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Posts posted by Acemaker

  1. Happy Days!!!

    The scum are being captured every other week now.............these people are the scum of the earth and they should be locked up for taking advantage of the vulnerable.

    Big like to the Thai authorities for addressing this problem, I hope these useless robbing vermin get years in jail. Scum.

    Ha ha ha. I knew it wouldn't be long.

    Why don't you say 'scum' just one more time, come on, you know you want to!

    Hmm, touched a raw nerve did we ? ok, how about Scumbags , Scumbags, robbing from little old Ladies Scumbags !

  2. This is terrible, 12 pages in we don't know anything. I read back a bunch but not all of it.

    My initial feelings were some kind of liberal use of poisons to combat rats/insects that the girls somehow ingested, impossible to say of course and just speculation.

    Reading all that magic mushroom stuff from a few pages back I can understand a guide giving them to travelers as that's the kind of thing travelers want. I remember being up in the North of Laos many years back and near enough everyone there just wanted a hit on the pipe in the hills.

    I assume Mellow Mountain is still open in Haad Rin down South, they used to do Mushroom Shakes so this stuff happens but they do it all the time, I assume nothing untoward happening in Haad Rin full moon after full moon related to mushroom shakes.

    Why on earth would people put ground up mossie coils in the shake to pass it off as shrooms? I mean the dangers of that, no one wants their customers falling ill, surely you'd put something else in or nothing and tell people that was a bad batch. I just struggle with the ground up mossie coil thing, seems bizaare

    shrooms , is that a Yiddish word ? smile.png

  3. Would have better for all for her to have entered on her Brit passport or better still not entered at all. Feel sorry for good guys like Larry Cunningham, who have enough on their plate helping people with real problems, Instead of being obligated, by being a real Aussie, and helping Bogan scum such as this. No help to the the police involved who are trying to solve real crimes either

    Accusing 3 men of rape is not a small deal. Should have been given 15 months and let the word spread back home.

    You are quite correct Larry is an absolutely wonderful ambassador for Australia, works tirelessly and this must have caused him immense embarrassment.

    I would have pressed for compo for the accused men also...

    Hmmm, he lost face,let's hope he recovers....lol...I'm being ironic of course....the job is to assist where possible and i am sure he did that to his full capacity,bloody low blow coming from one of his own... sad.png

    This is not I feel a low blow from one of his own, if I can read between the lines it is from a Brit pretending to be a real Aussie, makes it even worse. Pretending to be a real Bogan and doing an excellent job. Makes the bar mat blonde haired bimbo look like an amateur. Larry is built of solid stuff, I don't think it will get to him throwing in the towel, just commenting he doesn't need shit like this.

    I have never ever met a Brit who would want to be a real Aussie, dont be so insulting ! laugh.png

  4. But this is perfectly acceptable.

    I have never been in a country that displays the British Flag as much as This one on the Arse of their Jeans,Handbags, Motorbikes,Luggage their Purses etc, etc, i am not particularly patriotic believe me but even i get offended sometimes when i see this blatant disrespect of the British Flag, and there complaining about Lady GOOGOO displaying their flag in an offensive manner ! The fact the Thai Government must of made a small fortune from this concert not to mention the amount of T money that must of been backhanded in order for it to take place, now the cash is safely tucked away lets drum up some patriotic BS !

  5. It's hard to see why the "foreign 'boyfriend'" bit has any business in an article about the vicious murder of a local seamstress.

    It's called background information. Most times people are shot assaulted killed, etc, the report usually mentions if they are married, have children, etc. So maybe nothing to do with why she got shot, but still interesting. That she was a seamstress probably has nothing to do with the shooting either, so why don't you also complain about that.

    Stop being so critical about a simple crime report. Or offer your services and do a better write-up. Too many on here are quick to criticize others but don't actually contribute anything themselves.

    Much worse happens back in the UK. A week or so ago a man and woman were charge with an arson attack that killed 6 of their own children. And a few year ago another woman kidnapped and drugged her own daughter. I've also read about plenty of horror stories from the US. And how about that Austrian guy keeping his daughter locked up and raping her for years on end. Or that German cannibal? I think some of you don't really know what goes on in your home countries.

    BITCH ! cheesy.gif

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  6. I do not disagree with the above comments as to how low these individuals are on the evolutionary scale, but come on!!! People get into these scams because they want to make easy money NOW. They let their own greed dupe them into believing the scammer. It is a shame that someone had to lose his life as a result of this scam, but sooner or later one has to believe what we have always been told: "If it sounds too good to be true, it is".

    How noble of you to point out vulnerable peoples frailties, "If it sounds too good to be true, it is". BLAH, BLAH , BLAH ! Some people are desperate ! of course nobody ever heard of a FAT CAT Banker wanting to make easy money or Wall Street Trader betting other peoples money on the Forex market, or Stocks, thats ok i suppose in your eyes, then expecting the Tax Payer to bail them out ! Get Real.

  7. As he came out he saw 2 or 3 men got off the car and one of them spoke Thai language

    The plot thickens. Now there are 2 more men involved and one of them speaks Thai. Who are these guys? blink.png

    And who is Mr. Thong? sad.png

    Mr. Tong is a gay celeberty in Udon with his bar near the Market/Mall. A fun place i think because it's not a boring club with standing tables only, some times very nice music and a mix of people

    And its also full of Hookers and Ladyboys !

  8. There's stupid and there's stupid...just don't get it...why???? Of all the crazy things you could do with your life about the last thing you want to do is sell drugs in Thailand.......poor b****** won't know what's hit him.

    One consolation is he won't go insane in a Thai jail........he cant he's obviously already insane.

    I think exactly the same thing...why do this?? If you are desperate just go home and become a mini cab driveror something....makes no sense...

    Are you saying Mini Cabbing is not an honourable Profession, how dare you ! ohmy.png

  9. Strange... there are several farang suicides(and suspicious deaths) every month in Thailand but I've never seen the girlfriend "detained"...

    Looks like he will be "stitched up" as Ratcatcher suggested, particularly if its Pattaya police involved...

    But if he did throw her off, Im sure he'll get his punishment at the Bangkok Hilton.

    Either way hope she recovers, surviving 7 floors is incredible.

    C'mon ... it's a little bit harder to believe that a small Thai woman can toss a farang guy off a balcony rather than the other way around. Sure, knock yourself out blaring about how things are biased against farangs in LOS, but keep it real pls.

    But believing that a Farang got so upset when his Thai BG decided to split up with him (after he barfined her for a couple of weeks), that the only thing he could think of was tossing her off the balcony? That we should believe?

    Applying Occam's razor to this mystery tells me that the Brit's been longtiming this girl for a couple of weeks (making her his GF...), went out to shoot some pool and have a couple of drinks, during which he eyed down this other BG. His TGF got pissed off and ruined the evening and he decided they'd go home and get it on instead. However, in normal TGF fashion she couldn't let the thing go and continued to argue and eventually he told her to get the <deleted>** out of his hotel room, that he didn't want to see her ever again, causing her to make the fatal leap from the balcony. Case closed.

    Now where do I send the invoice for solving this....?

    Oh, and by the way - I certainly hope the girl makes a full recovery. Chok dee.



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