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  1. Taiwan for a lovely educated English speaking girl.
  2. totally agree a friend living at Laguna will often now not go to Cherngtalay at night as it can be an hours drive for 2-3km
  3. Thanks, replies and info really appreciated
  4. Hi ,is there a decent road bike rental shop in Jomtien ?. Also is there a cycling route where I have lesser chance of being wiped out ? Thanks
  5. First, thank you all for the very helpful replies. Kinyara,I,ll send you a pm. thanks
  6. I want to purchase a decent set of used LH Golf clubs in the Jomtien/Pattaya area rather than cart my current clubs from England. Obviously if it was for RH clubs not an issue ( I am the one in ten). Thanks in advance for help.
  7. Just returning to this, obviously there will be a lot of excitement as its peak peak season. I see lots of apartments ,being marketed at crazy inflated prices. So, come to May time will a middle of the road condo return to c 20,000 baht sqm. Appreciate your views.
  8. well maybe if they are upscale, from my humble research older builds ,maybe without sea view, around 25000 baht sq m.
  9. well maybe if they are upscale, from my humble research older builds ,maybe without sea view, around 25000 baht sq m.
  10. because they are all stuck in traffic gridlock throughout the Island
  11. yes ;come down in time; from the beautiful album Tumbleweed Connection

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