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Posts posted by Lesley99

  1. Our black lab puppie died last night from distemper, it was heart breaking to see her suffer and watch the life gonout of her, she was such a lovely lively naughty girl until she got ill.

    we have another puppie who is fighting it at the moment, she has injections and drip every day so I am praying that she will make it.

    The vet said another village nearby has an outbreak and I understand that this spreads very quickly.

  2. Honestly krupnik, that would raise red flags for me, my husband was interested in learning about where I came from and very keen to meet my family. The lack of interest in anything about your background is very closed minded imo.

    My husband loves western food, and enjoyed the US quite a bit-- he even said, how can I know you if I don't know where you come from?

    His experience sounds similar to Meme's husband actually except he got a DL rather quickly, I still had my car in the US at that point as well. But he found work, made friends (not Thai) took some classes but quickly realized his english didn't need it (he could read and write quite well when we met and spoke very good english) but it was a good place to make new friends.

    I agree it's not as if your even asking him to live in England - your only asking for a few weeks visit.

  3. Personally I love it in the village, the peace and quiet, my girls love it there too.

    Yes people have sometimes asked to 'loan' money but no-one has taken offense if we couldn't.

    I would feel disrespectful if I didn't wai to the appropriate people.

    Anyone else in the kantararom area?

  4. People do make presumptions, I went to look round the grand palace with my dad, husband and twin girls earlier this year, one of the guides asked me if we needed a guide, my husband had gone to get trousers to cover his legs so I told her I would wait and ask him when he came back, she then snapped at me that he could not be my guide as he was not an official one, took me a minute to realise that she assumed my dad was my husband and that my husband was our guide as he's Thai.

  5. I've only just found this forum, it's really lovely to hear of other's people's stories.

    I met my husband 15 years ago when we were both working abroad on a Moshav in Israel (I'm from the UK), my husband is from a village near kantararom near ubon.

    My husband was always very eager to come to the UK, he could only find work in a Thai restaurant when he first arrived as his English was really limited, we had twins and also his daughter, he worked in the evening and I worked in the day, after 3 years and alot of scrimping and scraping we opened a restaurant ourselves.

    It's been really hard work sometimes and sometimes still is. I would really love to move to Thailand but we need a more steady income before we could and we both want the children to get their education over here first, my husband only had a few years at school so he is very keen for them to study as much as possible.

  6. This might sound like a stupid question but can i apply for Thai Citizenship if I'm not living in Thailand at the moment.

    I've been married to my husband for 14 years and have 3 children who all have dual nationality (thai and british), we have a house in Thailand but it's in my husbands name at the moment, we live and work in the UK.

    I'd like to have citizenship as when the children are grown up we would like to spend more time over there.

    Thanks for any advice you have.


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