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Posts posted by HeavyDrinker

  1. Get a few cans of a good mozzie killer, bung the kids or pets out of the way if you have any, then spray through the house from top to bottom, blitz the house, spray in every nook and cranny. They like to hide in dark places like behind cupboards wardrobes etc. Then bugger off out for a few pints and some grub et voila.

    Be careful near food, delicate materials etc.

  2. Indian smuggler paid for by a Nigerian. It is driving me crazy on my visas here, what category do the Nigerians fall in? Please clean them all out.

    Not all Nigerians are criminals you know.

    To use the phrase "Clear them all out" at best represents an unfortunate state of thinking.

    And that is a charitable, benefit of doubt, assessment of the phrase.

    Really, Well if you have been to Sukhumvit Road between 3 and 15 you will understand.

    More so, speak to many of the Thais who work and live in that area. Ask why so many places have signs ''No Africa Man'' or similar, especially in Freak Alley (That weird place between Soi 5 and Soi 7).

    One chap I was chatting to the other week took a dolly from the Beergarden and was then shaken down by two African lads claiming the girl was one of 'their' girls and if he didn't pay them a fee, things could get unpleasant. This sort of thing doesn't endear them to the working lasses in that area.

    I wonder if those making outraged comments realise that they are a cog in the global drugs network. The drugs, had they have got through the airport would have found it's way to them in Lwr Suk, then off elsewhere with some other unfortunate mule.

    I doubt the African community there are teachers or in the Diplomatic service of their home nations. Can you think of any other trade which could surreptitiously support such a large community? They can't all be living off the earnings from the handful of African hookers in that area.

    Every now and again the authorities have a 'clear out' and numbers drop drastically. One night a few months ago while walking down a back alley towards Soi 5 there were officers stopping people for ID. Being a law abiding chap I took my place in a short queue behind one officer. I was then waved me away by another giggling officer who told me "Thank you sir, no Farangs, only Africaaaaaaaa or ALab man...."

  3. Many of you are missing the point we "Puritans" got riled about here. Maybe try reading through the whole thread Robert before calling others 'delusional'. I know reading 11 or so pages is difficult for people of limited intelligence and attention.

    The point is that namely: the Tantric "Master" is labouring under the savage delusion that the girls would prefer a good tantric seeing to from some flabby reeking old hack after a few words of stuttering halting bar girl Thai rather than be paid in hard cash for their labours.

    Looks like he's made enough from his ludicrous books too keep himself in masturbation.

  4. I think that this one has lost the plot, what is it about ?

    It was about boring stuff but then we moved on to farting so it may get good....

    I once got thrown out of a massage shop for letting fly but she was sat on my back at the time doing my shoulders. She nearly jumped out of her skin...I didn't stop laughing about it for a week....in fact I'm laughing about it now and still banned from the shop but as it's in Pattaya it's no big deal....

    • Like 1
  5. Who cares? I'm on a nice package here but am still an incorrigible slob who prefers sitting around in his undies and watching the wife's botty as she cleans up.

    HD's idea of a nice package =

    3 hours per month at the office. Just enuf time to check out new female staff members & log on to his favourite farters forum. Condo, company car, 500 baht and unlimited supply of Chang beer and wet wipes (for cleaning up wet farts). Ohh and the all important Visa and associated paperwork.

    I have to do 8 days a month at the office but as they moved to 10 minutes away it's no biggie.

    Gentlemen don't do wet farts, one "emits fartrogen pooxide"...

    • Like 1
  6. Get a life weirdo. If you want a classy bird then get your sorry little ass to Nana Plaza or Soi Cowboy. 7/11 birds are used goods and worn out.

    The lil squirter at my 7/11 is absolutely gorgeous and would make for a fantastic addition to my marital work bench, sadly the missus tell me she is not a lesbian so am trying to come up with a work around for this.

    Spoon, tell the wife it's one of her long lost relations been sent down from the farm....

  7. Many happy returns for yesterday Elgordo.

    You miss the point however. Old fool thinks the girls prefer loving over hard cash.....he can write all the drivel he likes but nothing will change the fact that he's a delusion old buffoon.

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