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Everything posted by DavidLangdown

  1. Sorry, but i did'nt realise that Robin Williams did it whilst in Thailand.
  2. You mean like they did on Koh Tao. Where we saw several "shady" RTP results.
  3. It has happened before, and will continue to happen, this is how the RTP operate, it is so easy.
  4. It depends on the indidual partner. I have two close friends, one is very cooperative and easy going, the other is very domineering. Its not a black & white situation at all.
  5. Not under military rule , thats for sure.
  6. However, the country was going ahead in leaps and bounds until the dictators had their coup, and now look where Thailand is. Terrible is'nt it.
  7. With Taksins help, they will acheive this.
  8. I still do and detest any military dictator, but if that is what you like, why don't you move to Myanmar.
  9. he will do far better than a few corrupt generals with his business experience and compassion for the downtrodden masses.
  10. He will do what he thinks best for his faithfull followers.
  11. Common sense and compassion at long last. Well done sir.
  12. yes, i was here then, and yes, the RTP did often go over the top, but that's the RTP.
  13. He was not evading justice, but trumped up charges designed by the military coup people who knew how popular he was and were afraid of his return. However due to their power, the "Sheep" accepted their lies.
  14. You are so smug in your delberations even though it is obvious that the poorer part of the Thai population followed and adored him, unlike you "johnny come lately" falang sheep.
  15. I wonder how many of these smart assed idiots who post anti Thaksin vomit in here were actually around when Thaksin was in power before the corrupt military had their coup with their first task to bring many false and pathetic charges against Thaksin. You see, he was very popular with the majority of the Thai poorer population. Back in those days Thailand was a "go ahead" country with a bright future unlike today's dictatorship. Even if was corrupt, a very few Thai politicians are not, he looked after his people and they knew it. Today to have any hope of a good life, one has to be rich and a member of the ruling classes. Yes i remember Thailand back in the days of Thaksin when there was hope for poorer population.
  16. Anything can happen when an elderly person is under anesetic, yes it is dangerous for any old person th have an operation however minor it might be.
  17. NO! he and she both deserve a slow painful death, giving them time to think of the kids that they brutally killed.
  18. He should be buried ALIVE under the concrete where he put his poor little daughter.
  19. But why did the family members watch and let it go on ?
  20. Let us all pray that his fellow inmates take care of him
  21. A decent wage will go a long way to solving the RTP corruption problem.
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