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Posts posted by RoyHarsip

  1. Meredith's companion, 36-year-old Bradford Planck


    what a plank....

    what is it with americans (he may not be, & its probably just an april fool but i'm using this to get my rant off) and STUPID names...?

    i remember watching some yankee channel once, and a bloke came on to give the weather forecast... his name was Flip Spiceland

    ....at this, i fell of my chair & collapsed into fits of uncontrollable laughter spasms

  2. read the OP.. absolutely cannot be bothered to trawl through 30 odd pages of response...

    but, here's mine...

    what the fuc_k ?? Are they stupid ? ..seems a very paranoid attitude to me on their part - oh, there's people taking advantage of our legislation.. so lets teach 'em a lesson & show 'em that we know exactly whats going on.... winning !

    farang 'owned' small business here, BEWARE... you'll be next with a 'new law' !! ph34r.gif

    edit: ...waddaya mean this whole thread is just an April Fools joke...? rolleyes.gif

  3. It's now on iplayer for anyone who missed it.


    When i started watching this program i asssumed it was a repeat and had been filmed a few years ago. With comments like it's never been cheaper to have a holiday in Thailand. Err i don't think so. Made out that hotels guests never ever leave tips for the maids and they only have their wage to live on. If the maids do a good job which so far they always have, i tip them. Ok it's only 20 or 50 baht every other day.

    Apparently it has been censored in Thailand as it now states not available in your area.

    or simply not available outside the UK

    its available on YouTube.... ..here..

  4. I'm encountering on average at least one perv-related incident per year in CM....

    so let me get this straight... an average for you of one incident per year, & you're asking 'pervs - unusually high numbers in CM' ?

    Do I think encountering the antics of sexual perverts once a year is too much? Errr....let me think...yes?

    thats not what you said/asked/posed with this thread...

    ..again, you're asking 'pervs - unusually high numbers in CM' ? based on 1 encounter a year...

    in my book thats not "unusually high numbers" of anything per year... wink.gif

  5. I'm encountering on average at least one perv-related incident per year in CM....

    so let me get this straight... an average for you of one incident per year, & you're asking 'pervs - unusually high numbers in CM' ?

    laugh.gif...... i'll let others dissect that one.

    although i must say, in Mrs 150's (for those that never twigged 'RoyHarsip''...is not my real name) village in CM we do have a washing line knicker thief. Although admittedly he's been very quiet of late.. (enough panties in his stash to go at ?)

  6. Who see WHAT ??? Their Laws ?! Here? 555555 !

    errr.... yeah.. ....

    When it comes to foreigners taking the piss out of red tape Thai legislation & living it large in the process, while most of them are on just a few hundred baht a day...!?! (if they're lucky)

    in this 'local foreign owned business scenario', it only takes one arrogant farang to say the wrong word or behave displeasingly to one Thai.. & his downfall will be sealed.

    no doubt about that. Seen it happen many times...!

    5555 (i mean, hahahaha - or should that be lol ?!) - thats to you, not the deceased.. RIP

  7. i thought that 'occupation' was on the CANNOT do list for foreigners in Thailand...... unsure.gif

    Perhaps he was a builder living in the country?

    perhaps.. perhaps...

    i'm going on the quote, if so then he was surely working in Thailand illegally (& yeah, i know about setting up a Thai company.. blah... blah.. employing Thai's... blah..)

    but.. its much like the bar business, set up as Thai but often flauntingly out in view run by farang... I know this does piss of a lot of Thai's who see foreigners 'bending' theses rules...

    motive for attack...?

    unless they mean he ran a building company or designed buildings.

    precisely the point i made in my reference to the bar business.. set up perfectly legally as a Thai business, but often overtly & in your face hands on at the counter run by a farang.. (instead of keeping the profile low)

    in this guys case, that could transfer as to being seen locally tiling the odd roof, building the odd wall, laying the odd concrete drive... etc... (along with his Thai employees)

    this i know for sure upsets a lot of Thai people who see their laws being abused in this way...

  8. The 59-year-old from Basildon, who had been living in the country and working as a builder

    i thought that 'occupation' was on the CANNOT do list for foreigners in Thailand...... unsure.gif

    Perhaps he was a builder living in the country?

    perhaps.. perhaps...

    i'm going on the quote, if so then he was surely working in Thailand illegally (& yeah, i know about setting up a Thai company.. blah... blah.. employing Thai's... blah..)

    but.. its much like the bar business, set up as Thai but often flauntingly out in view run by farang... I know this does piss of a lot of Thai's who see foreigners 'bending' theses rules...

    motive for attack...?

  9. I was recommending the Honey Hotel on Soi 19.

    Ahh... fond memories...

    this legend has a special place in my heart, some 7 years ago my very first few nights as a lone traveller in Bangkok where spent here.

    closer to Cowboy than Nana, its a great place to 'hole up' right in the heart of Sukhumvit..


  10. Firing on a countries defense systems before having been fired upon seems like a hostile aggression to me.

    yes.. the 'west' has just initiated an act of war on another country.. make no bones about it...

    the consequences of this Globally will be dire !

    prepare for major revenge attacks.... leading ultimately to World War III

    how could they be so stupid ? (...unless its all part of a bigger plan..?!!. Hmm.....)

  11. yep.. at $30 billion US dollars, there's one particular Thai man streets ahead of most men on Planet Earth... whistling.gif

    (and i'm not naming anyone...)

    which is fine because no one is worth that anyway.


    do some research before you comment.. rolleyes.gif

    Read Post # 18 before blathering. :rolleyes:

    what parts of...

    "This is a list of the richest royals by their personal net worth, excluding properties held by the state, government or Crown"


    "Investments derived from the CPB"

    do you not understand..? rolleyes.gif

  12. '8 SAS captured by opposition'

    says a lot about the supposedly elite special/black ops squads dosen't it ?

    They are excellent soldiers

    think you'll find they're a little bit more than that... ph34r.gif

  13. '8 SAS captured by opposition'

    says a lot about the supposedly elite special/black ops squads dosen't it ? Thought they were super ninja's... laugh.gif

    its akin to the Breaking News: '..in the Myanmar jungle, a Royal Bengal Tiger has just been captured by few Mouse Deer' whistling.gif

  14. Thailand is a great place to retire to if :

    1. you are extremely wealthy.. & i'm talking absolute minimum 1 million GBP+ to your name

    2. you are very money/business savvy

    3. you still have easy 'back up' exit options back to the west.. property etc..

    If you are just an honest aged hard working class westerner who completely sells up & virtually burns his bridges with 'home' with just a few multiples of 10k GBP at your disposal, with not much knowledge of money management but with dreams of living in 'Paradise' as you perceive it & relying on nothing more than the pittance State Pension from your own Euro Country.... Then i would have to say no, don't do it... better to stay put and come for 3-6+ month holidays every year

    Then again... if you like to gamble...

    also it depends on the quality of life you want in your hard earned retirement...

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