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Posts posted by Riggi

  1. The test in the photo is ridiculous.

    It is IMPOSSIBLE to write the correct pronunciation in Thai script because there is no equivalent sound (Thai being a phonetic script) to /ʃ/ which is used in "inspiration" and "tuition".

    Similarly, there is no way to represent /v/ using Thai script. This is one of the most problematic sounds for Thai learners to pronounce (partly because it doesn't exist in Thai) and the exam writer has seen fit to include 4 words with this sound! clap2.gif

    There is also no Thai equivalent to the first vowel sound in "island" (/aɪ/), or the first vowel sound in "vacant" ( /eɪ/).

    7/100 is still incredibly poor, but needs to be considered in the context that it is impossible to write the correct pronunciation for more than half of the words in the example.

  2. Hi all,

    I am completing a Notice of Intended Marriage form for Australia (I'm Australian and my fiance is Chinese), and part of the form requires a witness.

    The witness can be an Australian Consular or Diplomatic Officer or a person holding the following qualification or profession under Australian law:

    • Justice of the Peace;
    • barrister or solicitor;
    • legally qualified medical practitioner
    • member of the Australian Federal Police or of the Police Force of a State or Territory, or notary public.
    • Notary public (who must stamp the document with their official seal)
    Are there any Australians in Chiang Rai who belong to any of the above groups that would be able to witness my form for me?
  3. I use Mach 3 and think that if I see a 4 pack for less than 300 baht, that is s bargain.

    One trick I learnt from a barber a long time ago is to use hair conditioner instead of shaving cream. It makes the razor glide very smoothly and also softens the hairs. Plus, you can buy a big supermarket brand pump bottle and it's cheap.

    • Like 1
  4. Yes, please send me the details of the guy in Mae Sai.

    I'm not after anything complicated. Just a simple ring similar to this.

    I don't go to Bangkok very often, so a trip just buy one thing would have to be a fairly good saving to make it worthwhile. So, if I can get it in CR, it would be preferable.


  5. Thanks for all of the info from everyone.

    I ended up going with AA Insurance. Good communication via email with numerous quotes and scenarios ran for me. Nice and easy to deal with.

    • Like 1
  6. Why not just put your phone on silent? The notifications will be there when you decide to look at your phone again.

    Text messages should come through when you turn your phone back on anyway. Same with line, Facebook, wechat etc.

    For missed calls, I think you will need to set up voice-mail. Otherwise, there is no way your phone will know that someone tried to call you.

    • Like 2
  7. Hi all,

    I bought a new Vios in December last year and the 1 year free insurance is about to expire. Toyota sent me a renewal and it's 20,337 baht, which seems expensive. The insurance is with Viriyah.

    I looked at www.gluaygluay.com and found the attached quotes.

    Does anyone have any feedback or experience with any of these companies? Particularly in Chiang Rai.

    The last one (Thai Paiboon) seems attractive as they are covering 700,000 instead of 480,000 baht, for only 1000 baht more premium. But, I know nothing about this company.




  8. Thanks TL. I did see that and installed it yesterday. Not really much you can do with it at the moment (just choose between OneNote Metro and OneNote Desktop as the default and some slight tweaking to the pressure sensitivity.

    I'll keep it installed though to see what future updates to the software might bring.

  9. Hey Riggi,

    How are you finding the Asus Vivo tab so far and do you think it could be an alternative to the surface pro?

    So, I've been using the Vivotab Note 8 for a bit over a week now and really like it.

    Also, my SP3 arrived at Banana IT yesterday, so have just about finished setting everything up on that.

    For a work machine, the VTN8 can't compete with the SP3. Larger screen, faster loading of programs, pretty much everything is better except for the portability.

    The VTN8 is good because I can hold it in one hand and use the pen or my finger to navigate. The size is much better than my Note 3 for ebooks, youtube, web browsing and reading email. Some things are still better on the larger screen SP3, such as watching longer youtube videos, TV shows or movies.

    MS Office works well (provided you have a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard) and writing in OneNote is great on a tablet this size.

    I connected a Samson Meteor USB mic and an Akai MPK Mini midi controller to the micro USB and they both worked fine in REAPER and Tracktion with a few lightweight VSTs. I tried the demo of Sonar X3, but I don't think the VTN8 has enough grunt to run that without some glitches in the sound. Pretty powerful mobile audio workstation that you can easily get ideas down quickly.

    Battery life is good (about 8 hours), but it charges via the micro USB port. This is good because you can charge it just about anywhere, but bad because you can't use any USB peripherals and charge at the same time. Still, I was able to use it all day in the office with a BT mouse and keyboard and WiDi display via an Actiontec Screenbeam and charge at the same time.

