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Posts posted by Senia

  1. Well yes, that is basically what i said. The point here being that there are always exceptions to everything but it is more common than not for girls to learn what makes a man from their fathers.

    the percentage is really very high, like in the 80th percentile, I have done extensive reading and councelling on this. I was abused by my mother and members of her family. I never forget and I never forgave.

    I have good reason to believe that their mother ( my grandmother ) was very controlling and father a very bad temper

    My mother's brother abused his eldest son and her sister was with an abusive husband, the whole lot of them (even now) refuse to acknowledge that there is a problem. The eldest son, now at 35 is starting to deal with his childhood, for the sake of his kids.

    For the sake of my sanity and the protection of my son, I have absolutely no contact with any of them.

  2. Confess................. tell her that you are gay !!!! The date was just a cover but now you realise that you would hurt any woman who is with you not just her.

    Tell her that you're contemplating a serious relationship with another man !

    let her feel sorry for you and not herselfrolleyes.gif

  3. Mostly I agree with Miss Muppet,

    But have you ever thought of easing her into it, start with Thai classics, you make the first change. You make an attempt to learn Thai history and read some famous Thai literature and rent some classic Thai movies. Discuss the history of Thailand with her, she may surprise you .

    You may also try some visual arts like an art gallery or something like that. Mind you English is a second language for her.

    Asians are generally not interested in anything other than popular culture and/or their own ethic or national history. ( Not racist ..... also an asian here ) .

    tell me how it works out, at least yours reads, mine makes me translate for him.As for movies, only action flicks and porn( lmao pref. Asian porn lmao, like it matters ), his fav. movie ........... Pirates cos it's both action and porn !!!!!!

    FYI: I loved Amelie

  4. hi Dmax

    I am a Singaporean who is married to a Thai man and who may be able to help you with with a little understanding as to why your wife behaves the way she does.

    1. Not going out w/o you: First week after arriving in Bangkok , I took a stroll around my neighbourhood, hubby calls , gets mad that I was out !!! demanded that I stay put til he came to pick me up. Being pregnant and emotional, though I thought he was nuts, I didn't argue with him but instead bawled my eyes out for 3 days until he felt really really bad and stupid and gave me some lame reason that he was concerned for my safety. He's a lot better about me being out on my own now.

    Some Thai girlfriends have also told me similar stories about their married life being like this.............. Thai men like their women to stay at home. They are both divorced now lol

    Similarly another Thai gf married to a German guy, living in Germany for 20 years now, barely speaks English or Deutch , never leaves her apartment in Germany, never wears make-up, never wears anything other than baggy bermudas and baggy tees, spend six months a year in Thailand (with he Thai bf lmao) but they are very very happy. ( no he does not know about the other guy)

    2. Bad Temper/ Convinced that you have another girl : Sadly Thai men are usually doing just that when they don't come home for the night .......... and yes though not all but A LOT of Thai women are controlling because of this.

    In the four years she's been there, have you made any effort to introduce her to new people? make some friends? join some sort of club or forum?mix with a more international crowd ( not just other overseas Thais) .

    In the 3 months I have been back to Bangkok as a "couple", it's been pretty lonely for me and him. We are 2 hours away from Bangkok, and there are no English speaking Thai girlfriends here for me(not even the ones with the phoney accents) , there are no SIngaporeans either, lol, my hubby and I get odd stares from the "farangs" when we talk to each other in English , I cannot wait to start working again .

    It must be so much harder for her, not having a job and/or a network of friends, having only you to rely on, the way I see it, that's the root of the problem.

  5. Hi Tim

    my hubby took him to the red cross yesterday, in a way he did lie to us, he has meds for HIV, but I guess out of habit or denial he has not been taking those meds, most likely is because of the side effects. They prescribed the very same medicine that he already has.

    My hubby did exactly what you suggested, get his medical records and went through them with the doctor, it was the common-sense thing to do anyways. I guess my hubby didn't want to pry too much before.

    It is AIDS now, no longer HIV, that we now know for sure but we are not giving up on him, we will be seeing him every other day even when he is not going to the hospital, and try to talk some sense into him . To not give up on himself.

    I was so surprised to learn that AIDS really is the number 1 cause of death in Thailand !!!!! He like many others I am sure just assumed that he got a death sentence when he found out, and just "gave up" . We have printed information on the disease for him to further understand his condition.

    He had an operation some time last year to remove part of his bladder, that we don't really know why, but his lower torso is still causing him pain daily , that's why he takes meds for the pain.

    As for us, yes, looks like we will be permanantly footing his medical bills, him and his mother have already sold their home but thankfully the new homeowner is letting them live there indefinately, they get some small allowance from his two living siblings and then we cover the rest.

    Now, I just hope that the pain he is in stops and things will stabilise, more regular hospital visits and less of us having to physically be there for them.

