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Posts posted by Laulen

  1. as long as farangs have no rights in thailand ( unlike thais in UK ) this sort of thing will keep happening.

    as long as farangs have no common sense (I'm not saying this is everyone) in Thailand this sort of thing will keep happening. Everyone has the right to common sense, no matter what the laws are.

    ...that said, the bargirl in question was lacking in common sense as well (assuming that all johns will just bend over)


    So you mean its commons sense that farangs have rights in Thailand??

    I'm saying that a lot of foreigners (from all countries, not just westerners.... although they do seem to be over represented like African Americans in US prisons.... whether the system is set against them or if it's their own natural tendencies is debatable) leave their common sense on the plane. They get themselves into situations that they would NEVER get themselves into at home.


    hey people,

    this is how it works in aussie and the situation is same same but different ( thai proverb)

    man works butt off for 30 years and retires with a big fat superannuation check, a house, car and the handbag (big fat ugly wife who dont like him very much anymore)

    the handbag hangs in there till man retires then tells man shes doing a runner with mans fat superannuation check and the house.

    man wants to kill wife but is to <deleted> scared as he knows he has to spend ten freaking years in the big house.

    man's best mate tells man about pattayaland were lovely, drop dead gorgeous thai spunk monkey

    will love him longtime and all for the good price of ex handbags huge sloppy G string.

    man bolts over to pattayaland , cant believe what he is seeing and then proceeds to go a huge bender shafting as many little thai things that his wallet can handle.

    man then does his nuts and falls in love with one particular little lovely who in his poor demented and twisted mind " REALLY LOVES HIM "

    man has a bit of superannuation left as hand bag has got most of it and is now drinking gin and tonics on the queen mary with his best mate.

    thai girl friend now has a top idea to help make man some money to live off.

    lets buy a bar and a condo and live happily ever after just like the other 6 million other falangs in pattayaland.

    mans mind goes into over drive processing this cracker idea and spends whats left of his lifes work buying bar and condo in girl friends name.

    thai girl gets new boyfriend, man then is really up <deleted> creek with nothing left in his poor sodding life , goes troppo and tops said girl friend.

    man spends rest of life being butt f------d in the big tiger.

    i ponder the following questions

    A is man blind to not see what really goes down in pattayaland or just temporally stunned by light ?

    B is man really stupid or just a bit silly & missguided about real situation in pattayaland ?

    C is man in love or in lust & should have known about thai girls motive ?

    D is thai girl the real reason man is now in big tiger being the new sex toy.

    here's the twist and the money shot people, its got to be the best mates fault for setting up man in the first place as he knew this was going to happen but hes loving life on the queen mary.

    all said and done this situation happens every day in every country and it only makes news when someone gets killed. its becoming quite normal here in aussie with man topping wife and kids as well.

    this has been a great thread with so many opinions being thrown up, ideas talked over, some a bit emotional, a few harsh and some hilarious.

    i think we all have 1 thing in common and that is we are all <deleted> scared it could happen to one of us

    and buddha help us all that it dont but being humans theres not much hope of that as a sucker goes down every minute of the day.

    cheers people and me myself and i will continue to love thailand and having a few clues after 20 years experience with this country will always steer clear of the hookers choosing to associate with the normal day to day thai who tend to be excellent, caring and awesome people.


    What a first class post! It is a pity that Danny Gill had no chance of reading it, before his ill-fated weekend!

    As for Khun Chawee and Mr. Gill, no one comes out well in this, from what one reads. Please, no more sudden violent deaths like this!

  2. Despite the rows, according to reports, she only had his interest and health at heart when persuading Chetwode-Talbot to stop drinking any more.

    He just lacked any sense of self-control, acted on impulse, and paid the ultimate price. He should have a lifetime ban placed on him for any future relationships. Hope he never touches another drop of drink (drugs?) again in his life. He won't if he knows what's good for him!

    As for his girlfriend, she was the victim in this case, and for her we can only say R.I.P.

    So sad!

  3. General Election - Thai style?

    The Thai election is all rather confusing. Is Thailand a nation of two countries? Bangkokians voting for replacing Thaksin (along with those in the South, although for other reasons), and rural Thais voting to keep him in!

