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Posts posted by irishtoffy

  1. Thanks Pilotman. I really have no idea whether that would be acceptable or not actually. 


    Do you know what the cost was roughly?


    The school copied an email they had, not sure of it was UK govt or Thai sender, which basically outlined the process for now doing it as I described above. They didn't say anything about alternative methods like you described. 


    I will ask, but it seems they want it notarised, then stamped by some UK government authority. But again, I will ask for further clarification.


    I think a lot of people will get a shock when they look into the details of this when moving jobs.

  2. Hi,


    I have been offered a job at an int school who have told me in my province there is a new requirement (actually I am not sure what this is for - maybe someone knows if this is for the visa/WP/teachers licence?), which requires that my education certificates be 'legalised' by the UK government - who have very kindly stopped doing this at the embassy in BKK. The process to now get this done is, frankly, ridiculous. 


    It involves: sending by courier to the UK, first somehow getting the certs notarised in the UK, then getting them forwarded on to some obscure UK govt department to 'leaglise' them, using a prepaid UK stamped envelope (how?) they will then forward them on to the Thai embassy in London who will issue a further stamp confirming the UK stamp. Finally, I have to trust that they will then courier at my prepaid expense the certs back to my address in Thailand. 


    This seems to be a very new requirement, and only applies to some provinces. I have yet to find anyone who has actually completed the process. has anyone here done it? How did you do it? Through a private company? How much? Was it reliable? It seems like its going to cost 10's of thousands of baht, and maybe considerably more when courier fees are included.


    Any info greatly appreciated!



  3. There won't be too big a shock because I am prepared to leave the country and start again anyway. 


    I have the 1 year extension you get after processing the WP. Im not sure if thats what you mean UbonJoe? The one where you go to immigration with WP so no longer have to leave the country every 90 days, just an Immigration sign in every 90 days. I think that form you sent s the ticket! 


    As long as i can cancel the WP, I'm familiar with the process of rushing too imm to pay for a 7 day extension.


    I know I will likely have to go to Laos to apply for the tourist visa too. Which sucks. Either that or non-imm visa for eduction i think it is right? My boxing gym said he would write a letter for me to apply for that one. Do any of you know the name of that? The non-imm education visa is it? Or the form I would need to apply for it?

  4. Hi,


    I am the owner of a business (49% and joint director) but have now split with my partner/wife. She is now refusing to help process my WP or visa extension and has stolen all the documents which would allow to do so independently.


    So, I will be going to the Chonburi DWP to hand in and cancel the WP at the end of the month.


    My questions relate to how I can cancel the WP? Can I wait until it expires and it is cancelled automatically? Do I need to provide documents to cancel the WP? Obviously I am not sure if I will be able to get any documents to provide at the moment in time?


    i am hoping I can just hand it in, get the letter from DWP stating it has been cancelled and go to immigration for the 7 day extension?



  5. A lifetime degree isn't much different to one that was bought at Khao San rd. I know a few guys with a let's say "questionable degree" and a few on a 'lifetime degree."

    The only difference is that the lifetime one is a little bit more expensive and yet not really considered as a criminal offense.

    I don't know anybody who came to Thailand, planning to forge all sorts of documents, just to live here. The ones I'm on about are all married and have kids.

    Not enough money to study for a real degree, too old and not enough money to take them to their country of origin.

    I'd rather shoot myself, before I'd even think about reporting them. There're some honest and nice guys and I tend to believe that they aren't happy that they had to go this way. There're not too many other choices to find employment here.

    OP, I don't think that all these guys are serious criminals, who deserve to stay in prison, then a deportation

    . There're plenty of other people who do quite a lot harm to Thai woman and kids,beat the shit out of their wives/gfs,some might abuse kids, but nobody wants to talk about it.

    Please think twice, before you report somebody.

    I think you are, when all is said and done, correct, LinIsaan. Having thought long and hard about whether or not this is the correct route to go down - I guess it is a step too far and not something I would like to live with.

    Let sleeping dogs lie and all that.

  6. Well thanks for all the 'informative' replies! Hilarious.

    I am massively against 'touts' (being an Irishman myself), I have despised them for as long as I can remember.

