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Posts posted by Adeeos

  1. 48 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

    And on here if you ask why everyone claims a certain person was present at a certain time and location but there is no one who can claim that they saw such a person at the given time and location you get 101 different answers as to why no one can claim that they saw them even though he was there but the easiest answer as to why no one can claim that they saw him is because HE WASN'T THERE.

    Or, you get no answers at all as to who the culprit was,, from 101 different people, because they know better than to say a word,,,

  2. 13 minutes ago, JLCrab said:



    I used to live in the Bible belt of Oklahoma USA. If you asked someone there 'How old is the Earth?' they might say '6000 years old since the Great Flood.' Then you say: What what about radioactive carbon dating that puts some fossils at 30 million years old?

    They would maybe say: 'Well God knew that we would have radioactive carbon dating so he put those items there to appear to be 30 million years old to test our faith.'

    Reading some stuff on here reminds me of that.



    And people that think that way,, and believe it,,, truly consider themselves to be educated too,,, the VAST majority of people, wouldn't consider them to be,,, 

  3. 49 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

    These are 2 reports on the death of Dimitri Povse.

    The man was found at around 3pm on New Year’s day hanging by black string around the neck wearing traditional Thai Fisherman’s pants, black string was also bound around his hands, a fact that has caused much speculation on social media sites that foul play was involved. However, the police found a suicide note that read “iris I love you, suicide seems easy but it is actually very difficult”

    The body of Dimitri Povse, 29, was found hanging from a ceiling at the balcony of his room at Ta Chin Bungalow on Koh Tao last Thursday. His hands were loosely tied behind his back
    Police said there were no signs of a fight or a struggle. There was suicide note on his bed that said, in French, “Iris, I love you. Suicide seems easy but it is actually difficult.”>

    2 main differences: The SamuiTimes did not use the word 'loosely' and did not mention that the suicide note was written in French.

    SamuiTimes also wrote that the victim's hands being bound behind back caused much speculation on social media that foul play was involved. But --
    If you wanted to murder someone and make it look like suicide, why would you tie the victim's hands behind his back so that those on social media could speculate:
    "See it wasn't suicide -- HE HAD HIS HANDS TIED BEHIND HIS BACK!!!"


    Because they just don't CARE if anyone suspects,,,, they KNOW it'll be called a suicide,,, they operate with impunity,,, 

  4. 14 hours ago, JLCrab said:

    To the above from SamuiTimes:


    ... but his parents are disputing that version of events and believe he could have been followed back to his bungalow

    So he was fatally beaten and dragged from his hotel room and taken down the shoreline and not one person heard or saw any of this. Nor has there been any plausible explanation as to why anybody would want to do this.

    WHO says,, "not one person heard or saw any of this" My question would be,, Who may have seen something,, but refuses to talk about it?

  5. This,, more than ANY situation that has come about, is THE perfect time for the PM to take charge, and make things go, "RIGHT",,,, what are the odds that he will?.... If he doesn't,, then any other retoric he boast's from this point on, about wiping out corruption, etc,,  is simply that,, Boasting,, NOTHING MORE!,,,, This Thailand,, COULD be, a true turning point,,, But again,,, what are the odds of that?

  6. 5 minutes ago, kcpattaya said:

    It makes PERFECT SENSE for the culprits to rob and kill her...  


    5 minutes ago, kcpattaya said:

    It makes PERFECT SENSE for the culprits to rob and kill her...  


    Not so much that,, but it does when you add the fact that was reported she's know to always wear a 1 baht necklass that she mentioned had gone missing while living with the 2 Burmese people... 

  7. 55 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    I don't live on the islands,nor would i anymore than i would live in London. My point is that Thailand as a whole is no more dangerous than anywhere else and a lot safer than many. If you take London, not one day goes by without knife attacks, acid attacks or rape. I live in the countryside near a small market town, no problems here.


    You're right,, but not many other, "popular tourist" destinations where you have to worry about the local police/forensic/authorities, covering up your, or a family members suspicious death as a suicide,,, for very little $,, or simply to blame it on you, or yours, or pick some local immigrant workers, to protect the $ income, and make sure other's will continue to come,,, I'd guess that in London let's say,, the local police will do what it takes to find the ACTUAL perpetrator of a crime against a tourist, or a local, with no concern about what it, "might" do to the $ income from tourism,, instead of blaming you, or yours, or anyone but a National, with little to NO investigation, or simply lie about it,, 

  8. 10 hours ago, frank83628 said:

    deflection...nah....its having an opinion based on actually having spent time on Koh Tao, unlike majority here!


