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Posts posted by Adeeos

  1. Try using, "LINE" makes completely free calls to ANYWHERE to another LINE user,,, works over wifi, or 3G... also does video chats,,, works nearly flawlessly with a good connection,,, EVERY single Thai person I know uses "LINE",,,  FaceBook, "Messenger" does the same,,, works independent of FaceBook,,, Also, "WhatsApp",, I know for fact, that at least "LINE",,, when you register you're mobil number in it,, will search your contacts list, and automatically add anyone to your "LINE", that's in your contacts, that also uses "LINE"....  

  2. 47 minutes ago, Tilacme said:

    Serious question, having convicted him of a drug crime, are the Thai authorities able to confiscate his assets?

    They never convicted him of a drug crime,, They convicted him of SUPPOSEDLY laundering the $$ obtained from selling pot in Holland, where it is LEGAL,,, and Yes,, they confiscated his Thai bank accounts, homes, cars, property,,, Holland NEVER convicted him of any crime, Thieving Thai's saw a chance to STEAL him blind, and did. AND gave him 103 years, for a crime that the maximum sentence is 20 years,,, 

  3. 49 minutes ago, Kasset Tak said:

    Well, it depends on how the laws are written and interpreted. As a Swede I could get prosecuted back in Sweden if I go with a prostitute here in Thailand, that is because prostitution is illegal in Sweden and the law is written so that it is illegal for me to go with a prostitute anywhere, even in a country where prostitution is legal (remember that prostitution is illegal in Thailand). The same goes with drugs as I could legally get high abroad but if test shows that I have been high when I get back home I could be sent to rehab for drug use... So basically if I would go to Amsterdam, smoke weed and <deleted> a hooker (both is legal there) I could end up in jail coming back to Sweden!

    So selling cannabis is legal in Holland but still illegal in Thailand and if they would interpret the law the same f-up way they do in Sweden then...  

    The difference is you as a Swede, would be charged, and prossicuted by YOUR home country, by YOUR home authorities, when you returned to it, for doing something that's legal in another country, but illegal in your own,,, The Thai's have charged, and convicted him for doing something that was COMPLETELY legal in his HOME country, when not even his home country would have done so... 

  4. 19 minutes ago, Autonuaq said:

    He know the risk as well the Thai law still stupid enough to go to Thailand


    All reduced to what is maximum possible. So nothing changed just correction.


    He earned money that even in The Netherland was seen as illegal. And the Thai sentenced on the evidence provided.

    He went to Thailand because there is not exchange

    So what you see here is just a man who think he can do what he want and that brought him the problems.


    Did they make selling pot in Holland illegal recently? if so,, why wasn't he in prison in Holland? He wasn't in prison there, because they could never find anything he was doing illegal, But Thai thieves saw the $$,, STOLE it, and put him in prison.. period.

  5. 9 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    yeah, but I don't think the investigations were never officially closed or over.  I have no idea which authorities or agencies had jurisdiction.  seems like some gray areas and things.  I don't know how one would get the draconian sword removed from one's head before traveling abroad.  And yes, what the Thais did is disgusting.  He broke no law in either country.  Should have just been extradited and things resolved that way. 

     If the Dutch authorities weren't, "finished" with him,,, Why didn't they revoke his passport, or forbid him from leaving the country on another country's passport,, with his $$,, he was obviously a flight risk,, And once he DID leave,, why not issue an international arrest warrant, or petition to have him extradited,, they didn't because at the time he left Holland, he had no charges against him... he was as free to travel as anyone else at the time... 

  6. What at all, would keep the Thai, "justice" system,,, from stitching up ANYONE with $$$, for a crime that a person's home country couldn't convict of that crime?.... Say someone was charged with selling stolen cars in their home country,, got off on some technicality,, moved to Thailand, transfered all their $$$$$ into Thailand,, The Thai authorities find out they're wealthy, and charge them with laundering $$ from selling stolen cars... seizing all their property and funds,, and tossing them in prison?.... NOTHING! That's EXACTLY what's happened here,,, 


  7. 10 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    The actions of making the money were lawful, nothing wrong with selling or growing marijuana in his home country.  Bu the details seem to be that he did not pay taxes properly. That is why his government went after him