    If, as Khun Thaksin proposes, a national government is formed post-election, let us hope that it truly is 'National', and that the long-term interests of Thailand come first, as HM King Bhumipol has consistently advocated throughout his long reign.

  4. The Thai election is all very interesting. Thaksin Shinawatra has, like most leaders, enacted some positive plans and some negative, even damaging plans.

    The upcoming election should be allowed to go ahead, but only after the somewhat 'weakened' Electoral Commission has sorted out the mess caused by opposition parties withdrawing from the registration process. It is a complete 'cop out' for the Constitutional Court to fail in their duty to rule on some of the electoral issues now facing the country.

    If the election goes ahead in its current form, there will be plenty of well-educated Bangkokians who will be deeply unhappy (as will those from the South of Thailand), at the prospect of a further term with Thaksin at the helm.

    Unfortunately, with the exception of the Democrat leader, Abphsit (I believe), few other politicians can truly stand up and be counted for their 'transparency' when it comes to 'familiar political habits' like nepotism, cronyism, bribery, corruption, favouritism and other 'unfair' and 'illegal' activities.

    I continue to watch with interest, and hope that violence, from whatever quarter (recall the 'mentally handicapped' man at the Erawan Shrine, and his lynching?) is avoided at all costs.


  5. good luck to him as it was not a crime of voilence.

    Very stupid and ill-informed comment! Lives would be less expensive when paying for things if people did not persist in these 'get rich quick' scams.

    People do get hurt, and in some cases lose out so much that they have to pay the costs, not the fraudster!

    I for one hope justice is applied to Mr. Duncan, if indeed he did this crime! :o

  6. What concerns me more than some of the observations in this thread is the interference by the leading politician of Thailand in a supposedly independent judicial process BEFORE the judge came to his judgement.

    Prime Minister Thaksin should reserve his comments until after the judgement. As it is, if these two Cambodian (I understand) fisherman receive a lethal injection, then it will be a tainted judgement by the Thai justice system because we will never know exactly what effect the Prime Minister had on the judicial process, in spite of the trial judge's publicised statements.

    As others have said, death would seem the 'easy' way out compared to the lifetime of sadness experienced by Miss Horton's parents, family and friends. Fancy outliving your children! It should never happen!

  7. The perspective from northernmost Thailand: cat bars and hard-core places of ill-repute have all been eradicated, thanks to Thaksin/Purachai - several years ago. As always happens, the 'eradication program' is entirely subjective. Scroched earth policy in some regions (for sure here) and business-as-usual in BKK, Pattaya and tourist-packed regions down south - no doubt because vested interests are have the requisite wealth and connections to maintain. The new edict will result in much the same: shen the smoke clears the little players will get spooked (or worse) and the fatties will nearly die laughing as they roll in their own lard.

    A most perceptive observation! Even so, these so-called 'crackdowns' sound so similar to UK politics, rephrased as the setting up of yet more 'committees, csars' to produce ever more legislation'.

    All designed to impress, with little chance of achieving their stated goals!

  8. :o:D

    Coming from the USA I am amazed at the number of folks who consider Thailand a "violent" country. Try living in a big city in the US, where you wouldn't even consider venturing after dark into certain neighborhoods for fear of your life. Try driving on the roads in L.A. where if you cut someone off in traffic there could be a bullet with your name on it. Try going out into the bar scene where an ill considered comment to a drunken fellow patron will virtually guarantee a fistfight at least, and a knifing or gunplay on occasion.

    I have to say that I feel safer in Thailand than I do back in England. Maybe that's misguided... however from my experiances so long as you respect the culture, speak the language, and be cautios of people who speak excellent English without having had a good education then you should be fairly safe. All the Thai's I have met have been very happy to have a joke and a laugh, even if it's at their expense, so long as you aren't loud and agressive about it.

    Still.... maybe there'll be a post in years to come about how I got stabbed by a Thai girl... I'm not going to spend my whole life worrying about it. At least I will have stabbed in a beautiful warm country with great people and gorgeous food, rather than in the freezing cold English winter by some druggie because I gave him a "funny look"

    Some sense at last! Treat everyone as you would expect them to treat you, but don't take leave of your own cultural values. I have learnt much through the thoughts expressed by so many on this particular thread!

