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Posts posted by LM09

  1. I can confirm that you do in fact only get those 2 texts: we got the text telling us to come pick up the passport today!!! Woohoo!!! :jap:

    No idea what the result is, will find out tomorrow!:jap:

    Waiting times from completed applications:

    13 Jan, Feb 14, 4 weeks and 4 days, johnrushton1982, unsuccessful

    14 Feb, Mar 17, 4 weeks and 3 days to date LM09, ????

    Still waiting:

    17 Feb, waiting 4 weeks to date, kwon

    22 Feb, waiting 3 weeks and 2 days to date, thecatman

    15 Mar, waiting 2 days tigerjohn

    Hopefully not much longer for kwon and thecatman. Here's hoping for a decision soon that says YES! B)

    Anyone else apply recently?

  2. Yes and have only received the same text you did so far. I think you just get one to say it's gone to the embassy and one to say it's ready for collection - with no indication of approval/rejection which would be really handy. There's also the application tracking facility on VFS website but that doesn't say any more than the texts.

    That seems to be the case for settlement though I did see thread where someone got a processing text for a visit visa.

  3. Well done Bigboybennett! Can I ask what the initial refusal was for and how you managed to overturn it?

    Ive just had to move my wife's return flight back a week to 26th and really hoping we'll get it in time for that.

    Hey, did you get SMS service? We did and we only ever received a text that our app was sent to the British Embassy. I was curious if you got anything more that? Anyone else?:blink:

  4. Congratulations bigboybennett! That's FANTASTIC!!!:D

    How on earth did your appeal go through so quick? I thought that took up to a year?

    Waiting times as of today:

    14 Feb, waiting 4 week and 2 days to date LM09

    17 Feb, waiting 3 week and 6 days to date, kwon

    22 Feb, waiting 3 weeks 1 day to date, thecatman

    15 Mar, waiting 1 day tigerjohn

    Looks like a lady on LadyInter who applied on Feb 11th got hers this week. Perhaps kwon or I will hear in the next week? Here's hoping!!! :jap:

  5. would like to bring her brother over to be a nanny cheesy.gif

    I know taff, :lol::lol:,

    christ, l thought l had read everything but this takes the biscuit.

    OP, when he comes over get a DNA test done, just for peace of mind eh. :rolleyes:

    I understand how easy it is to be dubious of certain situations but I hope you're all wrong. Perhaps they thought this was the easiet way to bring him over? From what I know US immigration isn't cheap or easy. Trying to immigrate over there without marrying a USC is like trying to win the lottery I hear! :(

    Do you want him to come for a short time or forever? If you really wanted a nanny then it would be cheaper and easier to hire locally. If he has a legit job offer it would be easier for him to come over but I'm not so sure the nanny thing will fly. And even then, it wouldn't be perm.

    Is you wife a USC citizen or just a perm resident? I thought USC citizens could get family visas for family to come over? :)

  6. <br />
    <br />I heard from johnrushton1982.   13 Jan, Feb 14, 4 weeks and 4 days, johnrushton1982, unsuccessful  Waiting times as of today: 14 Feb, waiting 3 weeks to date, LM09 17 Feb, waiting 2 weeks and 4 days to date, kwon 22 Feb, waiting 1 week and 6 days to date, thecatman   It appears Jan was a month for quick responses, here's hoping for Feb app responses soon.<br />
    <br /><br />looking at other forums current waiting time is approximately 5wks, my wife looks on ladyinter and someone on there put in jan 31st and just got back today so waiting times could be starting to creep up again as last year, i hope not cos i am due to put in for stepsons end of this wk beginning next, will let you know when app goes in,<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    5 weeks? Not bad! Looks like kwon and I will be getting answers soonish if the trend continues. Here's hoping! :D

    Not sure why the formatting on my last post was so wonky. ???

  7. I heard from johnrushton1982. 13 Jan, Feb 14, 4 weeks and 4 days, johnrushton1982, unsuccessful Waiting times as of today: 14 Feb, waiting 3 weeks to date, LM09 17 Feb, waiting 2 weeks and 4 days to date, kwon 22 Feb, waiting 1 week and 6 days to date, thecatman It appears Jan was a month for quick responses, here's hoping for Feb app responses soon.

  8. Things will be a little slow in this thread until more TV posters come to join us. Until then, an update on wait times as I won't be around to post for the next couple of days.

    Waiting times as of today:

    13 Jan, waiting 6 weeks and 3 days to date, johnrushton1982

    14 Feb, waiting 1 week and 6 days to date, LM09

    17 Feb, waiting 1 week and 3 days to date, kwon

    22 Feb, waiting 5 days to date, thecatman

    ETA: January times are posted. 94% of settlement visas were processed in 30 days. Johnrushton1982 seems to have been waiting longer than normal at this point. Perhaps he forgot due the excitement of a reply? :D

  9. Returning on an expired Thai passport is no problem. Her problem is with the airline (proof of identity and buying the ticket) and Japanese Immigration.

    Getting a new Thai passport will take a few weeks I believe.

    Japanese immigration: http://www.immi-moj....lish/index.html

    lists the procedure:


    Well that's hopeful! :D

    Also, flying isn't her only option. She could leave by boat. Not as quick but possibly less headaches if you have the time.

  10. Welcome thecatman!

    Waiting as of today:

    13 Jan, waiting 5 weeks and 5 days to date, johnrushton1982

    14 Feb, waiting 1 week and 1 day to date, LM09

    17 Feb, waiting 5 days to date, kwon

    22 Feb, waiting 1 day to date, thecatman

    I know there's a few others out there. Here's hoping it's sooner than later for everyone!

    Sorry. Not sure why my last post came out so weird, so here is again.

  11. <br />They won't get away with a direct cap on the family route but could well raise the bar.<br /><br />Do you have any further detail on charging for appeals? Does this include Administrative Reviews? Where did you get this information?<br /><br />I wouldn't be surprised to see the UK Coalition push as close to a cap as possible; successive UK governments have a history of testing the breaking point of HR legislation.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    I have it from a very reliable source who wishes to remain anonymous. Will see if I can link to something about charging for appeals, this came up a while ago I believe.

  12. Perhaps try the gaijinpot forum? http://forum.gaijinpot.com/ My brother in Japan says it's quite helpful.

    Not sure anyone here would have experience with that! She definitely won't be able to board a plane without her passport. How on earth was she able to stay so long? She certainly didn't a visa, was she there against her will? If so there are groups that help in those instances, will get you more info if you need it.

    If she overstayed knowingly and wasn't kept there against her will...it's quite a bit trickier isn't it? Has she spoken to her embassy yet? How long ago did her passport expire?

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