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Posts posted by rovinman

  1. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    And those are the legal business interests, we really don't know the extent of the illegal business interests that these generals are involved in. Drug running, human trafficking, prostitution, gambling, etc. The list likely goes on and on. The Thai army is not exactly a paragon of integrity, and there is no question about the fact that they're not sufficiently policed! 


    For a full expose, I suggest you read "Bangkok 8"" by John Burdett, plus his follow up books  !

  2. 3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Looks like the source was an article today in the Bangkok Post.


    Can't quote or link to BKK Post articles on the forum, per forum rules.... But AI can.


    "16. The Bangkok Post, Khaosod, Pattaya Mail and the Phuket News do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on ASEAN NOW."




    However, what the original source actually reported is a bit different from the OP here.


    The original source only quoted a Google guy as saying that in 2023, they saw a significant surge in financial fraud scams in Singapore, Thailand and India. There's no talk in the Post report of any kind of top countries ranking.




    How many times do we have to check, double check, triple back check, before we can be certain that we are reading a True Bona Fide source of CORRECT Information  ?

    • Thanks 1
  3. 10 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    Making an F1 street circuit in Bangkok would not be an easy task. Not only does a track need to be set out there also needs to be space for the pits and grandstands. Apart from that having a street circuit means massive disruption to traffic in the area for a couple weeks. Maybe out near Savanabhumi Airport. I would be very interested to see a plan of where it would be but something tells me as it is they have no idea. Reality is though that the F1 world circuit is full and to break into it is not easy. 


    ........... and down the Sukhumvit straight,  left at Tong Lor, .............

  4. 3 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Maybe they're just passing through?


    “Our study found the giant bee migrates to Thailand in March and leaves in July. But if the temperatures on high mountains aren’t cold enough, they might not come back.”


    The buzz around here is that the Government should install Cave Cooling Plant {CCP}, to encourage them to stay just that  little bit longer  !

  5. 3 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    Nobody hates him for leaving. His choice. No problem.


    It's the lies, the whingeing, the hypocrisy and the backstabbing of his own flesh and blood that most of us dislike.


    Good riddance to the toerag. The fact that Meghan left with him is like killing 2 birds with 1 stone. I only hope that the US do not revoke his visa for lieing about his extensive class A drug use on the application. 


    If the USA does revoke his Visa, Does that mean he will become Stateless  ?  ?  
    DCB  !  { Don't Come Back  ! }

  6. 7 hours ago, retarius said:

    An article without merit. Biden could have simply reinstated Trump's executive order than be abolished on Day 1 of his tenure. He is not doing this to give himself an, admittedly weak, answer to the Republicans' horror at his letting in illegals, even those on watch lists who may be feature in future terror strikes. Biden and the Democrats strategy is to bring in millions of illegal aliens, then to pass local legislation allowing them to vote, hoping they will overwhelmingly vote Democrat. How about simply governing in the interests pod all the country Joe? 


    In this day and age of AI and Electronic Money supply coming into being, and the ability to shut down anyone's Bank Account, if they so much as breathe incorrectly.

    It seems an Obvious Solution to institute an Electronic Green Card System, wherein Immigrants are admitted, { having previously brought all the necessary documentation, to the Border Control }.

    These immigrants are admitted, on the proviso of constant reporting to Immigration centres, { monthly or 3 Monthly }. so that their Green Cards can be updated, with work situations achieved, and residences acquired  !

    If after 12 Months { or other permitted period }, Employment has NOT been found, the Green Card, can instruct them to attend an Immigration Centre, or Freeze their Green Card, or any other Sanction, deemed necessary  !
    If ALL else fails they can be Deported, and their Green Card { which they keep }, will show this  !

    Immigration can ALWAYS, back check, should they return to a border Crossing  !

  7. 4 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    Depopulate or perish.


    That's right  !

    If we get rid of 90% of the population, then the rest of what's left of the population, can start again  !
    But Hang on  !  Isn't Hunting and Gathering doing just the same  ?
    Our population will grow { in say 10,000 years } and the can will have been kicked FAR down the road, and we won't have to worry any more  !

    Sound's like a PLAN  !

    Now where did I put that Nuclear Bomb  ?  ?

  8. 2 hours ago, Denim said:


    Those top end super cars are extremely complicated and expensive to repair. The owner might not bother when he finds out how much it will cost to put things right now that it is banged up and has been submerged in water.


    I watch a guy called Samcrac on you tube who buy right offs like these and tries to ' flip ' them ( repair and resell ) . Massive headache and not always possible as the electronic parts cost a fortune.


    See also Tavarish, and his FLOOD submerged, McLaren.

    He got many parts cheaper, but still cost $US thousands  !