    Yes, and no,, they went after him several times in Holland for supposedly evading taxes,, he was investigated several times, but never convicted,, From what I remember reading way back,, a Dutch authority that just couldn't get anything to, "stick" made contact with the Thai authorities,, and, "made them aware" of who the guy was, etc... The Thai authorities saw $$$$$ IN Thailand, and proceed from there,, Again, from reading before, he was never charged with laundering in Holland,, but tax evasion,,, so for the Thai's to charge him with laundering is nothing more than an excuse to seize his funds and divide them up amongst themselves,,, NOTHING more

  8. The facts are,, selling pot in Holland was legal,, paying taxes on that income was legal,, He's charged and in prison here, for LAUNDERING.... NOT for selling pot, NOT for evading taxes there, or in Thailand,, He's in prison in Thailand for laundering money,, which if he paid proper taxes on the pot sales in Holland, is NOT laundering,, Now if they could prove he was selling heroin, or another illegal activity in Holland, and not reporting THOSE funds,, and brought those into Thailand, then ya,, he was laundering,, Had they claimed he was in prison for selling pot, which is of course illegal here,, I could "kind" of wrap my head around it,, even though still COMPLETE BULL$HIT,,, His big mistake was transfering his money into Thailand, and not either leaving it in Holland, or putting it into a Swiss, or off-shore account,, They did nothing more here than find a reason to STEAL his money, As I said before,, if he hadn't brought the money into Thailand, and was only a "rich" guy,, that they couldn't actually steal it all from him here,, He'd have been charged, tossed in prison, until he paid a hefty, "fine",,, Since when can a country convict someone for a crime, that they didn't commit in their own country, and was never charged,  And DIDN'T commit the crime in the country that charged them with it? He's not been charged with laundering in Thailand!... He's in prison because someone with that wealth, couldn't be allowed out, to be able to battle them,,, This is nothing more than thievery at the highest level,,, nothing more,, 

  9. 45 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

    The BIB always looking for a way to make some money! hehe He will be happy to get back to the Netherlands and start dealing with the tax officers there and remember what a mistake it was to go to Thailand!


    If I remember the story correctly,, he made all the $$ COMPLETELY legally in Holland,, he was under investigation for tax evasion several times there, and EVERY time, no evidence was found to charge/convict him, Must have really peeved off the Dutch tax man that chased him, so he contacted the Thai authorities to, "Keep an eye on him" or similar,, Once the thieving Thai's found out what he was worth is when he was found to be "guilty" here,, for laundering money in Holland, which he was NEVER even CHARGED with there, let alone convicted of THERE!,,,,, So the Thai's convicted him of a crime HERE, that he wasn't even charged with in his home country... And the THIEVING Thai's here, divided up his wealth,, No doubts, had he not transfered his wealth into to Thailand,, they would have arrested and charged him, ,he'd have paid a fine, and been back out in a week's time.. The only criminals in this story, are the multiple Thai, "authorities". 

  10. 9 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

    I think it is just the stupidity amongst a certain amount farangs who just pay their way through for anything, giving these girls the wrongful idea that all farangs are desperate enough to pay her just for looking at her lovely pair of ....eyes!!:omfg::whistling:


    You may be right,, that and I'm quite sure, if any of her girlfriends, or co-workers are, "living the life",, I'm thinking they're probably making a possibly decent life, into much more than it really is, as in probably expanding upon the actual truth,,, 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Bastos60 said:

    Just yesterday, there was a girl on badoo I found that only wanted a good man, that can take care of her.

    And she even had a full list of requirements :

    - Can not flirt with other girls

    - Can not drink alcohol

    - Can not think about boom boom (all the time)

    - Must be happy when love eachother other (no boom boom at all)

    - Can not go out alone

    - Can not go bar or pub alone

    - must love her and only her

    - must take care her and her family


    I tried to get a rise out of her, she continued to make the comparison with other friends she worked with in the hairsalon who managed to have a foreign boyfriend
    that send her money and bought her a house out in the country.


    These girls are of no good. High expectations but no realization she has perform in return.