    So you're saying spending time on the island or not, changes the facts of people missing/suspicious deaths? As in,, people that spend time there, are privy to different, facts/news reports as to what happens on the island, than those that don't spend time there? As if THAT difference changes the facts?... lol

  9. Again,,, It's NOT that tough to figure out why, a specific area,, and not the WHOLE city/area is being targeted,,, GARRANTEED there is someone, with knowledge of what is being planned,, and they want THAT specific area/realistate,,, SO use a time honored mafia tactic,, drive the existing business's out of business, by making it very hard for them to continue to do business,, Then just swoop in, buy them all up for a song,, go back to business as usual under new BIB management, and wait,, wait until a casino/condo/bar area is being developed in that specific area... It's NOT rocket science.... Watch.... It fits PERFECTLY into the undercurrent of,, "Yes, please come spend your $$,, then go home, come again do next year".. They don't WANT expats living in country full time,, They want, "quality" tourists, that spend scads of $, don't complain about getting ripped off by a taxi driver charging $1000baht, for a $40baht trip,, average tourist's coming to holiday, couldn't be bothered to complain about it,,, They WANT the $$ spending TOURIST,, not expats that spend little, but live in country full time... 

  10. 10 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Now hang on a minute, how can you jump to such a conclusion so quickly, just be patient, now that the case has been reopened they will have find new evidence, and go out and get another unsuspecting Burmese and charge him with murder to cover up the real culprit, no doubt in the force of a son or a nephew of the cop, MAFIA written all over it.


    Time the top brass sent in high ranking people to investigate and transfer the entire force out of their and on the main land until a thorough investigation is completed, hopefully with a finding that it was murder, and not by the hands of another unsuspecting Burmese or other. 

    There's NO hope of the PM waving his hand, and demanding accurate investigations,, From day ONE, the former head policeman on the island stated in so many words, they HAD a suspect in mind as to who was responsible for the 2 beach murders,, within 2 days, he was sacked, and a new Head policemen was in place, who would, "tow the party line",, and had the 2 Burmese boys in custody,,,, So ANY hope of someone higher up demanding accurate police work be done,, is zero,,, 

  11. There's NO hope of the PM waving his hand, and demanding accurate investigations,, From day ONE, the former head policeman on the island stated in so many words, they HAD a suspect in mind as to who was responsible for the 2 beach murders,, within 2 days, he was sacked, and a new Head policemen was in place, who would, "tow the party line",, and had the 2 Burmese boys in custody,,,, So ANY hope of someone higher up demanding accurate police work be done,, is zero,,, 

  12. 3 hours ago, greenchair said:

    I don't know, there must have been someone at fault. 

    He obviously was asked if he wanted to press charges and declined. 

    That's what the article said. 

    "The owner decided not to press charges"


    It's possible a local with $$,, tossed some the owners way,, to cover the damage,, No charges pressed,,, therefore, no further investigation of that scene was needed... in the eyes of the local BIB anyway,, although wether charges were pressed by the owner or not,, it was STILL part of a missing/murdered person investigation,,,, 

  13. 8 hours ago, Bigdogfarang said:

    So as this is the Internet why not some wild speculation. Here goes ... girls bunglalow is set fire too in an attempt to kill her / destroy something - girl survives and flees on foot to the other end of the island buys ticket to leave island and checks in to a new hotel - killer either follows her or has access to hotel reporting of who is staying their (daily requirement) - ie is a person of influence .. killer finds her at new hotel abducts and kills her - initiates usual police cover up measures as per his other killings .. more or less likely than "official" story 


    Also explains the registering using a different name,, 

  14. 25 minutes ago, TravelerEastWest said:

    I was under the impression that you needed to provide documentation and fill out forms when you export for repair not fight customs on the import.


    It is quite possible that you ignored the law and they were simply doing their job?


    Or quite possible that I trusted my local PO when they said,  "No need, keep this shipping paper",,, when I asked about it,,,  Are you aware of a different Customs department, that the Thai Post goes thru, as opposed to one that DHL, Fed-EX, UPS goes through?... I'm not,, and as I stated, I received it through Thai Post, and paid a $1600 Baht import tax,,However coming through Fed-Ex, is was $300,000,,, Google is your friend,,, there's several threads out there, stating exactly as I've done,,, 


  15. Why doesn't some ex spec ops, SAS, or wet works guy (a real one), just go down there, and drink beer during the day,, and covertly sort those out responsible after dark,,, The locals would blame it on a, "ghost",,,, and would absolutely terrify those responsible, including those that cover it up, and we all know how the locals feel about ghost's,,,, I for one, would LOVE to see the reports coming out of, "Death Island" about it.... It's OBVIOUS there is some one responsible, and the BIB only care about covering it up, and protecting the $ train....

