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Posts posted by RoyHarsip

  1. The more vids by Geoff Carter (minor UK celebrity & pond designer who appeared on Blind Date with Cilla Black in the 80's - that vid is on his channnel) i see.. the more i'd like to buy him a beer & chew the cud...

    this one is a couple of years old, but still classic Geoff... Check all his latest adventures in Thailand vids on his YouTube channel .here. Funny stuff...

    (and no, i am not Geoff...)

  2. Once this is all over I'd like to see a thorough examination of this guys financial records dating back to when he first came into power and explaining in detail where his huge personal financial resources come from. From what I've read of his personal wealth he must have accumulated a Billion US$ per year for the last 30 years.

    thats about the going rate for a US controlled Middle Eastern State puppet 'leader'

    Yeah.. he used them ($ in his bank) as much as they used him (decades of State 'peace' with the Zionists)... Its a simple game of elite give & take, but now its all gone tits up.... because the angry mass of poor people have come out of their slumber to see the grand sham.. (thanks internet)

    Rest of the World... Take note !

  3. Grassing people would be beneficial to the State, but since we are expats then it does not benefit us, as no increases in Pensions or anything like that.

    If the state offered something in return I think that people would grass others up, but I cannot see it.

    its all about whats right, & whats wrong.. simple as that.

    benefit fraud is theft.. and i don't like thieves.. bah.gif

    My reward, or benefit, for 'grassing' this cheating scum element of expat society will always be just an immense sense of joy & glee... no money required in return.

    any right minded, hard working & honest person can't seriously oppose that... wink.gif

  4. And it's always in papers like The Scum, News of the Screws and Daily Fail that you "hear of" these things.

    Not exactly reliable sources, just jingoistic BS propaganda.

    BBC reliable enough for you ? :rolleyes:

    No, just another propaganda machine.

    But I notice their article doesn't mention Thailand.

    check the press association statement from 12hrs ago.. probably where the BBC & all others get this story from in the first place.. So the BBC omitted the word 'Thailand'.. ? thats simply their typo/editorial error.. but Thailand certainly IS part of this story & investigation..

  5. Crackdown on 'abroad fraud' benefit cheats could save taxpayers £66million

    "...Fraud officials at the Department for Work and Pensions have joined forces with overseas counterparts to target British people in countries where the most 'abroad fraud' is carried out.

    Benefit fraud hotspots include Spain, Portugal and the U.S., but cases have also been detected in countries such as Thailand and Sweden. "

    source: Daily Mail, read full article here

    Personally i would not hesitate to grass someone up who's leaching off the UK taxpayer & living in Thailand.. annoyed.gif

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