    Laulen :D

  9. Looking for second hand English pocket books in reasonable condition, for small cafe in Chiang Rai. Grateful for all replies, a few or up to 100 books; please give rough idea of type books and quote rock bottom price, and how I get in touch with you.

    I know it may sound stupid, but have you tried looking on eBay?

    Sorry I cannot help you further.

    Good luck in your search.


  10. BTW ........by the way

    IMHO.......in my honest opinion

    rofl..........rolling on floor laughing

    roflmao....rolling on floor laughing my a55 off

    TBG........Thai Bar girl

    BG .........Bar Girl

    NTG........nice thai girl

    TG..........Thai girl

    TM..........Thai Man

    CM..........Chiang Mai

    NBG........non bar girl

    TW.........thai wife

    TH .........Thai husband

    NGO.......Non Goverment organisation

    ECO.......Entry clearance officer....(usually the person who can approve a visa application, mainly in the UK visa topics)

    AFAICS....as far as I can see

    AFAIK......As far as I know

    IMO.......in my opinion

    Really you can make your own up.....if someone doesnt understand you can tell them...they are just used to shorten content and should be understandable by the context of the post. for instance

    IHYCTIEAKYDD.......I hope your chickens turn into emus and kick your dunny down......... :o

    UTMEII......up to my eyes in it.....

    These are not common, actually very uncommon examples.....LOL.....but it gives you an idea....as long as it is context or a regular acronym then it usually is understood....

    If you dont understand it then just ask....

    Can i ask a question?

    I have seen increasing use of 'TIT' in many posts. Now, as my mind wanders, I am stuck as to what it might mean.

    Can you help me please?


  11. well when all is said and done one must realize the type of person they are dealing with - this usually means dealing with people in a sober state - wake up people, never get involved with a bar girl period. Bar girls are in the bars for a reason, and honestly is NOT one of those reasons folks - wake the hel_l UP!

    On the other side of the coin, there are many many MANY FINE BEAUTIFUL KIND SEXY and GOOD thai women that are not in bars but are available to meet and greet and have 'good' fun and relations with.

    These are the ones to know,


    How true 'ssscud'

    Remember also, we are but guests in another country. Do you see many Thai men frequent these bars? Perhaps they know something we don't.

    Hope the Swede recovers his pride and looks elsewhere.

  12. Happy Birthday to:

    His Majesty King Bhumipol Adulyadej

    I thoroughly endorse the sentiments expressed so eloquently by others in this thread.

    I have also had the good fortune of 'meeting' HM and his Queen, although I was too young to remember it! HM and The Queen were on a visit to Oxford, England, and The Queen noticed two identically-dressed boys out in their pram with their mum and dad.

    Apparently they smiled as they drove past!

    To get a better insight into the life of HM, read 'The Revolutionary King' by William Stevenson. A fascinating read.


    House Speaker BHOKIN BALAKULA (โภคิน พลกุล) ordered a sub-committee to conduct a feasibility study on the construction of new parliament buildings.

    Mr. BHOKIN said that a sub-committee has been assigned to study the possibility of land belonging to MAI UT Thai (ไม้อัดไทย) Company in BANG NA (บางนา) District, which has been suggested by Environment and Natural Resources Minister YONGYUT TIYAPAIRAT (ยงยุทธ ติยะไพรัช), to see whether it can be used to construct new parliament buildings. He said that the 200-RAI plot of land is located along the CHAO PRAYA River.

    As for the land owned by the Navy, Mr. BHOKIN said this plot of land is about 140 RAI, which is too small, raising a need for the government to take land back from the people. As for the land owned by the Thai Melon Company in RANGSIT, Mr. BHOKIN said that there are possible environmental impacts as the area is located close to many industrial factories, making it difficult for city planning.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 16 November 2005

    I hope that any building plans for the new parliament buildings are thrown open to an international competition for architects, have a 'green' energy audit to take advantage of the solar energy sources so readily available in Thailand, and that the winning design reflects something from EVERY region and ethnic Thai community, so that citizens will truly feel that is is their democratic forum.

