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Posts posted by aegdawson

  1. Just another Big Brother exercise, there is no way that they are protecting Foreign Nationals by updating the various ambassadors. Besides nearly all farang are classified as tourists even if they have been living here for 30 years. Still I wouldn't worry about it too much as it when it comes to organisation and effective management and enforcing the law, these are hardly strong suits here! Still it will probably be just another thing used to hassle foreigners!

    Actually someone I know, just yesterday, was denied a tourist visa extension because their address was a private house, and the house head had not logged a TM30 with immigration. A 2000THB fine was requested by immigration before they would process their extension.

    The resulting outcome was that the person refused to pay the fine and instead left the country early.

  2. And how do you like the Nexus One? I have a friend bringing me the HTC Hero from the US later this month.

    There are a few thoughts here regarding the Nexus One http://javamecca.thelasis.com. BTW the US HERO is unlikely to have the Thai character set in it so every time you hit a Thai web page o receive a Thai SMS you will have to live with little white blocks.

    There is a way to hack the phone (I did one some time back) and insert the character set if you wish but it can be a bit tricky if you're not tehcnically inclined.




    Agree. Most of the accidents are due to people travelling out of their usual towns off on holiday.

    It happens in Europe every year particularly in Italy and France where August is practically a month long holiday. People drive off to their various holiday destinations in vast numbers and accidents occur.

    Italy posts some of the greatest number of fatalities something like 24 a minute die in that month primarily due to poor road system and not to bad driving as most people would think!

    Let the water flow and let people have fun. Drive carefully to and from your place of holiday!!!

  4. I have been stolen more than 1000 USD and a credit card in Thailand. In an organized way, by a gang, and it was not a single incident. Thus, I thought, interesting enough for the police to investigate - and to hurry with it as there were good chances to catch the thieves when I informed the police........

    Join the club dude. I was talking to a frang guy resident in Indonesia while on a trip to Pattaya; he told me how nice it was to be in Thailand and how friendly and smily everyone is here. Apparently in Idonesia they like foreighners to leave their cash in a box at the airport and bugger off home.

    Well after having been here for a year, doing up my apartment, I've had to deal with a lot of Thai people and frankly it seems to me that the only difference between here and Indonesia is that here they smile while they try to rip you off.

    I can't wait to finish this place up and put it on the market and head back home.

    This appears to be the land of false smiles, short change, double pricing and of getting it more or less right when it comes to doing something.

    One of the many contractors I have to deal with, tryed to explain to me that the words "mai penrai" also translate to "never mind if it isn't quite right" and that should use it more often. Well I know quite a few Thais that would be pretty angry to pay good maney and get bad work or service.... but as farangs we're expected to take it in the chin or else we haven't got a good heart... Well I'm voting with my feet... Bye bye Thailand


  5. aegdawson

    With all due respect, it's not good solid advice, it's bad, spirit extinguishing, negative advice that's only shared with one other contributor to this thread - but it's your right to reply.

    Ok maybe its not the best advice for you; I'm now writing with a bit more knowledge about the conversations had.

    However I feel that you're going to find it hard to maximize your potential out in Thailand. The UK is a hard place to beat from the work and study points of view. Though I grant you, the quality of life (unless you're extrmely wealthy) leaves a lot to be desired.

    As for businesses in Thailand all I can offer is 25 years of IT expertese. If anything you come up involves this area I'm happy to lend a hand.

    As someone said if you really want it you can do it!

    Good luck...

  6. My best advice would be to get out of Thailand as soon as possible

    You need to get back to reality and England could a be good start

    a dating agency and a web shop ???? pleeeaaassseee

    how many loser farangs have started those businesses and got broke ? a few thousands is a low estimate

    You don't become a HTML guru overnight and you can get excellent work here for less than 500 B a page. No future for farangs there, only Thais can survive on those low fees

    Its good solid advice you're getting here. Although it might not be what you want to hear!

  7. Thais do not have logic persay, and it all stems from the education background up. Being taught what to think, not how to think is the best way to keep your people ignorant and illogical.

    Nope I don't thinks so. I'm with a lady that moved to Paris at age 2. Is a graduate in Business from one of the best Universities there, Speaks, reads and writes 4 languages faultesly but in an argument has no logic what so ever.

    By her own admission and I quote "I'm not logical" actually says it almost with pride! Logic does not appear to be a virtue.

    I think its something deeper than education, its something to do with the way their brains are wired. Simply they are different people to be accepted as they are.

  8. Hi all,

    I signed up to this web site so I could send free sms to Thailand as promised in the sign up. Now that I'm signed up I still don't have this facility. Was this all a ploy to increase the number of people signing up???


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