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Posts posted by richardblanc

  1. What is a Thai-Iranian and a Thai-Belgian????

    Pregnant Thai tart found a stoned Irani and married him, telling him later that the kid was his.

    Another pregnant Thai scrubber catches a drunk Belgian with the same story.

    Both mugs walk around proud-as-Punch, thinking they've fathered kids, maybe stay in-country, maybe go home. Mothers farm the kids out to grandparents living in Nakhon Nowhere and go back to working bar.

    These youths are Thai, not foreign.

    i think too

    make more sence to me,it;s most the time like that


  2. Lets this be a warning - any man who gets attached to a Thai woman is living on top of a volcano. He has been driven mad by their nature, character, volatilility or lack of reason. Ok they are alright for friendship, shortime, partnership- but marriage forget it ; the vast majority of Thai-Farang marriages are doomed especially after say 4 or 5 years. Many marriages of this type end in breakdown, separation and divorce or the couple co-exist in an unhappy state staying together for their mixed youngsters. I am talking about long term marriage here; keep away from it ; live together but do not make a legal marriage. Sorry- its the reality; there's too much conflict about sharing money, culture, family, bring children up, making money, buying Thai property and eventually being dragged into living in this developing country with all its inconsistencies and inner tensions ( mainly money)

    we should all already know this

    but some foreigners thing they are different (irrestible maybe) good boy

    and most the time who pretend my wife was not a prost...

    still the best customer for ladybar, they not nice but pay good money 5555555

    is hyprocrisy have a limit :huh: ???

  3. Do love the way so many people give it the big 1 on here and pretend their sposes are not ex hookers and her indoors is whiter than white, I guess normal Thai women really do love 60+ year old fat old men.xxxx

    yes very good idea

    i will love each members tell how hold they are

    how hold the thai lovely lady love them so much ?

    And what she do for living before and after the love story :D :D :D

    are they good man take care boddy event with steroid and does'nt drink alcool ?

    or only hold and full of kamagra :jap:

  4. I do have the honor to met Samart soem years ago (not for fun I do precise), and I am quite glad to hear she/he will be give a chance to proove her/his worth.

    On a personal note, Samart is an well behave, well articulate person, spoken english fluently (Way better than I do), well educated (by thai standart) , and at that time (things may change, so I do not know for today) was not involved at all in the sex industry ( but worked in a travel agency part time to pay for the study).

    All of that for saying that it is good that everyone to be given a chance to start correct life (apologies for the bad english); up to her/him to seize that chance and move up along the social ladder.

    And you are entirely sure that Khun Namwarn referred to herself as "Samart"?

    Kindly also explain your inuendo "at that time (things may change...) was not involved in the sex industry". Are you involved in the sex industry, have time changed for yourself? Does everybody, when times change, go into the sex industry? Is this normal in your circles?

    I always addressed to her as Wan , not Samart or Khun Namwan

    No inuendo, but it is 4 years that I did not have contact with her, so I do not know what she is doing now! Also, I like to be accurate, so I simply stressed out the folowing : at the moment she filled a complain to the court (roughtly at the same time as the military coup) Wan was finishing her study , was a well behaved , articulated person , well educated too; working in a tour agency (or a travel agency); but having been refused in 2 places due to the problem of her military background.

    Futhermore, during her 'incorporation' she was in the first page of Bangkok Post (by luck I suppose) with article explaining TG people does not fit for military service but are still call to recruitment center...

    My circles (because it seems you want to make it personal) are quite limitated, the only relations I do have since I moved from Bangkok, are purely professional (work , sleep, work ,sleep). That is necessary as I do work for a quite sucessful company who pay me twice what I would earn in my own country, so I do have better to be fit for duty. My relation with sex workers are limitate to read report about them in TV, I do met Wan because I was doing some tutoring in Chula, and she was friend with one of my pupils (spelling), and said relations were only what the usual rules of good behavior accept (not sure about the quality of my english here, sorry).

    I simply found someone way different of the usual stereoptype of the kathoey , so I tried with my broken english to stress out that fact.

    I hope the explanation is enought for you, if not please allow me to use the marvellous sentence from Horace (54 before Christus) : Quid Rides? De te fabulla narrature! As your fixation might be construct by a pervert mind as a reflect of your own desire/fantaisie/fantasm about TG people!

    Peace and Love

    if your english seem broken to u

    your style is not at all

    salutations richard :D

  5. Who are the police scared of?.....Nobody

    why did they close this casino and empty it?....Because they are scared of the law?....I don't think so.

    The police are the law and above everyone.

    They could have left the casino operating and told Khun Chuvit and the media to piss off if they don't like what they see, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

    RIGHT :ph34r: mafia wear an uniform here

  6. Having first come to Samui in 1996 when it was still a tropical paradise, it was always going to be the next place in Thailand to fall into the trap of "money, money, money oh and money".

