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About sabai-dee-man

  • Birthday 03/30/1971

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  1. Supposedly grown men, and fireworks. Utter morons! Some <deleted>wit managed to let a rocket off into the crowd on the beach outside Central Plaza last NYE (missing me & Ms. Sabaidee by only a few metres) and it was only a couple of years ago that tw@t blew his face off in Soi Chaiyaphum (?) with a large firework set upside down. Retards, all of them!
  2. Nope. For I am neither greedy or stupid!
  3. That's utter BS. He should've taken the ticket and gone to the police station. There's a standard fine. Sounds like a provincial cop drafted in for the Xmas/New Year peak who's on the take. Better still, he should've just worn a lid, the dumbarse!
  4. It was the whole experience, including the transit at Delhi. If I never have to set foot in that horrid country in a thousand years, it would be a day too soon! Ironically, I've never found Indians I've come across in the UK to ever be anything but polite and courteous, but those I encountered that day were a stain on the nation. When I see questions like "worst airline you've ever flown?", or "somewhere you'd never visit (again)?", my immediate thought is India, without hesitation!
  5. I once flew Air India from LHR to BKK, about 20 years ago. It was so horrendous I never showed up for the return, and booked a different airline. (There weren't any no-show charges back then!) You couldn't pay me to get on an Air India flight ever again.
  6. I'm still convinced the Thai government think F1 pay them the billions of baht it will cost to host a race! 🤣🤣🤣 Eye-watering, what Singapore costs! https://dollarsandsense.sg/cost-singapore-host-f1/
  7. Approved by the government. I suspect the FIA are still laughing about it today!
  8. Come on then, Adonis, let's see a photo of you on your barstool then!
  9. Prostitution? In Pattaya? 🤔🤣🤣
  10. Happy for "over a decade", and disgusted over one transaction? Really, unless it's to pay your bail, what's the problem?! It happens sometimes! I've been using them since 2012, and sometimes it's been an hour or four, usually the transfer's in the bank before the app's had time to go through it's "received your money/sending to destination" animations, and once in a blue moon might take a day or two. If you're living hand-to-mouth and transferring when you run out of cash, I might suggest just being a bit more organised... or set up your own international transfer company, and see how easy it is to deal with some financial institutions!
  11. No sympathy for druggies whatsoever, particularlythose who partake in SE Asia. Been done before in Denmark too, apparently. He got what was coming to him. Moron.
  12. Totally different! I worked in Florida in the 90s, and all the parks (and many clubs) charged out-of-state visitors (and us foreigners) more. I simply simply popped into the DMV and got a Florida ID card, and never once paid "outsider" prices again. They didn't charge extra based on nationality/skin colour, it was simply "from out of state? Pay full price". If Thailand employed similar standards, it wouldn't be an issue. (Any) tourists paying more than "locals", including foreigners living/working in the same province, wouldn't be a problem for me. Thai prices should go up a little, and foreigner prices down a little, in my personal opinion. If you have a valid form of Thai ID (and are local to the attraction), you pay local price.
  13. Never understood those who support dual pricing. You must have a very low opinion of yourselves! It's most certainly not the cost; it's just a few hundred baht at most... it's the principle.
  14. Lost me at "Tik Tok live stream". Doesn't deserve my time reading any further. Grow up, you tw@t.
  15. Probably typed from the comfort of his barstool in Patong! 🙄 🙄 🙄

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