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About loong

  • Birthday 02/28/1956

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    Khon Kaen

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  1. A very much weakened position as he was killed 3 months ago!
  2. I can only hope that Hezbollah will continue to lose their grip on Lebanon.
  3. I was not trying to deflect anything. I did not bring white people into the equation but the post that I was replying to did. it said Which I was disputing. If you had read my post more carefully, you would have realised. I am firmly against the Islamic grooming gangs of rapists and pedophiles!
  4. Why is it in reports nowadays that people that used to be described as Middle-Eastern/Islamic are described as Asian? Roughly 25% of Russians live in Asia, but I don't believe that I have ever seen a Russian in a report described as Asian.
  5. Are they? The crimes referred to here are committed by gangs, gangs by definition are not individuals! I wonder if the number of this type of crime that is committed by whites is consistent with the proportion of whites in the population.
  6. Can you translate this to English please.
  7. I've got a suggestion there. How about carrying out all investigations and prosecutions for all grooming and rapist gangs exactly the same. No matter what colour or ethnicity or religion.
  8. I don't understand the headline. What does the buyer claw back?
  9. An increase in tax on energy at the same time as removing pensioners' winter fuel allowance!
  10. Why would she believe that someone from the Austrian embassy would be recruiting people to work in Israel?
  11. If the grooming gangs were white, you would see a lot more action!
  12. It was fortunate that he was able to identify it as a bomb.
  13. Why is there any need to label generations and who decides on those labels? When people talk about generation ?? I have no idea who they are referring to and I cannot be bothered to find out.
  14. It is funny how these news media outlets choose to describe people as 'Asian' where they would once have used 'Middle Eastern'. I can only imagine that it is because 'Middle Eastern' suggests Muslim to most people' It is ironic that a report about errors contains errors. The event occurred in October 2023, not 2022! There were no Israeli soldiers in Gaza in March 2023, so this must have been March 2024.
  15. I challenge those who deny any connection between the immigrants and rise in crime to name a single country that welcomes Muslim immigrants that has not experience increase in crime. Especially rape, grooming and rape of children, and other violent crimes.

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