  9. 3 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    This will be very interesting. Hopefully someone has the goods on the military too. That would be a whole lot bigger than the top BIB. Clean out the senate and parliament of the corrupt and then possibly Thailand could start to move forward. The corrupt elites must be thinking very hard about all this. I said yesterday the police thing is only a very small portion of the tip of a very large iceberg.


    Book to read  !  :  Especially the Frontispiece  :  Bangkok 8,  by John Burdett,  


    • Thanks 1
  10. On 3/21/2024 at 1:27 PM, NONG CHOK said:

    Every time I walk to my local super market I get attacked by dogs. What devices are recommended to get these walking flea bags to back off. The problem is the tour buses are parked there and the drivers give the dogs their left overs. If this were to cease the dogs would move on.


    Get one of those devices that issue an Ultrasound whistle, which REALLY annoys them and causes them to run away  !
    OR, carry some dog food, { looks like small biscuits }, and throw them into / towards the dogs, and AWAY from you  !

    The dogs will follow the food and leave you alone  !

  11. 13 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I think EVs are a fad that will soon pass.


    Luddite  !  NO ! the EV industry is here to stay  ! 
    There will be a sorting out of Manufacturers, some will die,  some will live, but there will be an Energy Change, as Electricity Authorities find out that Mega-Packs, Solar Panels and Wind Power, will soon replace the Power supply industry  !

    Will Thailand be up to the Challenge  ?

    BYD seem to have taken a Massive Leap into Thailand, as has TESLA  !

    Happy Motoring  !

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 3 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

    Which country (Sweden or USA) is more likely to come assist Thailand if the Thai's can't use the South China Sea for their foreign trading?


    Well, they are both in NATO now that Sweden has just been admitted  !
    Thailand could donate its old fighters, plus spare parts and Maintenance manuals, to Ukraine to help the war effort  !

    Will Russia try to dissuade Thailand from doing so  ?

    • Agree 1
  13. 17 hours ago, bamnutsak said:

    Even though it will look bad to the larger world, the CC must dissolve MFP for their brazen attempt to reform the Monarchy. It might be a close vote, but a Court whose members were appointed by the King is unlikely to vote for a party that seeks such reforms.


    They must be made to suffer if only to discourage pesky peasants from rising up again.


    A significant percentage of the 14 million people who voted for MFP support reforms, but they just don't know what's best for them.






    Have the MFP ever thought to ASK the Monarchy  ?

  14. 15 hours ago, NoDisplayName said:

    They're just teenagers getting an education.


    To function in society as adults, they need to know their limits and how to correctly respond to given topics.




    Your ending is missing  ! 

    .............................................. in an obeisciant way, so as not to upset the money  !


    There you are, ......... fixed it  !

  15. 3 hours ago, rexpotter said:

    So they know where the Tajik guy flew off to. He be sweating now. You can bet he read this article.


    How did the Police ""KNOW"" it was a Tajik guy who did the deed ?  unless they were following this Tajik guy, for some other reason, and if so, surely they would have followed him to this house and 'Peeped" in through the windows, to see what he was up-to !
    Or is this asking too much of the Police  ?

    • Sad 1
  16. 21 hours ago, khunjeff said:


    So they don't intend to actually enforce any of this, other than by maybe sending a ticket through the mail at some future date. And how exactly will that move traffic along today?


    Also, I don't know anyone who would characterize license plate readers, CCTV cameras, and 3-minute timers as an "AI system".



    Yes, the problem isn't too many vehicles on the roads, it's tourists using the wrong vehicles. Uh huh. And signs have proven to be so effective...


    Its quite simple with an appropriate A.I. system  :

    Send out the tickets as advised, if not paid after 1 month, fine is doubled, and so on for each month, unpaid !
    At the end of the year when the driver has to collect his new VEHICLE LICENCE, he has to PAY ALL the accumulated fines, otherwise he does not get the Licence, or the vehicle is confiscated, OR the driver's licence is VOIDED.
    Once the first drivers that this happens to, complain in the Media, other drivers will soon start to toe the line.

    The police can then be given the chance to collect these fines, or the vehicles, either way it;s going to get expensive for the  antagonists  !

    By the way, I saw this system of doubling the fines, working when I was working in IRAQ in the 1980's, YES, 1980's.

    Good ole, Saddam knew how to collect the Money  !

  17. 17 hours ago, retarius said:

    I blame the developers.....anything, anything at all for a few extra pennies of profits. Screw Tham make them pay to knock not down.


    Its NO use getting the Developers to pay, ............. They'll just add it on to the price that the poor Suckers who are going to buy the Condos, will pay  !

    Just leave them for a while until they get deteriorated, THEN tell them to pay a monthly "Eye-sore-fee" until they knock them down  !
    Note to developers :
    Don't start to build until you have ALL the documentation in place in Black and White  !

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