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Posts posted by irishtoffy

  1. The requirement is a BA in Education. Whilst a Masters is better, try explaining that to a government bureaucrat who has the requirements in front of him/her. He/she will not use common sense and realise that this qualification is higher than a BA.

    On a separate note, I have been recently accepted for an online masters from an accredited Uni for total cost 50.000 baht.

    Is this proposed MS a 1 year or 2 year course? Thanks.

    I would also be very interested to know some more information on this course? If possible could you send my PM please?


  2. Hey,

    I have an irish passport which I have used to live in thailand on and off for a few years, but it is now full.

    My issue is I would now like to switch to using my british passport for thai visa purposes.

    I ma hoping someone else has done something similar recently and how they did it?

    I tried to switch in Laos, but they told me i needed to have a laos entry stamp in the british passport (which i didnt i stamped out thailand on irish and in to laos on irish also, not believing that this would be such an issue).

    I am now down to the last 2 pages of my irish and have booked a flight to KL. The aim is to stamp out of thailand on my irish passport, and stamp in to KL on the british passport. The intention being to return to thailand and stamp back in on my british.

    I should also add I have never used the british passport, and it is therefore blank. I didnt know dual nationality and getting stamped in to a country would be such an issue! They are both fully legal and valid travel document.

    Does anybody have any experience in this department? Or know anyone who has done similar? Or see any issue thai immigration would have a problem with this?


  3. I wonder if the elite families/military/politicians that are sponsoring this political violence on both sides at the minute, have an eye on what AEC/APSC/ASSC implementation would mean for them, Thailand and their incomes?

    Perhaps this could be a factor in keeping this unrest ongoing?

    I always thought Thailand would find some way to 'opt out' of some of the main clauses in the ASEAN agreements which would have a negative impact on the country/economy and perhaps the easy money made form all the corruption would not be so easy to obtain.

    Just a thought...

    Maybe showing the rest of ASEAN just how good at "Thai-ing" to them they can be!

  4. I wonder does this include the police in pattaya who I have on CCTV tape being involved in stealing 2 motorbikes?

    Not to mention the other (apparently) 100 bikes stolen that night within 1-2 hours of each other..

    1 of which was my Ninja 250 stolen from my locked gate (key..) and a CBR250 from same locked area..

    Their blatant refusal to take a report and a request to come back with a number plate or pic of guys stealing it..which I did...and they still cant catch them


    They were so worried about being caught they didnt even bother starting engines..just pushed them up the road...

  5. Id like to know if a "Free Trade Agreement" between the EU/UK/Thailand is implemented, and Thais as they can now will be able to buy land in EU/UK, then will foreigners then be able to buy land in Thailand? Has anyone ever tried to get a response from Ambassadors office as to why he has never brought this up in meetings? Has there ever been some kind of organised sending of loads of foreigners here bombarding Ambassadors office with emails?

  6. Hi,

    I am new to Pattaya but been living in other parts of Thailand for a few years.

    Looking for some advice on places (apartments/rooms/condos/houses) to rent. Less than 10,000thb.

    Looking for somewhere obviously nice, clean, etc and will stay long term assuming its alright.

    Moving there next weekend so move in date 1st March.

    Location - East of Sukhumvit as far across as Siam Country Club. Preferably a decent distance away from the craziness but not too far!

    Any help is greatly appreciated by a new resident.


  7. Hi,

    I currently have a Work Permit along with the 1 year extension visa that is tied to the WP (I think).

    But I have been offered a new job which I accepted as its much better long term. Anyway..my school has already screwed over 2 teachers in the past year, who left before their contract was supposed to end. By screwed over I mean they took money from the pay, etc. So for that reason I dont want to inform them until the day I will leave, which will be the date I also get paid and therefore they cannot do the same to me.

    My issue is, can I cancel the WP/extension by myself (using this: http://wp.doe.go.th/sites/default/files/form/wp_cancellation.pdf), or is this form old and its not possible anymore? Do I have to cancel the WP at the immigration office in which it was issued or any immigration office? I obviously would like to do it without the input of the school I'm leaving.

    When its cancelled do I have 24 hours to leave the country? or 7 days?

    As far as Im aware, the old school cant cancel the WP unless they have possession of it? Is that right? Because I have the WP, not the school.

    Ideally I'd like to keep the old WP/visa for a couple of weeks while working in my new job, then I can cancel it in my own time or at least with greater flexibility as to when, and leave country to get the new Non-Imm B visa after cancelling it. Any issues with this??



  8. Yea I was offered those Pirelli Rosso 2 tyres..but they looked more like track style tyres (to me) and I was a bit sceptical of the grip they would offer in the wet? I would certainly be interested to hear how you go with them, thanks.

    Yea CM is great for bike shops, there doesn't seem to be any big bike shops in Ubon..nearest is KK as far as Im aware

  9. Hey..does anyone here know of a shop where I could get new tyres for the Ninja 250? Bridgestone BT-45 or Dunlop GT 501. Does anybody have experience with the Pirelli Sport Demons on Ninja? How were they?