    However, lets just say there is a lengthy backstory to this post of mine I am quite sure if any of you had been affected by this person in the way I have - you would be following down the same path. I am also quite sure if you had met him, within 5 minutes you would be on this forum encouraging me to follow through with it.

    I see no need or desire to please any of you, or your instant conclusions which are based on zero information on the situation. I shall call you all "The Contradictory Brigade'. Its awesome seeing some of you have so little to do but contradict and denigrate someone you know nothing about and about a situation which you are only seeing the consequences of - not the whole story. So, I applaud you're rational attempts to convince me against the decision. It's been wonderful reading them.

  7. And if you had bothered to actually read the post properly you would have read that he wanted me to go get the materials and transport everything for him. The 2000 baht a day was only for labour.

    You think 2000bt is too expensive?
    How? It's only £36
    Are you a cheap Charlie?

    Moreover, it's working out at 1000baht a metre That's sounds fair to me.That's including materials and labour. Taking into account the "guy" has to source the materials and transport them to your house. This all takes time. What do you want to pay, 275bt a day?

    If it's so "ridiculous" and expensive I suggest that you do it yourself. It's very easy to do if you possess a modicum of knowledge and you might appreciate how hard it is to work in the sun....

    But then again you'll need to buy the tools to get it done. Have fun.

  8. The fence is only 12 metres long. And he said he was going to do it by himself in those 2 days.

    How long is your fence? Perhaps that 2k Baht is going to pay for a crew? I know our construction guy always shows up with 2 or 3 other guys, all busy at work.

  9. That looks like just the ticket!

    Do you know where I can buy it in Pattaya? Preferably at the 20-30 baht price per plank you quoted? That sounds like a lot less than the 8000 for materials I have been quoted!

    When I google it nothing comes up at all for selling it in Pattaya.


    Try Conwood or Shera wood. Great stuff

    The concrete Shera wood and there are many other brands now stands up well to weather and essentially thermite proof, they do come in pre-cut round ended shapes for fences as well, easy to pain and cost about 20-30 baht per plank, comes in plain or wood textured too.

    but they are quite brittle compared to woods, can't be used to carry much loads, so the fence would have to have steel beams or rods between concrete pillars for the plank to be screwed on to

    this is the typical use, see some of the pre-cut shapes available,

    the planks can be worked on just like wood, you can saw them to shapes or orient them however you like


  10. I am hoping someone in the Pattaya/Banglamung/Jomtien area has a contact for building a normal wooden garden fence?

    Other options apart from wood considered, I have heard about some vinyl or similar now available?

    I got quoted some silly price from a local Thai who was expecting 4000 + materials (estimated 8000 for materials) for what he said was a 2 day job! I found paying some local guy 2000 baht a day to build it ridiculous.

    So does anyone have some contacts willing to do it?



  11. Hi,

    I am moving shop houses in the next month and I am looking to get some handymen/jack of all trade types to come and do it.

    Main things, are just lifting furniture, office desk etc, maybe having to take desk apart and put back together. The other thing they would have to be able to do is uninstall glass sliding doors and install them in the new place.

    The move is only about 200 metres on the same block so distance is not an issue.

    Just hoping someone will have the numbers of some reliable people they used before for a similar job? Or even for a house move? Or other suggestions?



  12. I should also say, we are opening a tutor school (not a language school). The lawyer suggests applying through a property business initially, with me as translator, however now I will suggest consultant.

    We will then apply for the tutor school licence, which we can't do right now as it will take 1-2 months according to her. Does anybody have any knowledge on this process?

    So the plan is to go on the property business for 1-2 month until school licence comes through and I can apply for the visa/WP through that. Issues in this plan?


  13. My situation as currently stands is that I am the 49% shareholder of a registered, legit paid up business which is an ongoing concern and trading.

    We have registered the required Thais for social to get the Non-Imm B visa through the company.

    But the lawyer helping says that when applying for the WP, I will still have to justify the hiring of a foreigner over a Thai on the application?

    Is this correct?

    I presumed that the business owner visa/WP did not require that justification? I don't see how people running bars could justify their WP then?

    Is 'Management' or something similar valid?

    Thanks for any useful inputs!


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