    I've seen girls with post's like that,, while I can kinda understand their intentions, and having a dream of a, "perfect" life like that,, I can NEVER wrap my head around exactly WHERE they've gotten the idea that a relationship like that is going to be possible for her... Not in the soaps, no movie I'm aware of, surely not a family member that's acheived it... so WHERE exactly have they gotten the idea in their head that something like that is possible for a fairly "uneducated" girl? The closest thing I can think of is MAYbe, Cinderella?,,,, lololol 

  12. 16 minutes ago, Laza 45 said:

    ..sounds like my good wife too.. never causes a hassle.. likes nice things but never spends much.. likes to work to have her own money.. keeps me in line in a gentle way.. best thing that ever happened  for me.. 


    What I like, is mines my best friend,, We were actually casual friends prior to dating,, maybe a year before,  when I was dating another girl,, that ended, and we started going out after her work as friends,, grab some food,, help her with her English,, it went from there, 

  13. 14 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    When I think about how to sum it up, I'd say my wife is basically a very down-to-earth, good hearted simple woman. Not a drama queen. Not shopping crazy. Likes to have some nice things, but rarely if every bugs me about anything. Is just happy with the basic, normal things men and women need for their life.



    Our wives would be great friends,, Mine's nearly the exact same mindset, I'd wake up to her cleaning the room.. and she'd ask for $300 Baht to go food shopping in the local street market... I'd say, "Honey, it's $10, you know where my wallet is", Her answer was, "I know, I don't want to take without tell you" Besides her bargain shopping, even when it's my $ she's spending, I'm very lucky... sounds same same for you,, ;)

  14. 30 minutes ago, music065 said:


    This. The most common age range I saw requested by women was their age up to 20 years older than themselves. Some actually did list 30-40 years older but that was rarer.  Some requested 5-10 years that was actually rarer also. By far the most common age requested range was up to 20 years older than themselves. And I think most of these are genuine, not pros. On western dating sites you rarely see women wanting anything more than 7-10 years older than themselves listed on their profiles so I think there is a bit of a genuine cultural difference, alleged Justin Bieber posters aside. 


    Another odd thing I found is that many young ladies initiated contact with me even though I'm like 7 years older than what they requested on their profile. Not sure quite what to make of that. I didn't respond yet. Either I should be flattered and go for it or I should have my wallet ready. Perhaps both. 


    I was on a Thai dating site before I met my wife,, (not on the site),,, And I found I was being contacted by girls that when I checked their profile,, I was outside their stated age range,,, I attributed it to mostly, I look quite a few years younger than I am really,, many friends tell me,, so it's possible that the age range they state, is that they're thinking much older, and a guy loses his looks,,,, but aren't opposed to an older guy,, that looks younger,,, I think it also is a factor that they consider older foregners to be more mature, and have the wild partiness out of them,, I'll be 57 in a month, and my wife, just turned 36, We've been together for about 4 years, and married a year ago... Could I have a 20-25 year old wife?... yes, for sure,, I actually dated several But although very mature for their age, they still just had that, "un-settled" mind set... I had a friend say, "What you look for at 56, is NOT what you look for at 26" Which is very true,,  And applies to both sides...

  15. 3 hours ago, bbi1 said:

    Why else would a young woman want an old dude?

    Maybe not old,, but possibly older,,, as in a mid 30's girl, looking for a guy say mid 40's to mid 50's?,,, Why?,, because many, (not all),, but many Thai women in their mid, to later 30's,, actually believe, and CALL themselves, old.. I know many that feel that way,, And?,, many have dealt with Thai, "men" their own age, and have had enough of them,,, for several reasons,, Won't work, drinks, drugs, want's younger girl,, etc... 

  16. 16 minutes ago, bannork said:

    You're mixing with the wrong sort of people. Plenty of Thais treat their wives and families well.

    Stop hanging out with pimps and whores.

    I do agree,, I know some very, "normal" Thai men that do treat their women well,,  I actually hung out with well, (western) educated,  successful Thai men,, business owners,, that when pressed,, felt the same,,, this convo happened to be in a nice resturant actually,, No pimp or whores in sight,, musta all been in your areas,, you seem to know them well,,, 

  17. 24 minutes ago, Fulwell53 said:

    Did you talk to him the same way that you type?

    No wonder the look on his face was 'epic'.

    Or does epic mean totally bewildered by what you were going on about.

    Quite frankly if you were in my country  making gross, baseless and racist comments about my fellow citizens I would do my utmost to have you arrested for racial incitement and vilification.

    Put a few bob in a yob's pocket doesnt alter the fact he is an ignorant imbecile....dont you think?