    Can Mr. Thaksin be that magnanimous, or will he just use it to curry favours from well-placed business friends? Perhaps HM The King could gently suggest a design based on his wide experience of environmental issues; a lasting legacy to His people?

    Fingers crossed!


  14. Well, well, well!

    Another controversial topic. As an earlier post said, constructive criticism, open government, and a degree of responsibility for the views you express might have a much greater benefit than any emotional outburst.

    As usual, take a lesson from local Thais, unconnected to powerful leaders; actions of kindness (including a smile) speak louder than words for most Thais, especially if expressed in a language other than Thai or the Issan dialect!




    A 10-year-old boy in NAKHON SI THAMMARAT (นครศรีธรรมราช) died from dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) this morning.

    According to the investigation, the 10-year-old boy named WONGSAKORN MANISUWAN (วงศกร มณีสุวรรณ) lived in THUNGSONG (ทุ่งสง) District, and he was initially admitted THUNGSONG Hospital. Later, he was sent to MAHARAJ NAKHON SI THAMMARAT (มหาราชนครศรีธรรมราช) Hospital on November 13th. The medical team closely took care of the patient due to his abnormalities. However, the boy suffered from DHF and died this morning.

    The DHF cases in NAKHON SI THAMMARAT Province are quite high. The province ranks first in the outbreak of this disease. The outbreak has been found in THUNGSONG and NA BON (นาบอน) Districts even though public health officials have continuously sprayed insecticides to destroy the mosquitoes. Therefore, related agencies and the general public should help each other to destroy common house mosquitoes. 

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 16 November 2005

    How terribly sad, especially for his family. May he rest in peace. I would be just as devasted if my 8-year-old stepson came down with such a devastating disease.


  16. So, what would you like your friendly British Embassy official to do for you?


    The Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, today launched the consultation on the Foreign Office's Comprehensive Guide To Support for British Nationals Abroad. In line with Government manifesto commitments before the last General Election, the Guide pulls together for the first time into one document details of what the Foreign Office can - and can't – do for British nationals in difficulty overseas.

    A draft of the Guide is being made available to key stakeholders, including parliamentarians, representatives from the travel and insurance industries, non-governmental organisations, departments across government and organisations with whom we work to deliver consular assistance, prior to a consultation event on the 27th October.

    In a statement to the House of Commons today, Jack Straw said:

    'There is no more important task for the Foreign Office than our work to support British nationals in distress overseas. By consulting our stakeholders before the formal launch of this document, we hope to achieve two main objectives: to ensure that we present this guide to our consular assistance in the best way possible, and to foster a wider debate on the questions underlying our services.'

    Consular Minister Lord Triesman added:

    'Delivering effective support to British people in distress abroad is a task for the whole of Government - from the Foreign Office through our network of posts and staff in London, to the work which Tessa Jowell is leading on support for families of victims of catastrophes abroad once they return to the UK. We're determined to get this right, and we hope that this consultation will enable us to do so.'

    Notes to editors

    To obtain a copy of the draft Guide, please email [email protected], or call 020 7008 1213.

    British people now make some 65 million overseas trips a year, and some 13 million British national live overseas.

    British consular staff now deal with 3.5 million enquiries and some 85,000 new cases requiring more acute support every year.

    Over the last year, cases dealt with included 4,200 British nationals hospitalised overseas; 3,900 deaths; around 150 cases of child abduction and 250 of forced marriage; and support for almost 6,000 British detainees.

    FCO Posts overseas issued 450,000 full British passports every year, plus 11, emergency passports.

    The FCO issues Travel Advice notices on 217 countries and territories: our travel advice website receives 400,000 visitors a month. Our call centre receives 8,000 calls every month, with flexible arrangements in place to increase capacity to deal with major crises.


  17. Well, does this mean yet more bureaucratic costs and 'jobs for the favoured ones'?

    What is the purpose of yet another tier of government in what would appear to be a very small area of the country?

    Back in the UK they are busy trying to create unitary authorities from the old two, and even three tier systems of local government (2 tier - city council + county council; 3 tier - parish council (village) + district council + county council)! The idea, so proponents say, is that it creates greater accountability if there is only one authority controlling and running services!

    No doubt Mr. T has his reasons, political or otherwise!


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