    Anyone who didn't think this, was, probably high on the now infamous shrooms we have here. Samui like any other tropical island with potential was going to turn into a money making machine for then, one of the poorest districts of Thailand. It's abundance of cocunut trees, sandy beaches and friendly local Thai people, has indeed, attracted many a western investor. Like all farangs, we saw an opportunity to infiltrate the place and turn it into the tourist's tropical dream. It's central worldwide location was it's key feature and the possibility for farangs to make big money was there for all to see.

    15 years on and hey ho what do we find now, an island like many say with no apparent infrastructure, a police force that concentrates more on pulling up people for no helmets and lining their month end pockets than attending a nasty accident where there is a fatality and greedy Thai's that would rather rip tourists off than actually want to provide a great experience for people.

    Why do we stay here? Because life is always full of ups and downs and most of us want to see the place thrive again. Added to the fact that farangs placed all their life's savings into their life over here. Human beings have a bilt in desire to succeed and personally I will continue to live and work here because I enjoy life's simple pleasures, something that you can still experience here wherever you lay your hat.

    I for one, hope that most farangs here persist in their drive to be successful and if you can put aside all the woe is me attitude then there is most definitely a chance that Samui can be once again a truly tropical paradise where we all share the joy it can bring!!!

    "a chance that Samui can be once again a truly tropical paradise"

    i dont thing so.it.s too late now

    money corrupt everything even nature

    farang came with the idea to built the same shit they left back home

    how many luxury europeen kingdom shit we have now?

    and the most funny they dont even live here " holliday "

    same as polution stay for life time

    but u have my full support for this dream


    richard samui ;)

  7. I would like to leave here my feedback of staying on Samui for 5 days.

    I stay in Pattaya with my TG who is from Surat Thani. She has been moaning for quite some time that she wanted to go see her mom and other family. So I thought what the heck. Let's go to Samui first and then visit your relatives since neither of us had been there before. If only knew that it was such a ripoff.

    Firstly I was surprised to find out that Bangkok Airways had monopoly on the flights to Samui with ridiculous 4000 baht for one person one way from Pattaya. But on the arrival I realized that the whole island is one huge corrupted monopoly. The taxi fare to my hotel which was 7 kilometers from the airport was 350 baht (at first they wanted 500 and were showing me the printed paper with prices but my girl spoke the local dialect to him and the guy said that for just 2 of us he could go 350 the lowest because the boss would cut his balls). There was no meter taxi at the airport only so called "private cars" with fixed prices. On the way my girl spoke to him and he told us that each taxi driver needs to pay 15.000 baht a month to some boss who oversees all the airport taxis. No other taxi companies are allowed so it's a monopoly and they can extort any prices they want because there is no other way to get out of there.

    I doubt they could do it without the involvement of the local authorities. So I believe the corrupt Samui authorities do not allow any competition and get its share of profits. And you have similar stories all over the island. There is usually one single agent which operates some kind of activity and charges ridiculuous prices.

    The prices of accomodation are high compared to the quality. We were paying about 2500 baht a night for hotel which appeared to be quite old and was way overpriced. The breakfast was shit too. For this money I could get a really nice hotel in Pattaya with nice food. The hotel we stayed in would cost maximum 1500 in Pattaya. The food is 1.5-2 times expensive than in Pattaya and is often crap.

    The beach was nice though. But you can get the same beach anywhere in Surat Thani.

    Don't get me wrong guys I am not some stingy cheap charlie guy. I never have an issue of paying for something if it is really worth it. I've lived in Thailand for almost a year and have been to many places and I know the real prices of things. And I hate it when people try to charge me 5 times the real price. It just pisses me off enormously and makes me angry. It's the same thai food in a same thai foodmart. It's the same beer, the same bar as everywhere else in Thailand. WHy the heck are the prices 2-3 times higher? Is it any better quality or it's cleaner, safer than anywhere else in Thailand? No. The answer is greed of the owners. I speak fairly good Thai and I spoke to the staff at the hotels and restaraunts. Most of them are from Isan and they earn the same 7-10k baht (a bit higher than in Isan but still shit... and 10k is for the receptionists who have university education). So the owners gets all the excess profit. Call it "Samui rent".

    Another thing the place is so overdeveloped and dirty. It's even worse than Ko Chang.

    I guess I wouldn't write it if it was my first time in Thailand and I came directly from Europe say in winter. But I am already used to the tropical scenery and the climate which are the same everywhere in Thailand. And I know how much everything is worth in Thailand too. So I hate it when I put myself into tourist traps (which is the whole of Samui).

    I think I will never go to Samui again and will not advise my friends to go there. It's just another massive ripoff (together with Phuket) where they charge you European prices for shit. I am sure that people who stay in Samui long term know how to avoid paying tourist surcharge (as well as I know how to avoid it in Pattaya) but it seems like it's very difficult here.

    There are still nice places in Thailand like islands in Andaman near Burma with very laid back atmosphere without the ripoff mentality. And these are the locations where they Thais go too. And notice how there are almost no Thai tourists in Samui. They know it's shit for farangs first comers.

    I don't suppose many of us residents in Samui enjoy the extra expense too much either, but I suppose it's the price we have to pay for not living in a wonderful place like Pattaya !

    i agree 100% with MISTER CONCERNED

    richard samui

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