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Dr. Jekyll

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Posts posted by Dr. Jekyll

  1. Ain't happenin' with me.

    And I see all the lovely scriptures painted on the ceiling of wrecked taxis.

    Did you just register a new nickname to write that?

    Not necessary, it is indeed stupid, for foreigners....

  2. sometimes i myself think

    maybe the animals are even better than being like human

    they just go towards their instincts-- neither sin nor saint

    they simply act and their behaviour is quite clear, human just too da mn much more complicated

    Tell Mbkudu.

    I really hope he will read your comments.

    But anyway, you are right, we are far too complicated.

    Especially farang I would like to add, Thai people are less complicated, whatever the farang think.

    Love wise I mean.

    But still far more "complicated" than our animal cousins.

    Evolution is not always good.... :o:D

  3. My treat Not looking for sex (except when it feels right) mainly good friendship and connection.

    Wondering how some would react to this offer and whether you would enjoy responding?

    Note : I am white , 1.70 sm , tooo sweet , I know and respect Thai calutre and I looking for this relation because am traveling to Bangkok around 5 to 10 times a year and I want to have Thai friend .

    First, you are not in the right forum, this forum is for farang girls.

    Second, you do not at all respect Thai girls and know nothing about Thai culture.

    Third, do not come to Thailand anymore...

  4. This may be a twit posting to some or maybe not. Perhaps I am just taking up the slack from Bluecat's indefinate incarceration from the forum. Poor chap; if there is anybody severely addicted to this forum, it would have to be him.

    I do not actually think you can be addicted to a forum.

    But you can be "addicted" to the people posting in the forum.

    To the interaction with the people posting in the forum.

    The people change, the forum change and the addiction is gone, I think...

  5. Hence today is the that we thank the spirit for taking care of the car and keeping us safe... :o

    Can anyone elaborate?

    I'm not sure about the spirits taking care of the car but quite a few of the Thai people working for our company go to a temple when they buy a new car.

    Before and after.

    Before for the color and the day of purchase.

    After for performing some ritual that is supposed to protect you from having an accident with the car.

    And writing some kind of magic spell in the car, above the driver head.

    So I guess it is pretty common and I also guess your explanation is right.

  6. Me I just do not drink. Why should I reading the last five pages of treads there seems to be many problems associated with alcohol consumption.

    Have noting against drinking some of my mates get pissed every weekend but that’s it. That is where they leave it.

    Ask yourself can you, or do you need to post a remark.

    No remark. What's your point? :o

  7. Se did it without your knowledge or consent and knowing you didn't want it.

    He did not want it?

    Such a bad girl who allows you to f....k her without condom, knowing you do not want a baby.

    What world are we living in?

    They should be responsible for their actions.

    I'm the man, I do not care, why should I,...?

  8. i recall both my CELTA & DELTA courses emphasising the importance of remember names as this was one of the traits of a good teacher...

    Remembering names is important in any case.

    People love to be called by their names.

    You deal with people, you remember their names.

    It does not make you better, it makes you "closer" and it helps,...

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