  6. About 7 years ago my hubby's cousin was diagnosed with HIV, he did nothing about it. He was a heroin addict. Only late last year when his condition seriously worsened that he sought medical help.

    Only last week did he inform us that he has AIDS, we have been paying his hospital bills and driving him for treatment on a weekly/bi-weekly basis, for the past 3 months since coming back to Bangkok. This is the third hospital change in as many months, yesterday, my hubby and I (after yet another trip to the hospital) decided to google his meds, only to discover that the medicine he is taking is only for his ailments..... like his constipation and stomach- aches, not for AIDS itself. Why is that ? Is it possible that he is lying to us?

    Is it too late? Cost is also a real issue here, I am having a baby in March,.how long will this go on? we dun want him to die like this.

    We desperately need a cheap and hopefully long term solution for this. He is convinced that he is dying after all this. ( His brother died 10 years ago, also from AIDS from drug use ). Is there some clinic/hospital that will treat the disease this late? Is there medication that he can take to at least control the situation? His mother takes care of him at home but we pay his hospital bills and drive him there. He eats normally, no special diet or anything like that, but it's obvious that he is in pain every time he walks.

  7. try panbesy, it comes in either red/white or blue/white( double dose) capsules, it can only be prescribed by the doctor and he will only prescribe it when you specifically request for it.

    it really works, at the rate of about 5-8 kilos per month, though the doctor will only give you a month's prescription at a time. ( Doctor's will only prescribe this when you are borderline overweight, not to underweight or obese patients ). They will do a BMI test first .

    side-effects: irritability, anxiety, gastric pains, hyperactivity, dry mouth , (insomnia and constipation first few days )

    BUT if you have an exercise regiment or if you are a stay at home wife then you're pretty safe.

    Have a big meal first thing in the morning Before you take the pill ( 1 pill a day ) , important cos you wont be able to eat for the rest of the day. It suppresses your appetite and also makes you super -hyperactive. For me I do double the housework that I normally do and spend a minimum of 2 hours at the gym. ( 1 hour high impact, 1 hour low impact)

    Always carry bottled water with you. Ease off the coffees and teas.

    Sleep regular hours, the first few days you won't be able to sleep much, all you will ever think of is that speck of dust on the floor that you just have to mop !!!!!

    Eat sensibly, your 1 meal a day should be a full meal like rice or pasta, take advantage to change your diet patterns at this point. Like no pizza and deep fried foods.

    Dun worry about the constipation, your body is just dealing with less food in your system. It will be regular again after a week or so.

    The best thing about this pill is that, after being on it for a month or two, your body and mind automatically attune to less food and more activity so you won't be needing it at all. Meaning to say that it really does have a long term effect .

    Whatever you decide on, it's up to you ......... I just hope it works out

  8. Hi Senia

    Congratulations!!! Mine will be also baby boy. @Lanna , doctor is great but nurses cant speak eng well. a little bit worry for my delivery time as I dont understand what they tell me in thai.

    William is a cool name. Me n my hubby also thinking abt baby name.


    Yes me too, I will be discussing that at my next appointment, I am not too sure what is expected of me, to be "checking in" on the first or to wait until I have labour pains.

    Everything is ok but because it's a university hospital there are so many students, there were like 7 peeps there when I did my ultrasound, it was a little strange, they were discussing stuff as if I wasn't there, but most of it in English so I understood, "boy, umbilical cord ok, in good place, see see the head here etc ".......finally they gave me my due date, his weight, that he was perfect and healthy from what they saw. That was all I needed to know then.

    Dun worry too much , from my experiences in Thai hospitals more often then not, they know what they are doing, also they do tend to take care of foreigners pretty well, from what my Thai friends tell me, I am being treated better than they were.

  9. Hey May

    Mine too, my first......... a boy ........ I am having my baby at Thammasat University Hospital everything has been great so far English speaking staff and all, only thing was that they kept repeating, 'he he he boy boy boy" so many times when I really did not want to know my baby's sex beforehand.

    Is the father a Thai , we are still trying to figure out a name for him ( baby ) . Papa wanted either William or Lucky Big , I am not calling my child Lucky Big so ....... so far it's William + father's family name, now I need a good and easy Thai name for my son

  10. lol i am looking at the church advert , they should read the posts first ......... before advertising.

    anyways the 3 evils of the the middle east , Islam, Christianity and Judaism are "true religions" as in you're supposed to live your life according to the Bible, Quran and Torah

    which interestingly all of which are "words of God" and all of which have been edited every 100 years or so ............ erm "God" changes his mind every century ???

    Buddism is not a religion but instead a way of life, there's true Buddism but also Zen buddism ( Japan ) and taoist buddism (Singapore, Malaysia ) it's a mix of culture and teachings of Buddha. So yes there are Thai's just born as Buddists but do not really know much about being one , just as there are Muslims and Christians who are unclear about what their "religion" entails.

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