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Posts posted by anono222

  1. Since I have and carry a valid non-B, a drivers license, print outs of the green book for each of my motorcycles and other such trouser fodder, I don't engage in paranoia about being accosted by the police.  What is troublesome is the way the language and actions of the so called tourist police feeds into the xenophobic nature of the general population.  My wife is constantly having to go to bat for me as a good man; despite the fact I have been feeding and supporting a good part of the surrounding neighborhood in a variety of ways for years.  I still get the suspicious eyes and tenuous avoidances that leave an unspoken message.  Or maybe I am just an a**hole and they have me figured out.  Life goes on in the hood!  Cheers...  Doc   

  2. On 6/27/2017 at 8:11 AM, dotpoom said:

    Just wondering how knowing it's name will stop them from coming into your garden?

    I'v asked it many times on here....what is this obsession with some people on here with slautering snakes who just happen to be in your path. In fact one could say it was your wife who crossed his path, she could be seen as the agressor ( turned out to be true and seemingly proud of it)

        I slept in a 3rd floor condo about 5 days ago and low and behold while I was on my PC out of the side of my eye I seen movement. A long snake (green, thin, about a metre long, have pics. but probs. attaching) was at the top of a diningroom chair at eye level.  I stood up, he moved down along the chair and in behind the washing machine. I sprayed some ant spray around a little (knew the smell would encourage him to leave) and went to bed. Next morning found him in the kitchen moving about. I opened the door and he was happy to make his way out. No blood lust involved.

       Once heard it said...."Every living thing is evidence of God's existance"....probably doesn't mean much these days but the principle still holds.

    Get out of your own head and have a reality check.  You say you have said it so many times, yet it still happens.  Got news for ya, as long as Cobras appear in populated areas where there are small children and pets, they are going to be subject to this kind of response...  my house included.  I would much rather suffer the ravages of karma than spend a week in the hospital hoping a loved one survives.  Get real and stop whining about the poor cobra.  As for being a demonstrative aggressor; good for the woman for protecting her family.  Just saying...  Doc

  3. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    This couple should really be ashamed of themselves. They are corrupting a city that is so pure, so free of vice, such a high spirited, moral, righteous, dignified, elegant, clean city, that is utterly free of problems. They are in need of an immediate attitude adjustment. Let's get the little genius involved. Maybe he has a plan to help lift them up, out of their currently depraved state of mind! At the very least, he can introduce another crackdown. 

    Don't think the crack was down this go round!

  4. 15 hours ago, Kinnock said:

    I think it needs to be a 110 cc bike?  Agree about the helmet, but have you tried to get Thai girls to wear a helmet - it ruins their hair ..... apparently.  I won't start the bike until my partner puts on a helmet, and when she has it on, she has that "dog in a bath' look on her face until she can take it off.  I'd insist on a proper helmet and riding gloves as a minimum, plus a gps system on her phone that I can check to see she never exceeds 40 KPH, plus back-roads only ...... and no boyfriends on the bike, oh, and no tongues when kissing.

    That would be no kissing; and if you do, always wear a condom.

    • Like 1
  5. Been living and working in CM for the last nine years; must counter the assumption that riding alone would be safer than with a young boy.  It has been my experience that young females are the most aggressive drivers on the road.  Hardly a day goes by that at least one doesn't try to impose her driving dominance over the old guy.  Just saying...    Doc

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. Strange one this....  nowhere in the law have I seen where it says the foreigner must report or be subject to a 1600 Bt fine.  Yet, it appears this is now the case all across Thailand.  Since there are no legal channels for this money to be directed to, I can't help but wonder where all that money is going.  This is all made up on a case by case by immigration officers for what reason?  I think each of us who have been here long term know the reason; paying your dues to the man for living here.  Accept or not; your choice. 

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  7. Yes foreigners rate well below dogs.  Case in point; I was being ambushed every morning by three mix Labradors (probably siblings) every morning for nearly two years.  Had a tooth put on me a few times but never seriously bitten.  Had my wife complain to the owners  in my presence who responded with blank stares; obviously stunned by the incredulity of the complaint.  This went on endlessly until a wonderful, harmless little girl down the street ran into them in the dark one evening.  She received several good bites, one to the face that completely pierced her lip in three places.  Miraculously, the dogs disappeared never to return.  Moral to the story: little Thai girls first, dogs second, and who knows what else comes before the foreigner at the bottom.  Cheers...  Doc

  8. If you are using one to protect others from sneeze projectile or other drainage fluids from the nostrils, thy do provide an effect, though minimal.  If you are under the illusion that they are protecting you from pollution or other airborn contaminants, think again.  If you are using them as a placebo to make you feel better, go for it!  Cheers...  Doc

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