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Everything posted by rick44

  1. As a mental exercise, try replacing the term “Isreali nationals” in this article with say… Americans! Do you condemn all Americans because of the actions of a small group of people? This article proffers only the view points of the hospital staff. We haven’t heard the rebuttal from the Israelis. Normally, a balanced news article should have the story from both sides .
  2. When is this supposed to happen, if you don't mind me asking
  3. I think the author of this article didn’t quite manage to hide the pro government stance 🙂 If everything was regulated, Thailand would just be another European country. Where is the excitement in that? Let's just appreciate the hard-working vendors who are there at an arm's length when you need something.
  4. What was the better title? 🙂 Anyway, the toilets one can use for ten baht on the land side of Beach Road are not accessible with wheelchairs
  5. Hi there, the underground toilets were mentioned in Pattaya Mail in 2019. I'm not sure what happened. Did they ever get off the ground (was that a pun, sorry)? The difference between these two beaches is that Pattaya Beach has two shopping malls with facilities. Central Pattaya and Royal Garden Plaza. Jomtien Beach? Nothing.
  6. Hi there, I note your input. But I am going to stick with “handicapped”. That was the term when I used to write for certain media. The history is what it is, renaming of terms seems to be just an academic exercise .
  7. This matter only applies to handicapped people... one would think. But it could happen to you! Pattaya Mail reported on this issue in 2019 and 2013. https://www.pattayamail.com/thailandnews/underground-toilets-planned-for-beachgoers-264621 (2019) https://www.pattayamail.com/news/public-private-partnership-to-bring-disabled-access-to-jomtien-beach-21277 (2013) Wheelchair users were supposed to have facilities on Jomtien Beach. But nothing has happened. I have published an interview with four affected travelers. This is unfortunately published in some weird Scandinavian language. But a translation is only one click away on Google. I have contacted City Hall. They have been kind enough to confirm my interaction, but there is still no concurring answer. https://www.thailandstidende.com/component/k2/item/4832-hvor-er-de-lovede-fasilitetene-for-rullestolbrukere-pa-jomtien-beach
  8. If you have lived in Thailand more than one year, you are probably not in a total panic. Have you ever witnessed a change in regulations that cannot be worked around?
  9. So, after the Thaiger takeover of Thaivisa, news items now have no citations. Meaning that this comes solely from the Thaivisa/Thaiger staff. That is fine, but it takes time to obtain a reputation as a reliable news outlet. Will this help? Any normal American knows about the obduction and imprisonment of Americans in Russia. There are a few examples in this piece of Americans and Canadians moving to Russia. But no evidence of a large movement… Might this have come through the Tucker Carlson sphere, I wonder?
  10. "personally associated with deposed prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra". Or supposedly former boyfriend, right? And while we are on the subject on the Thaksins, Isn’t Yingluck in reality Thaksin’s daughter, not sister? I am just asking, because who has a sister who is 18 years younger than you? That was a rumor going around for a while anyway…
  11. Move Forward has listed as on of it's 300 points (on their website, but only in Thai) to get rid of alcohol prohibition on religious holidays. That might help… except Pita didn’t get to be PM ????
  12. Well said, importantly this: Defamation, where the customer is invariably wrong no matter how bad the service they have received
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