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About Galong

  • Birthday 10/17/1955

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  1. Harris was a prosecutor. Try again. If you're going to make stuff up, at least look stuff up first. I know reading is only for elitists, but it does help you look at least somewhat like you know what you're talking about. 🤐 Trump said "go down there and fight like hell or tomorrow you won't have a country". You're right, that's not a riot, that an attempted overthrow of the properly conducted democratic process. And NO, after all of the REAL lawyers and authorities did their research, there was no conspiracy. Trump lost and you lost your mind.
  2. This is a non-story that shouldn't even be published. All this clown wants is air time and the media gives it to him. Trump and his followers have made it embarrassing to be an American. Hopefully, he'll lose and the former DA, Kamala Harris, will do the right thing and put a functional AG in place to go after Trump's many crimes, starting with trying to overthrow the government! We all heard him say, "Go down there and fight like hell or tomorrow we won't have a country". We all saw him do NOTHING to stop it, and then blame Pelosi for not stopping it. Trump is a joke. If you're still a fan of Trump, get a brain scan, please.
  3. Yes, dregs is an accurate word as I can use here without it getting blocked. Prior to his election he had the bus rant about grabbing women, yet the dregs still voted for him. Prior to his election he made fun of a physically handicapped person, yet his minions still voted for him. He was unfit for that office, but he was a womanizing racists, so like-minded dregs voted for him, period. There was a war in Afghanistan going on during King Donald's reign. He did nothing about that. He left that to Biden to sort out then talked smack about it, which is typical of the irresponsible childish wannabe dictator. Maybe he was simply too busy playing golf to get us out of the war. 🤔
  4. Utter nonsense with no foundation in historical reference or facts on which to make this assumption. This is just typical misogyny-based drivel. The president does not, in a real-life situation, have the final say on something so life-threatening. She would be more responsible than Biden in my opinion and definitely more responsible than the perpetually self-aggrandizing lunatic.
  5. Do you really want the country to be led by twice impeached convicted felon whose only talents are lying, cheating, stealing, borrowing money, and making up stories of his accomplishments? [rhetorical question] Trump couldn't even manage a casino. 🤦‍♂️ Your megalomaniacal makeup-wearing clown will destroy the US economy and status. Other than Putin, some other dictators, and the dregs of US society, no one else in the world thinks Trump is anything other than a joke. If he wins, the world loses.
  6. We all know who ordered the planned massacre. Let's see if he takes the fall or, more likely, someone else gets nailed for it. It was completely avoidable. I remember it well.
  7. Only I can save the world! This is a textbook case of Messiah Complex. His minions are too gullible to know they're boarding a ship bound for the destruction of the country... and beyond. It's like Monty Python's "Life of Brian" being played out in real life. "It's a sign from God!" ... "No it's not, it's a bloody shoe!" ... "Follow the shoe!"
  8. If they're after a consistency award, they deserve it. Every single idea has been harmful, laughable, unworkable, unenforceable, or a repeat of something that's been tried time and again.
  9. Yeah, it seems like everything is getting more challenging than easy and straightforward these days, especially for expats. I used Fax Plus a few years ago. It was free and I don't recall giving personal info out. That might have changed. I've got a mini post office near me that has a fax machine. I'm not sure if rural areas would have the option, but I'd guess that some research might reveal someone with one in your town. Good luck.
  10. Airmail with tracking is what I do. EMS is not faster and costs a lot more. I sent my 'proof of life' document and the post office said 7 - 10 days. It arrived within 10 days.
  11. There are a few Fax software programs whereby you scan your document and 'fax' it to a fax machine on the other end.
  12. “This may affect the state’s attempts to encourage foreign firms to invest in Thailand as electricity prices are set to increase, eventually driving up their operating costs.” I see NOTHING appealing about investing in Thailand. The unelected government has yet to give the full details on how they're going to ream us over with taxes. They're full of ideas and most are bad. Why would anyone in their right mind trust the current administration?
  13. HINT: if you want more business, have a better product and competent staff. I fly Air Asia all the time and like it, but they do screw up from time to time. 3 months ago they changed a flight to two hours earlier, so I missed it. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
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