    I made my point, to an arrogant idiot,, is it your assertion that Thai men don't think the world revolves around them? and we tourist's should just hand over our $ at the airport, catch the next return flight home, and save them the "trouble" of having to actually "deal" with tourist's?.. that they are good fathers to the multiple children they spawn?.. That there's not a large number if single Thai women working in Go-go's to support a child/children that the father has NOTHING to do with?,,,,  Is it normal in your country for men to allow, or even push their wifes/gf's into working in go-go's so they can drink Hong Thong at 10am, and STILL feel like they're, "superior"?

  18. 10 minutes ago, bannork said:

    It seems you haven't heard of the Bowring treaty of 1855 

    From Wikipedia:

    As early as 1855, John Bowring, the British governor in Hong Kong, appeared on a war ship in at the mouth of the Chao Phraya River. Under the influence of British's achievements in neighboring Burma, King Mongkut signed the so-called "Bowring Treaty," which abolished the royal foreign trade monopoly, abolished import duties, and granted Britain a most favorable clause. The Bowring Treaty meant the integration of Siams into the world economy, but at the same time the royal house lost its most important sources of income. Similar treaties were concluded with all Western powers in the following years, such as 1862 with Prussia and 1869 with Austria-Hungary. From the Prussian emissary count Friedrich Albrecht zu Eulenburg comes a much-respected travel report about Siam. The survival diplomacy, which Siam had cultivated abroad for a long time, reached its climax in this epoch.

    The integration into the global economy meant to Siam that it became a sales market for Western industrial goods and an investment for Western capital. The export of agricultural and mineral raw materials began. Including, the three products rice, pewter and teakwood were used to produce 90% of the export turnover. King Mongkut actively promoted the expansion of agricultural land by tax incentives, while the construction of traffic routes (canals, roads and later also railways) and the influx of Chinese immigrants allowed the agricultural development of new regions.


    What you might have meant was,, The Thai guy that was spouting off, hadn't heard of it,,, I didn't, and don't care either way,,, but if someone believes they're superior,, there needs to be a decent reason as to why... 

  19. I have no sympathy for most all Thai, "men",, They all seem to have this un-deserved arrogance, a chip on their shoulders, as if they are a, "superior breed",, I do know quite a few that I completely respect, and am good friends with, that DON'T think that way,, and they ALL have 1 single thing in common,,, they were ALL educated in a "western" country,, The UK, Australia  or the USA, etc.... Thailand always seems to have the attitude of,, "Welcome to Thailand, please spend your money and go home"...  I once got into a discussion, that turned somewhat heated, with a mid 30's Thai male, that was over and over, seemingly TRYING to incite a argument with the other Farlang's sitting around,, Over and over spouting along the lines of,, "We've NEVER been invaded, We've NEVER been colonized",, on and on,,, very proud of that fact.... I bit my lip for most of it,, figured it/He, wasn't really worth a response, Finally, I'd heard enough,, after a few more beers, and after he AGAIN stated,, "We've never been invaded or colonized",,, I simply said,, "Because you don't have anything, anyone wants, No oil, No minerals, no natural resources, no manufacturing, no skilled reliable workforce, Nothing anyone want's,, OTHER than pu$3y,, and you have THAT in spades, LOTS of single mothers",, The silence was deafening,,, The look on his face, was epic,, The party of all of us went our own ways pretty much right after that,,,, Considering the vast numbers of Thai women that are single mother's, from a Thai "man" getting them pregnant, and then saying,, "Give "it" to your Mother" and then going on to the next girl, to repeat the process,,, So where their attitude of being , "superior" comes from,, I'll never understand really... Maybe because they've never been colonized or invaded,,,,

  20. 5 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Well filled ATM cards will be fine.

    You will gladly be escorted to a cash dispenser :tongue:

    Nooo,, keep your going out $ in your shoe,,, carry $1000 baht in your wallet with ID,, and no ATM card,,, they like the fact that they've,, "taken all you have".....


  21. Just now, Don Mega said:

    nice story but, nah not even close.

    Yes,, a, "story",,,, I obviously had the ways and means,, to leave a place,, that ONLY looks at me as $$$,,, period,,, I wasn't stuck in a spot, I could barely afford,, and had NO other choice,,,,

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