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Everything posted by Kevin1908

  1. I was lead to believe that the marriage route was easier and cheaper but retiremener is 12x65000=780,000 baht (£19,000) currently. Nearly £10,000 cheaper than the marriage route and a whole lot more straight forward.
  2. So what Immigration is telling me is that on an annual basis I have to deposit: 400,000 baht 12x45,000 baht= 540,000 baht 12x20,000 baht=240,000 baht Total 1,180,000 baht (£28,780 currenetly) Notes from Immigration attached.
  3. Right hold on, I have deposit 400,000 baht every year??????? Am I understanding you correctly. I wish I had a spare £20,000 that I could just deposit to sit in a Thai banhk account then pay 45000 baht per month plus this mythical 20000 baht a month that Immigration referred to. You mention the 800,000 dropping to 400,000 for the rest of the year in the mean time I have paid 12 x 45000 baht plus or is it instead of, God knows, 20,000 baht a month?????? This is what Immigration is telling me. How am I to know that if I catually go through with this that they wont expect what they told me. In the mean time I am having to placate my wife who thinks that this is all so easy. But then huge amounts of money to a Thai is always easy.
  4. " You need 400k baht or proof of 40k baht income. You only need one of the 2. Not sure where they 20k baht you mentioned came from or what form you are looking at." It isn't a form it is an information sheet. The sheet says 40000 baht but the Immigration said it was 45000. I didn't think that the British Embassy authenticated income statements so how do you get around that one? The Immigration Officer mentioned the depositing of 20000 baht per moth or 240,000 baht over year. It is not on the sheet. Do I have to provide Children's birth certificates, they are 25 and 23? Wife's children or my children?
  5. I am in Thailand at the moment as a visa exempt tourist but looking at options to stay longer. I was hoping a visit to the Immigration Office might make it easier to understand but I am more confused than before. I gather a retirement visa is a lot easier to get than the marriage visa but the marriage visa has a lower income requirement. I don't want to cash in my private pension or savings due to the low value now. I am confused by the marriage visa. This is how it was explained at the Immigration office. I have to deposit at least 400,000 baht 2 months before applying into a Thai bank account (about £10,000). In addition I have to have of at least 45,000 baht certified income per annum (the form says 40,000). In addition I need to deposit 20,000 baht per month or 240,000 baht per year. I don't understand why I have to meet all three requirments. Any one of the three I could meet but do I have to deposit 400,000 baht and have an income of at least 45000 baht and deposit 20000 baht per month? The form doesn't mention the 20000 baht per month but the Immigration officer mentioned it. The application then takes at least a month. The form in Thai has 12 points but the English translation has only 11. Point 12 says something in Thai and the figure 1900. My wife is expecting me at some point to live in Thailand but at the moment I just don't see it happening as it its seems so complicated. Many people do retire in Thailand so what am I missing?
  6. So pretty harmless except that it can eat fibres.
  7. Can actually see it a bit clearer on the video than with the naked eye. Looks like tiny catterpillar poking out.
  8. Here's the little <deleted>. 20220925_213549.mp4
  9. That is what surprised me it didnt fly. It just had this foot thing that poked out of the end. May be a rocket is an exageration but is was still fast. Took a video if I can transfer it from my phone.
  10. About the size of a grain or rice and looks like a grain of rice. When it started to move I thought an even smaller ant was moving it. Something then appeared from one end or the other and it took off like rocket. I could believe how fast it was for something the size of a grain of rice. Was in the room that the cats stay in so maybe came from outside on their fur. Looked horrible even if was tiny.
  11. I was in Do Home and couldn't find anything. Looks like Home Pro might be the place. I can only assume who ever fitted out the kitchen fitted the tap to the sink unit first then fitted the flexy connection afterwards.
  12. www.lowes.com/pl/Basin-wrench--Plumbing-wrenches-specialty-tools-Plumbing-tools-cements-Plumbing/4294607599?refinement=4294599296&view=List Slightly shorter URL
  13. Any idea if I can buy soemthing like this in Thailand? God knows why the URL is so long. Arrived in Thailand this week and the kitchen mixer tap is only held in place by the flexy pipe connection. She says her son can get his hand up between the two sinks to tighten the back nut. All I can say is he must have extremely small hands.
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