    Also Im stuck in Ubon and would like to do a few mods..but no where around here seems to carry anything for a Ninja 250. In fact I think the nearest Kawa BB shop is 5/6 hours away. Any good shops in BKK with a decent website for mods?

  10. Mario, what do you mean "you are advised to cancel your permission to stay"? Do you mean the 7 day permission to stay? Wouldnt that be cancelled anyway whenI got a new visa?

    So a visa alone can be tied to my school? It doesnt need a work permit then?

    I dont want to go to the border only to be told that I have to get the old visa cancelled in immigration first.

    I got the tourist changed to a Non-imm B visa at immigration in BKK. I'm pretty sure they do it quite regularly..it seemed to me like you only needed the same documents you need when youre going out of the country, so it was much easier. And it only took about an hour too!

    Have you had a look at my picture? Do you know if what I have is a proper non-imm b visa or an extension of stay tied to my old school?

    Im thinking it might just be easier to do the border run and get an entirely new visa, rather than run any risk. But what would happen if I want to delay the border run, say until the end of august? Which is when I need to do my next 90 day stamp anyway. I think that should be ok right? Because the old school are not going to cancel my visa, so it is effectively up to me when I leave/cancel the visa..right?

    They also mention about the letter from the old school confirming my contract is cancelled has to be within 7 days of me appearing at the immigration to cancel it...I have headed paper and everything I need from the school to type a letter up myself..I wonder what kind of checks they would do on it..if any?

  11. Hi,

    I am currently on a Non-Imm B visa, I got this after converting my tourist visa at the BKK immigration.

    I do not have a Work Permit, nor is the application process for it begun yet (as far as Im aware).

    I was sponsored (helped) by my current school for this visa. I dont see it having either S or M on it to denote if it is single or multiple. But I think it is single.

    I am now leaving this company due to a new job with an international school. The new school tell me they have called their local immigration office who have said that when I leave the old school I must go to see them immediately with a letter from the old school stating that they want to cancel my visa. They say I must then pay them 1900 baht to get a 7 day extension, in which time I am supposed to go to Savannakeht to get a new Non-Imm B visa through my new school.

    My old school are also being decent and saying that they will not cancel my old visa, but that when I get a new job I should apply for a new visa with them (they dont know I have new job already).

    So..is it necessary in this situaton to go cancel my current Non-imm B visa at immigration with a letter from old school? Or is this immigration trying to make me pay 1900 baht I dont really need to?

    If I attempt to leave the country on a Non-imm B visa without a re-entry permit, surely that cancels the visa automatically? Otherwise what is the point of the re-entry permit? Can I leave the country without cancelling it like they say? Or will I be stopped and unable to cross the border?

    Is it my visa? Or is the schools? It looks just the same as all the other Non-Imm B visa Ive ever had..so i dont think its an extension, although Im not sure.

    I would prefer to leave and do a new visa anyway for the new school to be 100% sure I am legal, but I dont see why I should spend the 1900 baht, plus the time/effort to go 35k to the office and back, all while trying to move to a new school/area, find apartment, etc, if I dont have to!

    I have attached a picture of the visa, and the the entry stamp. On top of the left page in the little triangle, it mentions the name of my old school. I dont know if this is significant?

    Any help much appreciated!



  12. I know this is off topic but Im finding it hard to track down any specific info by searching the forums..

    Ive got a Yamaha SR400 in Chiang Mai with invoice but no plate or Green Book..I get on alright without without the plate in CM but Im seriously thinking of moving to Korat (Nakorn Ratchisema) very soon.

    Need some advice form someone who lives/has lived there regarding what the BIB are like down there for stopping bikes with no plates? Is it like CM where you can get along (provided you know the routes and times they stop) or BKK/Phuket where you seem to have no chance?!

    I dont want to sell my bike!

  13. Presumably 150s, as those colour schemes aren't released on the 250's here.



    Calm down lad, calm down, you'll give yerself a heart-attack.

    And btw, I'm not wrong, those colour schemes aren't released here.

    The all black WAS a 250.

    So they're modding and selling a version that isn't available in Thailand! Cool.

    You know what they say, a picture is a worth a thousand words...

    I can confirm that the Honda Shop by the airport in CMX did indeed have a black CBR 250!

    Not all black though...small ugly smatterings of silver were unfortunately there too!

  14. OK...im trying to decide between buying the CBR250 and the Honda CB400 SS (or the Yamaha SR400..though I prefer the Honda). I would like a bit of top speed with the CBR...So you guys who are posting top speeds of 140-150..what revs are you doing when youre up at that speed??

    I know theres about a 50K price difference between the 2..but I also need reliability to get me to where I want to go. If I thought the CBR could hit 160 when red-lining the revs at 10.5K I think Id go for that.......

    Seems strange because I can hit 125 on the old CBR150 at 9-9.5K revs.....

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