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Posts posted by anono222

  1. Humans are the superior race and have the capability to solve the problem in a compassionate way.  That does not mean dogs have the right to endanger the streets fighting and copulating with abandon.  A few weeks ago a mass of dog came rolling out into the street with no warning causing my girlfriend to wreck her motorcycle.  She now has permanent scars and has suffered greatly for the supposed rights of out of control animals.  And in your argument, you propose that a child must be on a leash rather than making a safe environment for all.  Rubbish....

  2. So a fake cop dresses up as a real cop, while the real cop dresses up as Michael Jackson.

    Why is the police chief wearing 1 white glove?

    That's the lunch box receiving hand, "I've never touched a bribe in my life, honest, I haven't" - like monks receiving something from a woman - place it on a cloth or similar.

    The mic is also used for karaoke and doesn't get cleaned often....

  3. So now, selecting a VP become a family affair where the family members are taking active part in the

    process of deciding the future of America, this man is getting more and more bizarre by the minute

    and make Clinton looks by default to be the more sane person to go for......

    Indeed. America stands stupidly by while an entire un-vetted, politically inexperienced, and un-elected bizarre NY family clan decides the future of the country if their orange patriach is elected. I fully expect chief of staff to be Ivanka, same as her father...no experience in government, and never paid her dues outside the family.

    Darn right we are! Lest we stand bye stupidly and wait for the vetted, politically experienced and previously elected bunch of cronies to continue with the defamation of America as it has for the last 50 years. Can't see where new faces can do us any worse. Cheers...

  4. To the best of my knowledge, you must be able to produce the original work permit for employees at your place of work should an authorized individual ask to see them. That said, we do not require you to leave it with our office. Showing the work permit can get you into national parks and other locations at a discounted price. However, we do ask our employees to have it on hand while they are at work to cover the being able to produce it requirement. In the years I have been here, that has never happened, but who knows in the current environment. Cheers....

  5. Trump... Obama... Democrat or Republican makes no difference. The facts are what they are and knowing that years of graft and incompetence in government have left each US taxpayer with a personal debt of approximately 120,000 dollars in 2016 is irrefutable. Whose fault, every American who has sat on the sidelines moaning and groaning about the state of affairs. In that light, I must laud Donald Trump for calling it like he sees it. Is he the solution; is there a solution, who knows? I do know I am not paranoid. What I do know is I am sad for my country and willing to think in new ways and listen to new voices. Obviously the Bushs, Clintons, and Obamas have done nothing to give me hope. I also know the world is a more dangerous place today, no matter where you are, under our current leadership. Given I am in my mid-sixties, change will probably not be possible in my time. I know there are capable people in the US. People who know what the problems are; people with solutions in mind. Alas, the Democrat and Republican machines keep them in check. Rightly so! Why should they put themselves through the privacy invasion, degradation, and the pure insanity of putting themselves through the current election system held so closely to the vest by those currently in power. Problems aside, my hope is somehow one of the current talking heads will do something that allows me to hold my head a little higher; maybe even prompt a nostalgic smile of remembrance of days when being American was something special. Regards... Doc

  6. The WSJ article on the poll states that those surveyed included more who identified themselves as very conservative, which plays to Cruz’s strength and even with that bias it's close. Another poll has Trump leading Cruz 2-1.

    "Like a freight train barreling through signals with his horn on full blast, Trump heads down the track towards a possible nomination."


    Trump will be the next president.

    I am not American, but i think Trump WILL be the next POTUS....(sorry to but in on your politics, but I am following this with great interest)...

    I wish all you people in the US, all the best and hope you choose carefully....

    Don't try to blame this on "you people," we don't have any say in the matter.

  7. Americans would love to see Mr. Obama return the government to the people...including the Congress when writing new legislation into law...and quit issuing executive orders without any debate or approval...circumventing the mandates of the Constitution...that would return American Democracy to its original state of checks and balances...not a pseudo dictatorship...

    You don't speak for Americans only your fellow zealots.The language you use is curiously similar to that deployed in Thailand about the last government by some of its critics.Democracy is a messy and imperfect business but only a fool would accept your facile observations.

    As to Obama all the evidence suggests that if a third term was permitted, he would win it.

    You must be living in a different reality than my zealot friends, only we prefer patirots, something you obviously have no interest in being. Hope your future is a bright as you deem it to be....