    Another thing that the VTN8 is good for is remote access to my desktop at home. The screen is large enough to be useful (unlike my Note 3 phone, which works, but is too small to be all that useful). I have quite a few times been watching youtube or streaming TV on the main PC at home and used the VTN8 to remote access and change videos etc.

    The size and weight are great from a portability perspective and it's good having full Windows. I've tried using Android tablets and the lack of full MS Office always means you have to go back to a Windows PC at some stage to edit Word docs with complex formatting or tables.

    Driver support is also a lot better than Android tablets. I can just plug into any printer, connect any USB microphone, or any other USB peripheral and it will work.

    It boils down to the VTN8 is a tablet first and a laptop 2nd, the SP3 is a laptop first and a tablet 2nd. There is always that trade off between screen size and portability.

    If I had to only keep one device, I would keep the SP3.

    How much is the 128GB model and is it i7? That model would do me, hope there are available in Pattaya when I get back.

    Does each model come with the stylus pen also?

    Any idea on prices for extras, ie flat keyboard, fancy travel bag ect.......

    The 128GB SSD only comes with the i5. the i7 comes with either 256 or 512GB SSD. Prices are in one of the earlier posts. All models include the N-Trig pen. The Type cover was 4500 baht (maybe a bit less). Performance wise, there isn't much difference between the i5 and i7, so I'd choose based on the storage and RAM you need/want.;b++){var>

    The i5 256GB plus Type Cover cost me just under 49,000 baht.

    Coming from the 128GB, 4GB RAM Surface Pro 1, I decided the extra storage and RAM would be useful. I got down to about 5GB of storage a few times and had to do some cleaning up/archiving. 4GB of RAM is OK most of the time, but sometimes you want a lot of windows open, or running some VST plugins in REAPER and the 8GB is nice to have.

  10. I'm still waiting for Banana IT in Chiang Rai to get my i5 256GB model in. :(

    I'm thinking about cancelling the order.

    I just got an Asus vivotab note 8 yesterday and am in the process of installing and setting everything up.

    I think it might meet my needs.

    Lighter than my original Surface Pro and the wacom pen works well.

    Just not sure if the lack of ports will be a problem. I have USB OTG expansion and I have Screenbeam miracast adaptor, but you can't use USB OTG and charge at the same time.

    Will put it through its paces this weekend.

  11. Has anyone seen the Asus Vivotab Note 8 in Thailand?

    I'm interested in getting it as it seems to be the only 8" windows tablet with a wacom digitiser.

    It isn't on the Thai Asus site, but maybe they are just lax with keeping the website up to date.

    I don't really want to get it from ebay as there have been some reports of the digitiser playing up and needing to get it fixed by Asus. Hopefully I'll be lucky and not have a problem, but if there is, it will be better to have purchased it locally to avoid any hassles if I have to take it to the Asus repair centre.



  12. Similar thing happened to me the other week. I get the option to run start up repair, but it can't repair and Windows won't boot.

    I was able to boot off a Ubuntu USB stick and I could mount the partions and copy all my data off the D: to an external USB drive.

    Trying to format the disk gave an error though. And, GParted wouldn't display the disk information. Haven't had time to mess around any more, but glad I copied my data off.

    • Like 1
  13. I did think about taking the 128GB, but knew I'd regret it later.

    So annoyed. The staff seem nice enough, but they are pretty clueless and have no means of getting any more info, or couldn't be assed getting any more info.

    It was entered into their computer system when I ordered it, and that's when they gave me the date. I'm guessing that someone in Bangkok just put the wrong unit in the box, but who knows.

  14. So, Banana IT called me today and said my SP 3 had arrived. When I got to the store they pulled out a 128GB model.

    I showed them my order slip that was printed from the computer system when I ordered it and it clearly states the 256 GB model.

    They said that's all they have at the moment, and ask if I want the 128GB model.

    I said no, I want the 256GB model, that's why I ordered the 256GB model.

    They said they're not sure when they will get the 256GB model, so I have to wait longer.

    Not sure if this is a Banana IT or MS stuff up.

  15. "So it's not technically feasible for us to respond to government warrants for the extraction of this data from devices in their possession running iOS 8."

    This doesn't preclude Apple giving them access to what's on their servers/in the cloud. This only refers to devices that 3rd parties have in their possession, and want to access the data on the device.

    If the NSA has the device in their possession, then they probably don't need apple's help to decrypt the data.

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