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Posts posted by fritter1970

  1. The missus comes from a village in Lampung.

    She spent a few weeks there this year before and during Songkran.

    After Songkran a lot of people return to their cities of employment.

    Even the missus went nuts after that. Far too quiet and back to Chiang Mai she comes.

    She also said it is impossible to sleep in as the village kicks off at 5am as everyone starts working early on the various farms.

    I think that mother should come and live with you.... and if she has other family members in the village offer to pay the 5 baht it costs on a local bus to get to whatever city you are currently living in!

    Good luck.....

  2. It is a good guess they had seen this guy before or had gone home with someone just like him and learned their lesson. ;)

    I love the "regular bar with regular workers" line. Thai women who hangout in any kind of bar are a definite subgroup of the general population and not the norm.

    You have a good point. The bar I am talking about tends to employ women who are single mothers. Do you think that rather than trying to earn an "honest living" (ie. to work in a bar rather than be a prostitute) they are really fishing for a big fish (ie. farang with money to look after her and her child?)

  3. Women all over the world have similar attraction patterns. It is genetically programmed, with small cultural variations.

    Maybe he wasn't really Alpha, but just loud mouthed? The Thai girls may have realized it, but the Western girls were impressed?

    Yes, Western women are unable to recognise loud-mouthed Western idiots, even though they've grown up with them :whistling:. Whereas the Thai women recognised his 'type' immediately, even though they haven't grown up with them....

    The OP joined TV recently. Sounds like a troll to me.

    I am new to Thaivisa. Just wondering, what the hell is a "troll" ?

  4. Well if the Western girls took a fancy in him the Thai girls realized he wont be needing of their services.

    A fair point except that the English girls turned up a fairly long time AFTER his attempted domination of the Thai ladies and their display of a level of "turn off" toward the guy

  5. The other night I was at a bar in Chiang Mai. Just to explain, it was not a girly bar but a regular bar with regular workers. Anyway, an English guy turns up and sits at the bar. He was your typical Alpha male. A legend in his own lunch box. And he had no problem letting everyone know it.

    After some time I noticed an interesting outcome to this situation. A couple of English girls who were drinking at the bar took a definite interest in the guy and his bravado. But the Thai girls who he was also trying to "conquer" appeared to almost be turned off by the guy and had absolutely no interest in him whatsoever.

    I am wondering if any long-term expats can shed any light on this scenario.

    Does it highlight that what Thai women like in a man is totally different to what western women like?

    Do Thai women see through such a "man" and how he likely is lacking in jai dee? Is it jai dee that Thai woman find attractive in a man?

    I look forward to your input....

  6. That's not a bad way to do it ..... If my dentist left Grace that is one circumstance under which I would also leave ...... I am curious, what is the name of your dentist? I might give her a try...

  7. I have an idea but wonder if it could work.

    Here it goes.

    I love Range Rovers but would never buy one in Thailand because of the massive price charged to buy one.

    I also would never ship one to Thailand because I have heard too many horror stories of dealing with customs etc.

    What about shipping one to Malaysia then driving it up to Thailand? My understanding is that a car can be shipped into Malaysia with minimal penalty if done correctly. Would it be possible to drive it to one's desired city in Thailand then "arrange" to get it registered there?

  8. I have an idea but wonder if it could work.

    Here it goes.

    I love Range Rovers but would never buy one in Thailand because of the massive price charged to buy one.

    I also would never ship one to Thailand because I have heard too many horror stories of dealing with customs etc.

    What about shipping one to Malaysia then driving it up to Thailand? My understanding is that a car can be shipped into Malaysia with minimal penalty if done correctly (e.g. "I am only keeping it in Malaysia for 6 months then it will be going back home"). Would it be possible to drive it to one's desired city in Thailand then get it registered on the cheap if one were to kick a few baht into the back pocket of a local official?

  9. I love the Thai people but I have to admit that I have often dreaded the thought of how the meat I eat arrived at my plate.

    I remember some years ago there were some farang protesting in Bangkok about the treatment of such animals. When they interviewed the Thais about the protest they were utterly confused and said things like, "I do not understand why these farang are protesting for the rights of stupid animals?"

    Unfortunately there seems to be a huge gulf between the thoughts of most farang and most Thais on this issue.

    I just hope that as countries such as Thailand get wealthier such abusive practices get rarer.

  10. I use Grace Dental. A little more expensive by Thai standards (embarrasingly cheap by Farang standards) but I look at it this way - you only get one set of teeth so it is better to pay a little more and be assured of quality.

    "(embarrasingly cheap by Farang standards)"...I've seen a couple of TV members post comments like this about this place and I totally disagree. I don't know where some of you people go for dental care in the USA but I used to go to good Dentists in Los Angeles that were less expensive than the above mentioned dental clinic. There are many other quality practitioners in C.M. offering much more reasonable treatment.

    I went there when I first moved here - good but not great...

    After a year here I would say they are embarrassingly expensive for Chiang Mai...

    I now go to Elite Smile - at Pantip

    I can not see how a 40 minute teeth cleaning by a periodontist who is a university professor for 1200 baht ($40) is embarrassingly expensive? I have friends who remind me they only pay 600 baht at other dentists but then advise me they were in and out in 10 minutes and felt their teeth were not properly cleaned...... Sorry to say but the truth is it is not possible to get a dentist to give even a quick teeth cleaning in Los Angeles for less than $100.....

  11. The thing I love most about Chiang Mai is how laid back most of the people are. This is because I am lazy myself! Because of this relaxed culture I have, over time, learned to truly enjoy the simple things in life - sleeping, eating, having a beer, watching TV, and developing a sanuk view of the world!

  12. I use Grace Dental. A little more expensive by Thai standards (embarrasingly cheap by Farang standards) but I look at it this way - you only get one set of teeth so it is better to pay a little more and be assured of quality.

  13. I live in Chiang Mai for much of the year and notice myself falling into a nasty habit after I have been there for a while. What is that habit? I start speaking English the same way my Thai friends speak English! I do this moreso after having a few beers and when I catch myself I think to myself "why are you talking like that?!?!!!"

    Does anyone else ever catch themselves doing this?

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