  8. I've never, in eight years in CM, seen a cop car give chase to anything. Or even seen a cop car waiting with a radar gun, anywhere.

    that means nothing. I'd wager there are at least two other things you've never seen.

    I see the radar gun for taking photos of speeding cars at least twice a week on the super highway near the rual road cut off.

  9. Was smoking Pot worth it? Worth prison and losing your family?

    There are lots of people that think the law does not apply to them, until they get caught years later.

    I would think a wife and kids would be enough deterrent to follow the law but for you I guess not

    Moralising on a thread like this is boring, not to mention stating the obvious.

    He did the crime, and he did his time.

    ..and there it is everyone...a contribution to the decay, towards the lowest common denominator.

    Throw out the accusation and label of being boring, to try to win an argument. An argument by the way, that is not just dumbing down, but trying to legitimise and support criminals.

    Is TV now a place to swap advice for how to survive in jail, is it a criminal support network now?

    Is there no value in discussing morals, social-cultural trends of change, or are we dumbing down?

    dbrenn: don't bother replying if all you do is hurl insults - you'll just add weight to my points. But please do reply if you have something worth saying that gets the grey matter tingling with constructive and challenging thought.

    Pretty much has always been that in my experience... nothing to discuss here!

  10. Pardon me there jorgenbo, but I must take exception to your mind numbing rant. I too possess some crediatials that would impress and amaze, but I wouldn't offer you a dime if your view on the world is so self-centered and narrow. I am the hiring director at a large school, and I personally verify the documents, histories, experience and backrounds of our new hires right down to twitter and facebook. Our teachers are from all over the world, including those cited by you. My personal experiences with our foreign staff totally refute your gross generalizations. Yes, we may get someone on occasion who requires extra help from our mentors. But overall, you don't have a leg to stand on. Sorry your existence requires validation through the degradation of others you know nothing about. As one of the all of whom you speak, I would gladly present, verify, and prove my documents are legitimate. Have a sad day, seems like you have no choice. Doc

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Well you have to admit that when there's a problem even if a few decades late someone will come up with another committee or other, this is just what you'd expect from a third rate Ronald Reagan movie , the main ingredient missing in this equation is Education , if people were educated to a proper standard you would have the virtues standards within the framework of the education system, a little bit late for that now.coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

    Now why was it necessary to bring poor Ronnie into this...he's dead for gosh sake!

  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Please ban these obnoxious and cruel American rituals from Thai colleges.

    Unbelievable. Blame America for this?

    Thai Visa...believe it or not. It is incredible, the lack of knowledge displayed by some posters.

    What a dweeb...hazing has been around for thousands of years, long before America existed. But go ahead, blame America if that is what you need to feel better about yourself.

  13. Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

    You are probably right. But sometimes getting away from these people is tough! Some are quite big....

    Yes they are but just telling them you are not attracted to them usually helps. Telling them off is just stupid but some people will never learn.

    The lady-boy was of course the aggressor here and the one most in the wrong, words to violence is never good. But the other party could have told them no without getting offensive.

    I believe the USA and UK are well known for their offensive language (meaning its quite normal to put offensive words in the language not everyone of course because many of the people i know dont but there is a group that puts f..icking between each sentence). Here that is far less the case and people do take offence when talked to in that matter.

    I believe the USA and UK are well known for their offensive language (meaning its quite normal to put offensive words in the language not everyone of course because many of the people i know dont but there is a group that puts f..icking between each sentence). Here that is far less the case and people do take offence when talked to in that matter.

    Amazing what you can learn about the people in your home country on here. I will pass this along back home so people will understand each other better.

  14. Love my Honda Forza for all around operational performance; enough power to pass safely and climb hills, good comfort, nice hole under the seat for storage, within your price range.  Not a high powered road warrior, but can get out of its own way when needed.  Go anywhere in Issan you want to go, but agree with the previous response; take the train or plane to go to work. 
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  15. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The frustrations of your situation regarding Thai Laws and 'defacto' are also reflective in the disconcerting situation in both the UK & Oz. Personally I would go the ED Visa route and then whatever propitious circumstance is presented forthwith.

    Obviously, your not a malfeasant and if your sedulous enough, your situation will ameliorate........ alt=lock.gif>

    If I get the Ed visa, will you please teach me English?


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