Right hold on, I have deposit 400,000 baht every year??????? Am I understanding you correctly. I wish I had a spare £20,000 that I could just deposit to sit in a Thai banhk account then pay 45000 baht per month plus this mythical 20000 baht a month that Immigration referred to.
You mention the 800,000 dropping to 400,000 for the rest of the year in the mean time I have paid 12 x 45000 baht plus or is it instead of, God knows, 20,000 baht a month??????
This is what Immigration is telling me. How am I to know that if I catually go through with this that they wont expect what they told me. In the mean time I am having to placate my wife who thinks that this is all so easy. But then huge amounts of money to a Thai is always easy.