  16. The only carrier I have used in Thailand that has either not issued a LARGE import tax, or at least a reasonable one,, is Thai Post,, all the other shippers, Thai customs will NAIL you on import taxes,, EVEN if you supply them with an accurate, honest invoice as to the items actual value,, they are thieves,,, I had a watch I returned to the sender for repair, After repair, the sender used Fed-Ex to return it to me, They included a receipt for the repairs, and what was done,, Thai Customs hit me with a HUGE import tax for it because they claimed it was undervalued,, $300,000 Baht import tax,,,, it was accurately declared, I included a retail price for it, a copy of my invoice, from receiving it originally thru Thai Post, with the Thai post's import tax on it I had paid,, as well as an original receipt from Thai post when I shipped it back to the supplier to be repaired, with the declared value on the receipt when I shipped it back, proving to them that it was already in Thailand, and was a personally owned item, They only saw $$$ and wanted it,,, I had to go back to the Customs department at Swampy 4 times, to argue it, they kept lowering the amount, I asked if I refused it, would it be sent back?, they claimed that it would NEVER be returned, to the sender, at first, that it would be destroyed, So I said I wanted to watch them destroy it, or proof of it being destroyed as in a smashed up watch,, because I KNEW it would end up on the wrist of a Thai customs agent otherwise, and told them that,,, They then claimed it would be returned to the shipper, I asked for a receipt to PROVE it had been shipped back, so I could provide that to the shipper, "No, can not do" So I asked how could I be SURE it would either be destroyed, or returned, I only got sheepish smiles from them, On the 4th trip to Swampy, I took my Thai wife with me,, SHE ended up getting into a slightly heated argument with them over it,, She ended up getting them to drop the imported value down to the amount that I had paid when it was shipped thru Thai Post,,  $1600 Baht,, which even then was wrong, as it had already been paid the 1st time,, ONLY use Thai Post, EMS when shipping items in,,, 

  17. So a claimed,, 5,000, "dates"... I'll give her the benefit of doubt, and assume that only 1/2, ended with a, "finish",,,, soooo Ya,,, I'd for SURE wanna hook up with a woman that's been hammered on by approximately 2,500+ DIFFERENT guys,,, You could'nt go ANYWHERE, without some bloke offering her a knowing, "wink and a nod"..... Yup,,, sign me up,,,, 55555,,, I knew a Thai girl,, that I always felt somewhat sorry for, as she really was a, "good girl",, that simply through certain set of unfortunate circumstances,, did what she did on occasion,,, I truly believed her that she only did such maybe 5-6 times over a couple years.. Thai husband was a drunk, woman beater,, and she booted his ass,,, We remained decent friends,, Saw her about a year later,, out with a decent guy,, very nice, that HE started up a convo with me as we ended up sitting next to each other,,, He introduced her,, and I played dumb,, as if we'd never met,, Her face was sheer terror... Truly was a very nice guy,,, He went off to take a leak,, and she nearly cried telling me,, "Thank you SOOO much for not tell him you know me,, he's SO good to me",,, And I figured,, No harm, no foul.... was the least I could do for a friend.... 

  18. 1 hour ago, Maggusoil said:

    Obviously thought he didn't need to.

    Maybe this is stating the obvious but if one really has that kind of money and are doing business at that level in Thailand you need to be putting in serious time cultivating a group of higher ups to intervene and protect you when things head south.  This is the "Thai way" and it works most of the time.  Its not true that money alone will assure you of this support, money is simply the price of entry, a seat at the table.  It's about building mutually beneficial relationships ... and getting off ones backside learning to speak Thai reasonably well.



    You mean he should go from being a legit, legal business man in his country, to joining up, cowing down, playing ball with, and paying off, Government gangster's, and technically becoming a gangster, briber of officials, gangster thug himself, just to, "get along" and avoid being robbed???.. He wasn't doing business in Thailand, (at least not from the reports)... He moved here to retire, from a LEGIT business he ran in Holland, only to be ROBBED by not some shady, back-room thugs,, but GOVERNMENT officials, and the "justice" system,,, 

  19. I know that all the carriers have a normal dialing code for dialing out of Thailand, and a discount code,,,, DTAC's is "4".... So when I normally call the USA direct, I'd dial, "001XXX-XXX-XXXX"... To dial out on DTAC's discount line it's,, "0041 XXX-XXX-XXXX" If you're dialing another country,, I'm sure the "4" still works, if inserted correctly in the series of numbers you're dialing now.. It's quite a bit cheaper... 

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