flu vaccination, this time they estimated Baht 2000 , previous years was Baht 900.

    Based on this posting. I checked BPHospital who have a package at Baht 990. This morning I went to the Clinic opposite Big C SouthRd. In-and-out the front door in 15 minutes: friendly staff, only had to wait 5 minutes for the previous patient to be seen, proper check before vacccination  and Baht 790.

    Although I live near North Road I will be using this clinic (3 miles walk away) for minor ailments. I've been at a loss since Dr Belen retired. 

    Thanks for the good advice

    • Like 1
  4. The sign is at the bridge in Naklua over the creek, just to the South side. Here's the location in a kmz (Google Earth) file. Sign is pointing up the creek (literally) towards Sukhumvit. If you follow the creek you end up at the Water Treatment plant in Nhong Yai but it's far from clear if there's a footpath or if you paddle your own canoe. The photos of the mangroves look like they are from the Soi Naklua (that runs down from Sukumvit to Mum Aroi) branch of the creek.

    Trail Sign.kmz

  5. Has anyone attempted the Naklua Nature Trail? I saw this sign by the Naklua Creek bridge. Looks like it follows the creek but I'm reluctant to trespass on the creek community which, from Google Earth , seems to have built over the footpath.

    3451 NakluaCreek Nature Trail Sign.jpg

  6. I did some more research and found an old Pattaya Mail issue (2 Sept 1999) that reports on the lock-out of vendors. Link . It confirms the name too

    The vendors at the Day/Night Plaza are crying “foul!”.
  7. I was talking to some old timers and we were all stumped by what the current TukCom used to be called when it had a cinema in the 5th floor and a supermarket in the basement. It would have been 1990s. We all remembered the stalls on the other floor that had exotic items from airlines in-plane service such and cutlery from PIA. Anyone help?

    I've some old photos from this period at 1990 and 1991 but none cover South Road.

  8. Off topic maybe, but how good is BTV internet during normal service?

    Where I live, very good I would say, I am on-line +99% of the time and the speed almost always at the 10kps I pay for.

    When they set it up they told me that my underground cable from the street to my house was bad. They pulled a new cable (air) free of charge.

    TOT was a disaster compared to BTV so never again unless they get their shit together.

    I've been with TOT since July last year. 8 mbps for 740 Baht per month. Can't complain. Failed twice for a couple of hours, and slows down somewhat on the weekends, but ok all in all.

    Think you should visit the TOT office. I've got 10MBps for 540Baht. I went to upgrade a couple of years ago and got twice the speed for less money, they don't necessarily put you on the latest, cheapest packages so I regularly visit them on Central Road whenever I see a new poster or special offer.

  9. Looks like True Vision's HD is for live viewing only.

    I checked out a ThaiVisa advertiser's site and they have another Openbox S9 HD STB with external HDD recorder.

    Has anyone any experience of this with a True HD card?

    I note that my friend in Penang has HD and a similar STB although Astro supplied and branded.

  10. Is there any way to record True HD channels? Ideally I would like to record one HD channel while watching (in SD, perhaps ) another.

    From what I've seen the True PVR is only SD and there is some question about the HD STB output being available two ways.

    Mainly, it would be used to record late night (early morning) soccer games to watch later. There's a plethora of recording devices in UK but I've seen none in Pattaya apart from a DVD recorder which seems SD only.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  11. I just got on a TOT line here in Bangkok, started a torrent and am getting full wire speed.

    I normally use a local seed box (6 Mega-bits per second), then FTP files, so rarely use BT on local PCs, but no problems with this single sample.

    Can you give any details on the "local seed box"?

    Sounds like this would be a solution when being shaped in Pattaya.

  12. My next door neighbour is away on medical leave in Australia and has bought a new HD 47" TV and is knocked out by the quality.

    He's currently on True SD Gold and asked me to find out about upgrading to a HD package.

    Is the True PVR HD ready? I tried Googling with mixed results. Has anyone any experience with reliability issues?

    Any comments would be most welcome.

    (He only really watches soccer but his wife watches soaps hence the need for a PVR with dual tuner and HD recording)

  13. The speeds are back to being very poor, erratic, climbing fast and then crashing back to very low.

    The problem affects for sure 039 numbers - 038 numbers were mentioned - eastern seaboard. Bangkok TOT is presumably 02, hence no problems....

    .....speeds will be similarly about 1/3 and so never being so fast as private torrents, will appear very very slow and also keep falling back.)

    That explains it exactly. Thanks for all the research that went into this. Both upload and download speeds are affected and the graph of the connection speed looks more like a cross-section of the Alps than the smooth TOT landscape that it should be. I hear that it's also causing problems with TTT/3BB lines as well as TOT.

  14. Back to terrible again for me - same for others?

    Just tested the Ubuntu torrent and getting speeds of 82kB which is about the best I get for individual torrents.

    3BB speedtest also shows no problem.

    I'm located in Diana Inn on a TOT line and haven't noticed anything amiss since the restoration last night.

  15. This evening the internet stopped completely - utterly unusable, though the torrents continued to struggle along at snail's pace. Yet, at some point between 8.00 and 9.00, bang and hey presto, and back to fully operational internet and most importantly full speed downloading torrents - as I am used to and as things were a week ago, back to normal. Great stuff if it lasts....

    Do the other people who have experienced the same problem as myself, also have full return?

    It would be useful to know so that I can confirm that it was just not a local problem (not that I think it was) and as a vindication of us sharing this in the forum. Knowing that others are having the same problem saves a lot of fiddling and angst-filled hours!

    Yes, Danc had exactly the same on TOT.

    I switched to a wireless USB adaptor and picked up my hotel's Wi-fi on "Maxnet" and got connections although not to ThaiVisa!

    I suspect that TOT nationwide had a problem as I pinged www.tot.co.th and got 3 timeouts on the route.

    Replugged into the TOT line and back to normal (that's the normal 10 days ago not the normal of the last week or the normal of this evening).

    Fingers crossed (the only digital aid that might work)

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